Hey Everyone! Brew day was over the Weekend. Adding the whole hops really got the hop smell that we were missing from before. We will be doing a dry hop on this Saturday (1 week fermenting) when we transfer the Beer into the glass carboy. Everything I have read about dry hopping has basically said add about 1 oz per 5 gal. Well, we are going to add 4 oz of whole hops.
We have named this brew "Hop Crazy"
Here is the basic Recipe:
- 5.4 lbs Pale LME (Liquid Malt Extract)
- 1.6 Amber DME (Dry Malt Extract)
- 2.5 Mixed Grain (Crushed) | 1 lb Pale, .5 lb Crystal Carmel 30, .5 lb Vienna and .5 lb Carapils)
***Note on Hops: The time listed is where we are at in the boil that they were added***
- 1 oz Centennial @ 15 min (Bittering)
- 1 oz Cascade @ 30 min (Flavoring)
- 3 oz Fresh Frozen Whole Hops (Cascade and Some Others Unknown) @ 45 min (Aroma)
- Dry Hop after at Transfer to Glass Carboy (1 Week) - 4 oz Fresh Frozen Whole Hops (Cascade and Some Others Unknown)
- 2 Packets Dry Ale Yeast
- Prime w/ 3 oz Corn Sugar Prior to bottling
Steep grain in 1.5 gal of water @ 153 degrees F for 35 mins. Remove grain, add 2 gal. of water (making the total 3 gal.) and bring water to boil. Once boiling add LME and DME slowly while stirring to avoid clumping and/ or anything sticking to the bottom of the pot. Boil for 15 mins. Add bittering hops/ Continue boil for another 15 mins. Add Flavoring Hops. Continue boil for 15 mins. Add aroma hops. Continue boil for 15 mins. Boil should now be at 60 mins. Cut the heat.
To cool down the wort I fill the bath with a little bit of water and put a 20 lb bag of ice in it. This gets the wort down to temp in about 20 mins. (Keep the wort in the pot, lol do not dump the wort into the bath tub.
Once it is cooled you can take a hydrometer reading, mine was at 1.052 for gravity and measured at 6% ABV. Once the fermentation is complete we will take another reading and subtract it from the original reading to find out where we are approx. in alcohol content.
Then we want to add O2 to the mix, so we pour the wort back and forth from our bottling bucket to our pot. We did this 5 times. Now the wort can stay inside the bottling bucket and we can pitch the yeast. I should of said this earlier but we need to pre boil 1 cup of water (this is to sterilize). Once this gets to room temperature we can add our yeast packets an mix. Toss the mixture into the wort give a small stir with a sanitized whisk. Put the lid on the fermentation bucket. Put an airlock in the lid to allow the CO2 to escape. Put the bucket somewhere cool and safe (must remain undisturbed) and wait. After a week we will tranfer into our glass carboy and add more hops. Wait for an additional week. Prime and bottle! That's It, lol.
Pictures are basically in order of the recipe: