Cannabolics philosophy on bud and the bible

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Well-Known Member
wuddup all its cannabolic. alot of ppl fight over the issue that marijuana and and/or alcohol is against God, The Bible, and the teachings of Jesus Christ. I have argued this for the past 2 years. I have argued with preists,biblical researchers, college students who are studying to become pastors. and i've come up with my own strong arguement and belief in hopes to enlighten. my argument is this: that in christianity, whe are allowed touse alcohol and marijuana and other earthly herbs, but not abusing our right to do so. Please I ask everyone in our cannabis community and give me as much feedback as possible. thank you.:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::peace::peace::peace::peace::peace::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:


i will start with the beginning. in the book of Genesis. it talks of god creating the earth and everything that is put on the earth is in his image.crazy enough they talk about herbs in the first couple of pages of the bible. for thoes who don't kno or remember ill resite chapters1:11-12 and 29

"and god said, ""let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed in itself,, upon the earth and it was so."(GENESIS 1:11) here god summons the grass, herbs and fruits and veggies as an image of himself.

"and the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw it was GOOD ."(GENESIS !:12)the earth grows the grass,and herbs and likes what he sees

and God said, Behold, I have given you EVERY herb bearing seed,which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed:to you it shall be for meat."(GENESIS 1:29) god says he has given the herbs and fruits as nurishment.

that being said everyone knows marijuana is an herb right? so why would god place things on earth as our (meat) if it was intended to harm us? secondly he said after he created the grass and the herbs and the fruit that IT WAS GOOD.
the biggest part of the Genesis Theory is that some ppl say that the garden of Eden's tree of knowledge of good and evil is related to the herb that we smoke today.BUT! how could that be if creating the earth and the grass and the herbs came prior to the creation of the garden of eden?.

"and the lord god commanded the man, saying of EVERY tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat." (GENESIS 2:16-17
but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it:for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die" basicly adam could eat freely except the tree of knowledge. and no one has ever died from smokin bud so therefor weed can't be the tree of knowledge that the bible is talking about.

as far as drugs goes, the only drug ever mentioned in the bible is liquor.

"Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts.
Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more." (Prov 31:6-7)

meaning its ok to drink. and forget your troubles. but no to the point were you are abusing it. Also, reguardless. wine is an alcohol, which is a drug. yet jesus shares it amongst his friends durring the last supper. hmmmmm.

aparently there is a gray area in the bible when it comes to drinking and/or smoking. in fact it dossent seem that in the biblical times they had a problem with marijuana at all. Jesus actually even associated in bud smokers

"Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man." (Matt 15:11)
meaning its not what you do that makes you trash, its what you say that defines who you are
infact NO ONE has had a problem with marijuana up until Oct 2, 1937 marijuana tax stamp act.
which is in my still living grandmonther's lifetime.

I'm not going to go into the history of the marijuana prohibition. but i will say that its part of the reason why religion and state are in a twine. for a little over 80 years ppl have been saying marijuana is bad and people tend to try to relate the law to the bible. which is commonly tangled because the standard laws of the bible, are the same laws that are in our law books. so people figure they are simular, so they must be the same.

I have read the bible through and through and i can't find anything saying reefa is bad. although the only slight attack towards bud is "the body is his temple thing. but like always i have a case for that aswell.

(1 Corinthians 3:16-17) Do you not know that
you are the temple of God and that the
Spirit of God dwells in you? {17} If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy
him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are

obveously talking drugs and abusing your body is a no-no. however its not just that its, over eating, sleeping around, anything harmful to your body. but if they ment to exclude ALL drugs then they wouldn't of ever drank wine.
also smoking or drinking where it controls your everyday life is also bad.
that being said its all about how you use your herb or booze. if your habbit is starting to take over your life and its doing harm to yourself, friends family etc, then its against the bible, and the teachings of jesus christ. but as long as you treat your body with respect and not hurting anyone, then your not going against the rules. SMOKING AND DRINKING IS OK PPL!!! and i hope i cleared it up for alot of ppl because i know it was bothering me my whole life. thanks again for reading and plz i need all the comments i can get. thanks again:joint::joint::joint::joint::peace::peace::peace::peace::peace::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
This still kind of reminds me of people who seem to think christ was a buddha or a manifestation as a hindu deity or some enlightened yogi in meditation or a guy who became a common householder,etc. etc. etc. These are what are known as common fallacies. Ask any catholic priest, evangelical minister, fundamental christian, mormon, jahovas witness etc. , as these people make up the mahority of religion in the united states. They'll gladly tell you marijuana is against the word of god because it is against the law of the land as stated in the new testament. And some will ecen go as far to say marijuana is of the devil. So when i hear all these bent versions of what the bible is reffering to i become quite cynical. Take a look at the masses. If you want to know the true esoteric teachings of christ, read about gnosticism and the nag hammadhi scrolls. Thats my opinion.


