Cannabis and Hops... Let's Make some Beer

The water chapter was about when I stoped read ing the book. I appreciate the book reports, it makes me want to read it again.

When i started doing hydro, i realized i had good water 45 PPM out the tap hell yeah

Home depot has a mail in water test near the exit, I might give that a try.
I brewed it last week. The gravity was a little lower than it was supposed to be and i had some trouble cooling it but i think it will be OK. I'm going to let it sit in the fermenter another week before i bottle just to make sure its ready. Can't really see any action in the air lock and dont want want to peel back the lid and mess with it any more than i need too. The lid felt kind of swollen and the air lock smeels like straight hops so I think i did it right.

That sounds right to me. Not sure what size boiling pot you have. Mine holds 5 gallons but I never put more than 3 gallons in it. I filled up the bathtub maybe halfway (just high enough that the pot doesn't float) then dumped a 20 lb bag of ice in it right before the wort was ready. Cooled it down to yeast pitching temp in about 20 mins.
The water chapter was about when I stoped read ing the book. I appreciate the book reports, it makes me want to read it again.

When i started doing hydro, i realized i had good water 45 PPM out the tap hell yeah

Home depot has a mail in water test near the exit, I might give that a try.

Holy Shit my water is around 250 - 350!
True about the BIG 3, but most small batch brews are all-grains ( no rice ). Quite honestly, aside from local brewerys, Sam Adams has the best beer brewed in America. PBR is still brewed without rice also. You couldn't pay me to drink a BIG 3 beer, they are garbage.

As for your hopping schedule, I think you would get a better product using your cannabis as a dry hop ingredient. Definitely don't use it in your wort start and I'd be leary of using it at your 45 minute addition. End of boil and dry hopping is your best bet. Also, just remember if someone could have made a beer that tastes like cannabis, it would have already been done and recipe shared with the world. True that.
Try a Ruination, by Stone Brewery, popping the top on one of them is just like sticking your nose into a bag of green buds IMO, kinda tastes like weed too! A bit on the pricey side but hey, just like quality cannabis quality beer is gonna cost you..... I was hooked on Flying Dog's Double Dog IPA, but they stopped distributing them in New England, but man they were delicious. Potent too, like 11-12%.
Good news. Next batch will be an IPA, I have some reading to do about high gravity and how to handle yeast. I will be getting a couple of re-sealing growlers and will be siphoning off about a gallon to start the first CPA test! I am pretty excited about this. Will be going out of town for the rest of the week but when I get back I'll make my contraption out of a quart size mason jar. Then go to the brew shop and gather ingredients.

I found a recipe inside "How To Brew" for a high gravity IPA. I will share once I decide that is the recipe we will be using.

Also, a side note, I have been watching a Mini Series about DogFishHead. It's funny because the very last episode is about making a beer that is around 12% ABV. The problem they had is that the yeast stalled out. Basically it means that there is to much Alcohol in the beer for the yeast to survive. They showed a few ways to correct it and try to save but in the end they had to dump it because it did not meet their standards.

Good thing I am not a commercial brewer lol. If for some reason our yeast stalls out this will be pre Cannabis addition which won't ruin the Herb. What will happen is we will just bottle and drink it anyway and try again.

What happens when the yeast stalls? There are leftover sugars that did not get fermented resulting in a sweeter profile than what was intended and a lower ABV%. For us that doesn't matter except that we want the highest ABV % while still being drinkable for the Cannabis addition. My thinking is somewhere between 9% and 12%. There is no science behind why I chose those numbers it just sounds right.
Try a Ruination, by Stone Brewery, popping the top on one of them is just like sticking your nose into a bag of green buds IMO, kinda tastes like weed too! A bit on the pricey side but hey, just like quality cannabis quality beer is gonna cost you..... I was hooked on Flying Dog's Double Dog IPA, but they stopped distributing them in New England, but man they were delicious. Potent too, like 11-12%.

