Cannabolics philosophy on bud and the bible

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Well-Known Member
Haha man guy s sorry I wasnt really targeting you all. That was more for like the people who speak about shit and actually believe it y'know? Idk hahaha w/e didndt mean to make yall mad.


Well-Known Member
this went south for me now lol i was following along quite nicely too.
I myself was a Jehovah's witness for 14 years i was born into this religion and throughout boyhood and teen years i pondered many questions but none of substance and drugs but mostly of life.
Being a witness i wasnt able to do alot of the things that the kids at school did and it forced me to live on the outter edge but try to be on the in.The worst was having to knock a girls door on a saturday morning when you had a crush on her lol i will never forget thoes times.
but with out going off of the assumed intended track of this thread i would say that the first chance i got to make sense of this world for myself i took at 14 i had a religious education that was like a phd in Jehovah (which i say with respect still to this day) but i had no idea what the WORLD was about.

the first thing i came upon was marijuana and believe it or not it wasnt some punk in highschool it was an art teacher who spoke fondly of it.I began to smoke and even with all the crap that flies through my head being in this worldand having beliefs that are now mixed together i feel that a true godfearing for the most part normal person is recieving a blessing of mj when it is used in the way of relaxing and tuning yourself into what you would have otherwise passed by if you had been thinking the way the world has you think.

pedophiles in the church in schools in our homes well they just go along with the million other things going wrong with this world im not gonna get on the whole armageddon thing but my bottom line is that the bible was written by man "inspired by god" and much speculation can be done on what you can and cant do if you use the book as a guide i have adopted my own veiw on life and i know many of you have aswell..

if the power of the world was in the hands of people who were truly inspired by god things would be different there is no saving our world i belive the only thing we can do i mass together the light.I have read the complete new testament and old as well king james version and the new world translations granted im not a bible quoter im a pot smoker i still hold all of my values on what i believe spiritually and i build from them to fit me as a individual
the bible says alot of things but it tells us little that is my view when you have building blocks you can finish the building on your own by that i mean take what you know is good in life be that way and if smoking a bit of weed or even more than a bit enables you to contribute to society in a good light rock on!!!!!!!!

thats pretty fricken holy to me....
wise words from a wise person


Well-Known Member
i havent read the WHOLE thread, but i find it rather strange that there is multiple stories of christ throughout our 'history'.. call it blasphemy, or are the 'christians' the ones that christ/jesus was warning us about all along.O The Irony..i remember someone telling me about a part/verse where it speaks about the jews being gods chosen people which makes it wierd to think why one would still want to become christian if they wouldnt be god's chosen..i would never 'knock' someones beliefs, but its embarassing we praise someone who has lived many a generation before ours, and lose the belief in ourselves here in current day :( Is It Me Or have humans as a whole lost their way?


Well-Known Member
Prophets in this world are human, they are here to "help" us, not look for worshippers. Sometimes people go way too far and see a man as a god. These people help us on our individual spiritual paths. Much of human kind has in the past and present put all the fate of the world and the fate of human kind into the hands of these prophets. Learn from these prophets, dont kill for them, they just get reborn just like us. Humans will all learn and start to grow spiritualy again soon. Just give it time.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I'm not into Christ.But I believe, were there a diety, it made us have free will so we could choose...everything is a learning experience.Every thing we do is an expansion of the mind.We are like rough diamonds seeking facets.Your mind was made to question everything.Question especially any religion which instructs you not to question.