Well-Known Member
o.k. anhedonia, you are making arguments but not backing them up. where in the bible does it say green is against the law of the land or whatever??? name a scripture. I think most intelligent Christians would tell you that the bible was not meant to be taken literally, and that, much like poetry or song, was written in such a way that it could convey different meanings for different people. there is no absolute WORD, and I think it's very arrogant of you to try to say that what you believe is right, and others are wrong. oh, and what about the Rastafari??? I'm pretty sure that any of them would be more than happy to give you THEIR take on the bible.


Well-Known Member
ancient pagan religions which transformed first into alchemy which fragmented into all different religions the main tenets were sun (son) worship, virgin birth (cloning?) and a crystal or stone (stone?) that at first appears clear then white then red (amber). it is refered to in several alchemical texts as green gold.a medicine of the highest order. it is the plant that has been cultivated by humans longer then any other plant


Well-Known Member
and those words are absolute. i can think of nothing more well known to man than the herb and all the other gifts mother nature has so graciously bestowed upon us.


Well-Known Member
I see no evidence of using marijuana to get high in your quotes. The only thing I do see is the reference to drinking alcohol to get drunk and forget your troubles. I have never seen any real evidence of marijuana smoking being ok in the bible. Many references to herb and such are more about food and other things.

I have never come across any very religious people who thought weed was ok. They all think it is the devils weed, or at least a vice which is a sin in it's self.

Good thing I am not looking for the bible to give me the go-ahead to smoke...


Well-Known Member
lol. yeah, me either. fuck that. i make my own choices, no matter what god thinks, cuz if god gave a shit god wouldn't have put it there not expecting us to try it. I think even the Rastafari look down on the ABUSE of cannabis, although they do condone it as an aid to meditation, and as an offering. it's a matter of respect.


Well-Known Member
I see no evidence of using marijuana to get high in your quotes. The only thing I do see is the reference to drinking alcohol to get drunk and forget your troubles. I have never seen any real evidence of marijuana smoking being ok in the bible. Many references to herb and such are more about food and other things.

I have never come across any very religious people who thought weed was ok. They all think it is the devils weed, or at least a vice which is a sin in it's self.

Good thing I am not looking for the bible to give me the go-ahead to smoke...

your not going to find it in the bible because marijuana isnt mentioned in the bible. weed is a huge GRAY area. my whole thread was to show how opinionated the moral use of marijuana is. if its not mentioned in the bible then whoes to say its good or bad. the way i see it. everything that were not saposed to do is right there in the bible. but marijuana isnt. so on that note we have to make our own choices on whats bad and whats good. and as far as the whole alcohol thing i referred to acohol because marijuana isent mentioned but are closely related. and it pretty much says its ok to drink but not to over do it. so because weed isn't mentioned im going with the same rule as alcohol, which makes alot of sence. also im not looking for a reason to smoke, because im an adult and i make my own decisions and if its wrong then i'll pay for it later. but i don't like how ppl say that smoking weed is against the bible when they NEVER say that its right or wrong.


Well-Known Member
This still kind of reminds me of people who seem to think christ was a buddha or a manifestation as a hindu deity or some enlightened yogi in meditation or a guy who became a common householder,etc. etc. etc. These are what are known as common fallacies. Ask any catholic priest, evangelical minister, fundamental christian, mormon, jahovas witness etc. , as these people make up the mahority of religion in the united states. They'll gladly tell you marijuana is against the word of god because it is against the law of the land as stated in the new testament. And some will ecen go as far to say marijuana is of the devil. So when i hear all these bent versions of what the bible is reffering to i become quite cynical. Take a look at the masses. If you want to know the true esoteric teachings of christ, read about gnosticism and the nag hammadhi scrolls. Thats my opinion.
the whole point of it all was to show that there wassnt any saying that marijuana was bad in the bible. not to sound like a buddist. and as far as the new testament, was you fail to realize is that jesus said in Luke to keep religion and seprate which is what alot of catholic preists evangelical minister, fundamentsl christian, mormon , jahovas witness and the rest of thoes ppl you mentioned have a serious problem with. "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's and unto God the things which be God's." (Luke 20:25) in case u need another quote.:joint::joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
I think the question, ultimately, is, "What would Jesus do?" Big Jeesy would blaze that ganja and feel proud. Think of how fulfilled you feel when you take the first hit off of some sweet sweet homegrown...thats what God would feel if she were to enjoy the fruits of her labor.


