Cannibas Newbie...


hello all... got five weeks growing indoors under 6- LED 5000K lamps one Kush, one Fat Budda, and one Silver Oranges.... I am a rookie and never having done any growing I was kinda slappin my own back and tellin myself what a great farmer I am... and then things began to change... and not for the better... too close to the lamps, heat damage on some leaves, lesson learned. Remake my grow box to be able to adjust the light strength and location. But now, anyone who can help me with SEXING of the plants?¿? ¿ To think that I have gone through all of this and end up with plants used for making rope does not give me any warm fuzzy feelings... I am interested in learning how I can see evidence that might help me make a decision which of the three plants might be female. Maybe five weeks is too young¿? not mature enough to determine? ¿ ANY HELP would truly be GREATLY appreciated.. newbie in Kalifornia lookin for a breakthrough.... thanks, shamrock ☘


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pics of the plants help. there are also a million threads on sexing. some are pretty informative. take a look around. you'll benefit greatly.
pics of the plants help. there are also a million threads on sexing. some are pretty informative. take a look around. you'll benefit greatly.

Thanks T C H for the response... I did try to post a picture I took last week... jus for my own records... but you can hopefully get a better idea of what I am trying to do here... I have trimmed the "browned" leaves off the plants..
OK, from the beginning...

1. You're growing those 3 strains...but, from where did you get the seeds?

2. They look a little small for 5 weeks, are you sure you're giving them enough light?

3. Sexing can ONLY be done after about a week or more into flower.
As was just mentioned, there are a lot of really well made and informative threads on this site, it is highly recommended that you utilize them.

IF you don't have the time to read up on growing, then you don't have the time to grow.

Almost everything I know on the topic, I learned from this site, and its users.
Most people here are really friendly, and will be happy to help you out if you need it... But the most important thing is that you actually learn from it, and don't just expect people here to do it all.

If you have brownish leaves, canoeing leaves, yellowing leaf veins... Then look it up. The info is here if you take the TIME to learn it.
Far to many "growers" don't bother to learn anything, and are all too happy to just post a picture of the yellowing leaves along with a msg of "what is this problem, and how do I fix it?" attached, without ever even having TRIED to find the info on their own.

SO, with all of that having been said. You won't be able to sex your plants until they are awhile unto flower. To make a mature enough cannabis plant flower, it needs a minimum of 12 uninterrupted hours of darkness per day. There are threads, and even as simple as pictures that illustrate the difference between male and female plants.
OK, from the beginning...

1. You're growing those 3 strains...but, from where did you get the seeds?

2. They look a little small for 5 weeks, are you sure you're giving them enough light?

3. Sexing can ONLY be done after about a week or more into flower.
As was just mentioned, there are a lot of really well made and informative threads on this site, it is highly recommended that you utilize them.

IF you don't have the time to read up on growing, then you don't have the time to grow.

Almost everything I know on the topic, I learned from this site, and its users.
Most people here are really friendly, and will be happy to help you out if you need it... But the most important thing is that you actually learn from it, and don't just expect people here to do it all.

If you have brownish leaves, canoeing leaves, yellowing leaf veins... Then look it up. The info is here if you take the TIME to learn it.
Far to many "growers" don't bother to learn anything, and are all too happy to just post a picture of the yellowing leaves along with a msg of "what is this problem, and how do I fix it?" attached, without ever even having TRIED to find the info on their own.

SO, with all of that having been said. You won't be able to sex your plants until they are awhile unto flower. To make a mature enough cannabis plant flower, it needs a minimum of 12 uninterrupted hours of darkness per day. There are threads, and even as simple as pictures that illustrate the difference between male and female plants.

thanks for that dajosh... I have been reading the various posts and I do realize EXACTLY what you are telling me is truth and I need to figger things out as I go(grow).. I guess I was hoping that there was a way to at least be able to guess accurately male /female before a lot of work and stuff.. all of my seeds were a donation from a guy JB and he got beans.. James Bean I think.... Cool and caring... but like a noobie dummie... I didn't BUY seeds that were already sexed.. only because I didn't know what I was /am doing... but I am learning.. thanks josh..
OK, from the beginning...