We did some double IPA and Barley wine sampling last night. Man those super high gravitys can kick you in the ass. We tried an Ale Brewed by Belgian Monks, One that was Oak Barrel Aged for two years and DogFishHead Theobroma. I can't remember the other two brew names but they were good. One very chocolaty and Malty and Grainy (almost wheat) the Monk was more of a pilsner feel but was a belgian style beer not very much aroma or flavor actually.

If I find them I will post
We did some double IPA and Barley wine sampling last night. Man those super high gravitys can kick you in the ass. We tried an Ale Brewed by Belgian Monks, One that was Oak Barrel Aged for two years and DogFishHead Theobroma. I can't remember the other two brew names but they were good. One very chocolaty and Malty and Grainy (almost wheat) the Monk was more of a pilsner feel but was a belgian style beer not very much aroma or flavor actually.

If I find them I will post
Belgian monk brew, sounds like Weyerbacher! good stuff. They also make a great barley wine, "Blithering Idiot", and their Insanity line is pretty delicious. Im an IPA man myself I love hops. Sierra Nevadas are great and kind of like my "bud light", its the cheapest beer i will drink basically, but man nothing like sucking down some freezing cold Torpedos at the lake fishing. I like Lagunitas as well, their Lil Sumthin ale is great as well as their IPA Maximus and Lil Sumthin Extra Ale. You ever try anything from Flying Dog? they make one of my favorites, "Raging Bitch", which is a belgian style pale ale, sooooo good, i think 8.3%. Not all states carry it because it has "bitch" on the six pack carton, and the bottle says something like "good shit", lol.
Belgian monk brew, sounds like Weyerbacher! good stuff. They also make a great barley wine, "Blithering Idiot", and their Insanity line is pretty delicious. Im an IPA man myself I love hops. Sierra Nevadas are great and kind of like my "bud light", its the cheapest beer i will drink basically, but man nothing like sucking down some freezing cold Torpedos at the lake fishing. I like Lagunitas as well, their Lil Sumthin ale is great as well as their IPA Maximus and Lil Sumthin Extra Ale. You ever try anything from Flying Dog? they make one of my favorites, "Raging Bitch", which is a belgian style pale ale, sooooo good, i think 8.3%. Not all states carry it because it has "bitch" on the six pack carton, and the bottle says something like "good shit", lol.

Man, we get sales on Sierra Nevada all the Time. $12.99/ 12 Pack. Even Torpedo. Never had flying dog. I always see them just haven't tried it yet. They have cool labels.
Man, we get sales on Sierra Nevada all the Time. $12.99/ 12 Pack. Even Torpedo. Never had flying dog. I always see them just haven't tried it yet. They have cool labels.
Raging Bitch, if you can get them try them at least, and the Snake Dog IPA isnt that bad either. If your taste buds are anything like mine you will be sticking with that beer for a while. I drink so much beer i have always wanted to get into brewing but I know nothing about it really, and i work full time and when i come home i have to take care of my plants, which there is plenty outside and inside and different stages so feeding them is a real chore dif. nute batches the inside ones are budding the outside ones not etc etc....but anyways i would love to try a cannabis hopped beer! Keep us posted man, happy gowin!
Raging Bitch, if you can get them try them at least, and the Snake Dog IPA isnt that bad either. If your taste buds are anything like mine you will be sticking with that beer for a while. I drink so much beer i have always wanted to get into brewing but I know nothing about it really, and i work full time and when i come home i have to take care of my plants, which there is plenty outside and inside and different stages so feeding them is a real chore dif. nute batches the inside ones are budding the outside ones not etc etc....but anyways i would love to try a cannabis hopped beer! Keep us posted man, happy gowin!

Well I do like to chew on hops like bubble gum, lol. Not really but I would consider myself a hop head. I have never had a beer and thought... "well that was way to hoppy." I'll keep an eye out for Raging Bitch.

