I aint callin you a liar or anything either so please dont take offense. Not just about the bud, but the leaf structure as well in poly and the one pictured above. Nothing growing at "not normal" or "other bud sites like leaves", but just gigantism and too many sugar leaves to count. Plus my stalk was just as his was described as well. Im fairly certain his was a poly and I am certain mine was. True poly's dont grow into large normal shaped buds, but maybe stabilized poly fruit like strawberry....yes, and even then there are usually deformations.
No doubt it initially looks like ploidy but these dont grow into massive buds as you know. The goal of ploidy was too make a bigger plant that supports bigger buds.
The bud is growing sideways more than up, when you loose apical dominance hormones a lot of side branching happens because there is no dominant top branch to suppress the side branches through hormones.
Apical dominance explains why the biggest buds grow on the tallest stems but with no control over this bud starts growing at every site it can such as leaves and stem.
Its just its apical dominance and its normally stress induced by light heat or transpiration problems.
A lot of growers call it ploidy but clearly the buds lost its will to grow upwards, i cant argue the masses. Ploidy if thats what people want it to be, start a breeding program from a clone and corner the seed market, no one will buy anyone elses seed ever again