Can't Clone


Active Member
So I've started growing recently (about 4 months ago). I have an indoor grow-cab perfect for vegging/cloning/weak flowering (during summer) and i have a greenroom out back facing east and slightly south that i use for real flowering. Everything is going smooth and i have a pretty decent green thumb apparently.

The problem is that i cannot seem to clone. I've tried using both vermiculite and rockwool in a dome in a veg area with 2 20 watt 2" tubes. I've tried over 50 different cuttings across over 7 different plants ranging from sativas to indicas. I've tried an 18hr cycle and a 24hr cycle. I've tried not misting as well as heavy misting and some in between. I've only tried 1 rooting product though. Rootone. My dome stays at around 75-80 degrees. Ive tried both distilled water and water straight out of the goldfish pond in my greenroom. Hell i've even taken cuttings and stood them up IN the pond just to see but my turtle ate half of them.

I'm really at a loss of what to do. I've google'd cloning 100 times and tried all the scarification technique's and i have yet to succeed in cloning a single plant. HELP!

Ok i just went out back to water them for the day and saw the fish going for the clones* like bunch of rabid piranha so i probably shouldn't try that anymore.


Well-Known Member
Dunno what you are doing wrong mate. I take my cuttings, always soft growing tips, dip them into rooting powder, then stick them straight into a pot with soil, put all the pots into a propogator. Stick them under 24 hr lighting, mist twice a day, and hey presto. Rooted cuttings in 2 wks.


Well-Known Member
Clipping should have several nodes.
Cut a clean 45 degree angle.
Clip the big fan leaves in half.
Get them from the plant to the water ASAP.
Basically only the tip should be in water, the rest of the stem needs oxygen/air exposure to excite root growth.
About 1 or 2 inches above the water the stem should be kept moist, but not under water.

I use regular tap water and I don't use any rooting product, and I just leave them at room temperature.

I cut squares out of egg crate foam(pre-soaked), and put the cutting in that(kind of like a neoprene puck, I slice it half-way through), then put that in a opaque cup or container. Something small and clean(sanitized/sterile would be best), a coffee cup, yogurt container, something 4-8 oz. Just a tiny bit of water in the bottom of the cup(just enough for the tip of the stem). The foam supports the stem and leaves an air gap beneath the foam as well. It should keep the stem very moist and shaded. The roots will grow above the water fastest(air gap is important while tip must be submerged), and possibly have roots grow into the foam depending on how you situate it(it not a big deal if you tear some roots off if they do this). You'll likely see roots in 7-10 days. You don't need to do anything else, though misting once a day won't hurt, and a humidity dome is a good idea. Keep under indirect(or distant artificial) light. I've had no problems rooting with as little as a 12/12 photoperiod.

This is the way I do it. I don't mist them more than once a day, just let them stay under a dome which has decent circulation.


Well-Known Member
make sure your cutting tool is sharp and STERILE,every time i clone i buy brand new surgical scaples,before i done this i had no luck either now i have 100% strike rate.goodluck


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
So I've started growing recently (about 4 months ago). I have an indoor grow-cab perfect for vegging/cloning/weak flowering (during summer) and i have a greenroom out back facing east and slightly south that i use for real flowering. Everything is going smooth and i have a pretty decent green thumb apparently.

The problem is that i cannot seem to clone. I've tried using both vermiculite and rockwool in a dome in a veg area with 2 20 watt 2" tubes. I've tried over 50 different cuttings across over 7 different plants ranging from sativas to indicas. I've tried an 18hr cycle and a 24hr cycle. I've tried not misting as well as heavy misting and some in between. I've only tried 1 rooting product though. Rootone. My dome stays at around 75-80 degrees. Ive tried both distilled water and water straight out of the goldfish pond in my greenroom. Hell i've even taken cuttings and stood them up IN the pond just to see but my turtle ate half of them.

I'm really at a loss of what to do. I've google'd cloning 100 times and tried all the scarification technique's and i have yet to succeed in cloning a single plant. HELP!

Ok i just went out back to water them for the day and saw the fish going for the clones* like bunch of rabid piranha so i probably shouldn't try that anymore.
watch this. it might help you out...
Ive heard of this before. You sound like you're doing everything right. One you smoke cigs? If so, do you wash your hands before handling cuttings? Nicotine is a killer to clones.
Other than that...I dont have a clue. Some people can break off a tip, stick it in soiul and it roots. Others can do everything, like you...and zippo. Im kind of the ine middle. I find what works best for me is a little plastic storage box from Walmart with small holes drilled in the bottom, sides and top. I fill it with peat mixed with a little vermiculite, dampen it, then stick in my cuttings and leave the lid not quite closed, so it stays humid but gets a some air. 8 of 10 or so wioll root.
Oh, I either just leave the box outside or if it's not summer, under a 20 w flo. I mist it one or twice a day and dampen the peat mix if it gets dryish.

Ph...I also scrape the surface of the stems wiuth the point of the manicure scissors I cut the cutting with... and make my cut just below a node. If the cutting is from an older plant is is kind of woody, I give it a whack with a small hammer to sort of break up the tough outer skin.
Hope this helps.

Old Fat Hippy


Active Member
I appreciate all of your quick and great responses but unfortunately I have already done ALL of the above and I have watched that video. Perhaps I have just been unlucky thus far.

I do think i saw a root today though and they are about a week in so maybe ill just wait these 12 out before I resort to ritual sacrifice =)

southern homegrower

Well-Known Member
i would get a mystic cloner from stealth hydro i never cloned reefer before got one of them put it on a timer 15 min on 15 off i had roots on some in 3 days strait ro water ph to 5.5 nothing else by 7 days all 18 had roots