1. You're growing those 3 strains...but, from where did you get the seeds?

2. They look a little small for 5 weeks, are you sure you're giving them enough light?

3. Sexing can ONLY be done after about a week or more into flower.
As was just mentioned, there are a lot of really well made and informative threads on this site, it is highly recommended that you utilize them.

IF you don't have the time to read up on growing, then you don't have the time to grow.

Almost everything I know on the topic, I learned from this site, and its users.
Most people here are really friendly, and will be happy to help you out if you need it... But the most important thing is that you actually learn from it, and don't just expect people here to do it all.

If you have brownish leaves, canoeing leaves, yellowing leaf veins... Then look it up. The info is here if you take the TIME to learn it.
Far to many "growers" don't bother to learn anything, and are all too happy to just post a picture of the yellowing leaves along with a msg of "what is this problem, and how do I fix it?" attached, without ever even having TRIED to find the info on their own.

SO, with all of that having been said. You won't be able to sex your plants until they are awhile unto flower. To make a mature enough cannabis plant flower, it needs a minimum of 12 uninterrupted hours of darkness per day. There are threads, and even as simple as pictures that illustrate the difference between male and female plants.
oh... and BTW, I have been bringing the plants outdoors, and transplanting to larger 2 1/2 Qt pots...
Those look kinda sad for 5 weeks. It's more than droppin seeds and light. You have to know what your getting into. This site Might help you save your grow.

> Is signed up as a member to a cannabis cultivation website and forum
> Has been active enough on it to be given the forum title of "Well Known Member"
> Dispenses advice that includes the suggestion of going to a DIFFERENT cultivation website, rather than utilizing the very site he is (CURRENTLY) looking at.

All of my 'wat' sir. All of it. No 'wat' spared. Not a single shred of 'wat' remains. 'Wat' depleted to extreme and dangerously deficient levels.

TLDR; Wat?
thanks for that dajosh... I have been reading the various posts and I do realize EXACTLY what you are telling me is truth and I need to figger things out as I go(grow).. I guess I was hoping that there was a way to at least be able to guess accurately male /female before a lot of work and stuff.. all of my seeds were a donation from a guy JB and he got beans.. James Bean I think.... Cool and caring... but like a noobie dummie... I didn't BUY seeds that were already sexed.. only because I didn't know what I was /am doing... but I am learning.. thanks josh..

I would actually like to clarify my position here.. there is nothing wrong with asking for help and/or advice when you really need it.
I'm not suggesting that you never request assistance... I'm simply suggesting that you do as much reading, and familiarizing with the art of cannabis cultivation as you possibly can.

We regards to putting them outside every now and again; I will say that when it comes to light, and spectrums and such, you literally can't beat the sun!
I would, however, recommend extreme caution in doing so. Assuming you have neighbors, then you run a serious risk of the plants being seen or smelled. Additionally, you are making it almost a certainty that your plants will contract a nasty dose of "pests". And once you have them.. they can be insanely difficult to eradicate..

Don't worry TOO much about making mistakes. I don't know of a single grower who hasn't made their fair share! Especially when on your first grow. My VERY first grow was a nightmare of mistakes made on my part.
So.. read up. Study up. And ask for help if you really do need it!

Good luck man!
thanks for that dajosh... I have been reading the various posts and I do realize EXACTLY what you are telling me is truth and I need to figger things out as I go(grow).. I guess I was hoping that there was a way to at least be able to guess accurately male /female before a lot of work and stuff.. all of my seeds were a donation from a guy JB and he got beans.. James Bean I think.... Cool and caring... but like a noobie dummie... I didn't BUY seeds that were already sexed.. only because I didn't know what I was /am doing... but I am learning.. thanks josh..
You can find the sex by cloning branches. Get a cloner on Amazon put cuttings in 12/12 light. Wait two weeks. Males will come up looking like Bart Simpson heads, females will protrude two small hairs
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> Is signed up as a member to a cannabis cultivation website and forum
> Has been active enough on it to be given the forum title of "Well Known Member"
> Dispenses advice that includes the suggestion of going to a DIFFERENT cultivation website, rather than utilizing the very site he is (CURRENTLY) looking at.

