cannabutter help


Well-Known Member
Awe Damn that sounds hella good banana bread, but is the flavor strong enough where the weed flavor doesn't overpower it, and have u tried any of these edibles that are being sold at MMJ dispensaries? I've recently had these like candy bars that used hash oil in one was cookies n' cream my Mom actually gets em for free when she picks up herb but the after taste of the hash oil is so strong it ruins the flavor, either that or their recipe just BLOWS Lolz.


Well-Known Member
can not even taste the weed in the banana bread.everyone loves this shit...i gotta recipe on here in another thread...lemme see if i can find for u


Well-Known Member

  • Originally Posted by jonesbag
    whats the recipe! I like bananna bread

    1 cup cannabutter
    1 cup sugar
    2 eggs
    1 tsp baking soda
    3 tbsp hot water
    1/4 tsp salt
    2 cups flour
    3 bananas

    let the bananas sit on the counter for a week and get real soft....warm the canna butter ...i turn the over on 200 and put a cup of canna butter in a large bowl and place in oven for 10 minutes...then disolve the baking soda in the hot water and add to the add the sugar and eggs and mix add bananas and rest of ingredients and mix well...nuts are optional...get a loaf pan and spray with pam and cook on 315 for 75 minutes...some ovens are different and times can vary but the last part of the loaf to cook will be the top in the middle ...just stick a tooth pick in to see when fully cooked...lemme know how it works for ya​



Active Member
agree with the first part of your statement..making edibles that look like spinach is for rookies....ANY extraction serves one purpose ..remove the thc from the plant material. and there is no easier way to make the most potent butter than a is not even debatable.

Like I said to each there own. I know a lot to people who on occasion, doesn't strain the weed from the butter, such as Marc Emery. I've ate many of the brownies/cookies he made and he didn't strain it. So he must be a rookie too, right?

Weed Anubis

Well-Known Member
lol calm down people this is a place for learning and pass on info lets not get into fighting over canabutter LOL


Well-Known Member
my guess emery was giving shit away for free and did not care how the finished product came out or this was 20 years ago and he was a rookie or you met a guy named marc emery but not THEE marc emery of canada who got imprisoned by the feds for moving seeds.:weed:


Active Member
Lol No, I've toked with him a million times . Fyi, hes good friends with one of my family members, and thats how I know him personally. But whatever I've got better things to do.