Well-Known Member
I see no evidence of using marijuana to get high in your quotes. The only thing I do see is the reference to drinking alcohol to get drunk and forget your troubles. I have never seen any real evidence of marijuana smoking being ok in the bible. Many references to herb and such are more about food and other things.

I have never come across any very religious people who thought weed was ok. They all think it is the devils weed, or at least a vice which is a sin in it's self.

Good thing I am not looking for the bible to give me the go-ahead to smoke...
lol. yeah, me either. fuck that. i make my own choices, no matter what god thinks, cuz if god gave a shit god wouldn't have put it there not expecting us to try it. I think even the Rastafari look down on the ABUSE of cannabis, although they do condone it as an aid to meditation, and as an offering. it's a matter of respect.
your not going to find it in the bible because marijuana isnt mentioned in the bible. weed is a huge GRAY area. my whole thread was to show how opinionated the moral use of marijuana is. if its not mentioned in the bible then whoes to say its good or bad. the way i see it. everything that were not saposed to do is right there in the bible. but marijuana isnt. so on that note we have to make our own choices on whats bad and whats good. and as far as the whole alcohol thing i referred to acohol because marijuana isent mentioned but are closely related. and it pretty much says its ok to drink but not to over do it. so because weed isn't mentioned im going with the same rule as alcohol, which makes alot of sence. also im not looking for a reason to smoke, because im an adult and i make my own decisions and if its wrong then i'll pay for it later. but i don't like how ppl say that smoking weed is against the bible when they NEVER say that its right or wrong.
It makes several references to cannabis in the bible. It is refered to as canneh-bosom, I believe. Although, the new versions will have this translated to 'calamus'. It is one of the main ingredients in the holy anointing oil Jesus used. I think the recipe calls for something like 2 lbs of fresh canneh-bosom bud. Also any time you see the word incense it refers to a stick of canneh-bosom incense that could get you high. People back then didn't smoke it but they were definitely still getting high. And the bible does say this is ok. It is the same as alcohol, to be used in moderation and not abused.:peace::blsmoke::joint:


Well-Known Member
If any religious person gives you shit for smoking herb ask them to go find out what the canneh-bosom was that Jesus used for his holy anointing oils:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
the whole point of it all was to show that there wassnt any saying that marijuana was bad in the bible. not to sound like a buddist. and as far as the new testament, was you fail to realize is that jesus said in Luke to keep religion and seprate which is what alot of catholic preists evangelical minister, fundamentsl christian, mormon , jahovas witness and the rest of thoes ppl you mentioned have a serious problem with. "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's and unto God the things which be God's." (Luke 20:25) in case u need another quote.:joint::joint::joint:
dude, read up on your english skills. Your response makes no sence.


Well-Known Member
the whole point of it all was to show that there wassnt any saying that marijuana was bad in the bible. not to sound like a buddist. and as far as the new testament, was you fail to realize is that jesus said in Luke to keep religion and seprate which is what alot of catholic preists evangelical minister, fundamentsl christian, mormon , jahovas witness and the rest of thoes ppl you mentioned have a serious problem with. "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's and unto God the things which be God's." (Luke 20:25) in case u need another quote.:joint::joint::joint:
dude, read up on your english skills. Your response makes no sence.
first of all, there is no need for disrespect. i dident disrespect you so i ask for the same treatment. secondly its not my english, it was my typing because i was high at the time that i wrote it. what i was saying was, alot of people mix state and religion, which is what jesus told us NOT to do. look at the quote above.


Well-Known Member
the last i read this i was really stoned and toatally misread your claim. I read it over and over and it made no sence until now that i reread it. now i see what you were saying. no i agree with you.


Well-Known Member
the last i read this i was really stoned and toatally misread your claim. I read it over and over and it made no sence until now that i reread it. now i see what you were saying. no i agree with you.
its aight bro, don't worry about it.