All of my 'wat' sir. All of it. No 'wat' spared. Not a single shred of 'wat' remains. 'Wat' depleted to extreme and dangerously deficient levels.

TLDR; Wat?
If this site was set up as well as the the info on GWE, Newbies might do the reading. Because I point a person to an EASY TO NAVIGATE resource should not be an issue. Been growing for 15 years off and on. So you sit back and save your opinion and sense of SELF IMPORTANCE for your Wife or what ever lets you curl around it.
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I would actually like to clarify my position here.. there is nothing wrong with asking for help and/or advice when you really need it.
I'm not suggesting that you never request assistance... I'm simply suggesting that you do as much reading, and familiarizing with the art of cannabis cultivation as you possibly can.

We regards to putting them outside every now and again; I will say that when it comes to light, and spectrums and such, you literally can't beat the sun!
I would, however, recommend extreme caution in doing so. Assuming you have neighbors, then you run a serious risk of the plants being seen or smelled. Additionally, you are making it almost a certainty that your plants will contract a nasty dose of "pests". And once you have them.. they can be insanely difficult to eradicate..

Don't worry TOO much about making mistakes. I don't know of a single grower who hasn't made their fair share! Especially when on your first grow. My VERY first grow was a nightmare of mistakes made on my part.
So.. read up. Study up. And ask for help if you really do need it!

Good luck man!
A late ATTEMPT to not look like a TOTAL ASS. Not working. LMAO
If this site was set up as well as the the info on GWE, Newbies might do the reading. Because I point a person to an EASY TO NAVIGATE resource should not be an issue. Been growing for 15 years off and on. So you sit back and save your opinion and sense of SELF IMPORTANCE for your Wife or what ever lets you curl around it.

I think you have a typo there.. 15 years? Yeah, not buying that for a second. 15 days MAYBE. And if you're not fond of this site, then why are you on it?
Go to your "better" site and post your opinions there. But your attitude just shows me that you're a bitter child desperate for validation.

Grow up kid. ;)
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A late ATTEMPT to not look like a TOTAL ASS. Not working. LMAO

Ok kiddo.
Let your mommy know that someone was mean to you on the internet, and she'll explain to you that you'll get over it.
In the meantime, I'm actually trying to be of some help to OP.
So unless you have something of value to say, then I don't have anything further to discuss with you.
Thanks T C H for the response... I did try to post a picture I took last week... jus for my own records... but you can hopefully get a better idea of what I am trying to do here... I have trimmed the "browned" leaves off the plants..

thanks for that dajosh... I have been reading the various posts and I do realize EXACTLY what you are telling me is truth and I need to figger things out as I go(grow).. I guess I was hoping that there was a way to at least be able to guess accurately male /female before a lot of work and stuff.. all of my seeds were a donation from a guy JB and he got beans.. James Bean I think.... Cool and caring... but like a noobie dummie... I didn't BUY seeds that were already sexed.. only because I didn't know what I was /am doing... but I am learning.. thanks josh..

Anyway, now that I've blocked that kid so I don't have to listen to his immature whining, I'll be happy to help you in any way I can.
Feel free to PM me or reply if there's any further questions.

Which actually brings me to my next point.
Ask 5 different growers a question, and you'll get 6 different opinions.
There are more opinions/beliefs then there are growers, and EVERYONE thinks that they are the weed growing messiah.
I would encourage you to listen and absorb as much info as you can, but always careful WHO'S advice you choose to follow.

That little display of immaturity is a perfect example of the way that growers behave when they feel as though their beliefs are being questioned. Some people can't handle being disagreed with... And quite often, it results in childish little spats like that. :P
So be aware of potential temper tantrums like his, and you'll be fine!