The recipe I posted towards the beginning is a pretty good start up brew. Won't get the hop flavor you are looking for but will help get your feet wet as for timing it is a lot of hurry up and wait. But you need to be around the house for idk 3 hours or so but you can do a step and then do something else while waiting, then another, etc. That's what I do, I can't sit still though even when I have nothing to do. That's why I blaze it, haha. Only time I can sit down and play video games or veg out.

Stick around we will be brewing when I get back. Probably one day after work next week.
Try a Ruination, by Stone Brewery, popping the top on one of them is just like sticking your nose into a bag of green buds IMO, kinda tastes like weed too! A bit on the pricey side but hey, just like quality cannabis quality beer is gonna cost you..... I was hooked on Flying Dog's Double Dog IPA, but they stopped distributing them in New England, but man they were delicious. Potent too, like 11-12%.

Was that 11-12% alc or thc?
Good news. Next batch will be an IPA, I have some reading to do about high gravity and how to handle yeast. I will be getting a couple of re-sealing growlers and will be siphoning off about a gallon to start the first CPA test! I am pretty excited about this. Will be going out of town for the rest of the week but when I get back I'll make my contraption out of a quart size mason jar. Then go to the brew shop and gather ingredients.

I found a recipe inside "How To Brew" for a high gravity IPA. I will share once I decide that is the recipe we will be using.

Also, a side note, I have been watching a Mini Series about DogFishHead. It's funny because the very last episode is about making a beer that is around 12% ABV. The problem they had is that the yeast stalled out. Basically it means that there is to much Alcohol in the beer for the yeast to survive. They showed a few ways to correct it and try to save but in the end they had to dump it because it did not meet their standards.

Good thing I am not a commercial brewer lol. If for some reason our yeast stalls out this will be pre Cannabis addition which won't ruin the Herb. What will happen is we will just bottle and drink it anyway and try again.

What happens when the yeast stalls? There are leftover sugars that did not get fermented resulting in a sweeter profile than what was intended and a lower ABV%. For us that doesn't matter except that we want the highest ABV % while still being drinkable for the Cannabis addition. My thinking is somewhere between 9% and 12%. There is no science behind why I chose those numbers it just sounds right.

We brewed a high gravity Barleywine using fresh yeast pulled off a fermenter at a local brewery. Shit worked great, hard to brew a high gravity with packet yeast ( even the smash packs ). Best thing you could do would be to make a wort, add your yeast, then once it ferments and settles drain off the now fermented wort and pour the yeast into another bottle of wort ( etc etc ) until you have a nice batch of yeast ( at least a quart ) to pitch into your high gravity wort. Just my experienced opinion.
We brewed a high gravity Barleywine using fresh yeast pulled off a fermenter at a local brewery. Shit worked great, hard to brew a high gravity with packet yeast ( even the smash packs ). Best thing you could do would be to make a wort, add your yeast, then once it ferments and settles drain off the now fermented wort and pour the yeast into another bottle of wort ( etc etc ) until you have a nice batch of yeast ( at least a quart ) to pitch into your high gravity wort. Just my experienced opinion.

What about liquid yeast? Also, I did some reading about using a starter (similar to bread making). I think that is what you are talking about. I've been away this whole week but will be getting down and dirty over the weekend. Bottling day from the last batch is Saturday.
What about liquid yeast? Also, I did some reading about using a starter (similar to bread making). I think that is what you are talking about. I've been away this whole week but will be getting down and dirty over the weekend. Bottling day from the last batch is Saturday.

Yes, actually you would be making a starter multiple times to get a healthy supply to pitch.
Getting ready for the brew. I am thinking about skipping out on the decarb for the first run. I think this will give us maximum potential for smell and flavor.

Anybody think we should decarb. Or maybe a half and half mix. The only reason I am thinking about skipping decarb is because it completely changes the smell and flavor profiles.