You'll get it brother. :D Nobody ever got worse at something by studying and practicing.
Good luck my friend. You'll be growing some great crops in no time!
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Anyway, now that I've blocked that kid so I don't have to listen to his immature whining, I'll be happy to help you in any way I can.
Feel free to PM me or reply if there's any further questions.

Which actually brings me to my next point.
Ask 5 different growers a question, and you'll get 6 different opinions.
There are more opinions/beliefs then there are growers, and EVERYONE thinks that they are the weed growing messiah.
I would encourage you to listen and absorb as much info as you can, but always careful WHO'S advice you choose to follow.

That little display of immaturity is a perfect example of the way that growers behave when they feel as though their beliefs are being questioned. Some people can't handle being disagreed with... And quite often, it results in childish little spats like that. :P
So be aware of potential temper tantrums like his, and you'll be fine!

You'll get it brother. :D Nobody ever got worse at something by studying and practicing.
Good luck my friend. You'll be growing some great crops in no time!
:confused: thanks for the encouragement,,, but,,, I
believe that I have made the first rookie mistake and left the plants maybe a little bit more than I thought would hurt them in the sun. All the leaves have curled, and the plants are crispy.... they had their leaves spritzed and they were watered. But the heat here in So. Kali. may have been more than they could deal with.
So, I will begin again... I might keep the sun burnt and see if I can baby them back to health... but I am afraid I will have stunted the growth that they may never be what they could have been... Lesson learned, and we march on..... :arrow:
I think you have a typo there.. 15 years? Yeah, not buying that for a second. 15 days MAYBE. And if you're not fond of this site, then why are you on it?
Go to your "better" site and post your opinions there. But your attitude just shows me that you're a bitter child desperate for validation.

Grow up kid. ;)
Anyway, now that I've blocked that kid so I don't have to listen to his immature whining, I'll be happy to help you in any way I can.
Feel free to PM me or reply if there's any further questions.

Which actually brings me to my next point.
Ask 5 different growers a question, and you'll get 6 different opinions.
There are more opinions/beliefs then there are growers, and EVERYONE thinks that they are the weed growing messiah.
I would encourage you to listen and absorb as much info as you can, but always careful WHO'S advice you choose to follow.

That little display of immaturity is a perfect example of the way that growers behave when they feel as though their beliefs are being questioned. Some people can't handle being disagreed with... And quite often, it results in childish little spats like that. :P
So be aware of potential temper tantrums like his, and you'll be fine!

You'll get it brother. :D Nobody ever got worse at something by studying and practicing.
Good luck my friend. You'll be growing some great crops in no time!
Guess you realized that you look like a TOTAL DICK. Now it's "I'm here to help." What happened to the "GO READ YOU LAZY NEWBIE." Your a joke.
Ok kiddo.
Let your mommy know that someone was mean to you on the internet, and she'll explain to you that you'll get over it.
In the meantime, I'm actually trying to be of some help to OP.
So unless you have something of value to say, then I don't have anything further to discuss with you.
KIDDO? Shows you think with your ass, as well as talk with it.
Anyway, now that I've blocked that kid so I don't have to listen to his immature whining, I'll be happy to help you in any way I can.
Feel free to PM me or reply if there's any further questions.

Which actually brings me to my next point.
Ask 5 different growers a question, and you'll get 6 different opinions.
There are more opinions/beliefs then there are growers, and EVERYONE thinks that they are the weed growing messiah.
I would encourage you to listen and absorb as much info as you can, but always careful WHO'S advice you choose to follow.

That little display of immaturity is a perfect example of the way that growers behave when they feel as though their beliefs are being questioned. Some people can't handle being disagreed with... And quite often, it results in childish little spats like that. :P
So be aware of potential temper tantrums like his, and you'll be fine!

You'll get it brother. :D Nobody ever got worse at something by studying and practicing.
Good luck my friend. You'll be growing some great crops in no time!
What a ASS... You eat with both sides of that face???