Cannabis analyzer device

Hello ,

I would like to buy a device or somethings that can easily analyze weed to get all information about THC terpene and so on.

I did some reseach and i have found 2 devices :

-MyDX : affordable but seems a bit fake because some people telling that my dx don't really analyze and just give a average analyze based on database

-Gemmacert: seems ok but the price is high.

Do you know another things legit and affordable ?
Hello ,

I would like to buy a device or somethings that can easily analyze weed to get all information about THC terpene and so on.

I did some reseach and i have found 2 devices :

-MyDX : affordable but seems a bit fake because some people telling that my dx don't really analyze and just give a average analyze based on database

-Gemmacert: seems ok but the price is high.

Do you know another things legit and affordable ?
Are you a breeder?
Hello ,

I would like to buy a device or somethings that can easily analyze weed to get all information about THC terpene and so on.

I did some reseach and i have found 2 devices :

-MyDX : affordable but seems a bit fake because some people telling that my dx don't really analyze and just give a average analyze based on database

-Gemmacert: seems ok but the price is high.

Do you know another things legit and affordable ?
Here is my terpene tester
"i'm not a breeder , just a guy that looking for THE PERFECT PHENOTYPE of regular seed
And the analyze of the thc and terpenes can help chose one"

Personal breeding for that bomb smoke. $4,500 for that small unit.
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Hello ,

I would like to buy a device or somethings that can easily analyze weed to get all information about THC terpene and so on.

I did some reseach and i have found 2 devices :

-MyDX : affordable but seems a bit fake because some people telling that my dx don't really analyze and just give a average analyze based on database

-Gemmacert: seems ok but the price is high.

Do you know another things legit and affordable ?

Send samples, I’ll let ya know if it’s boof or not
For just one easy payment of $250, you too can become a certified "In-terpene-r" by the Trichome Institute.

Entering payment information right now. I can't wait to receive my Interpening Certification.

This is going to look good on my resume and will compliment my Master Grower Degree as well.
  • Accurately determine flower quality without a lab test
  • Pinpoint the psychoactive effects of flower within the sedative to stimulating spectrum
  • Become proficient in cannabis terminology, anatomy, and speciation
  • Navigate the many myths and challenges within the cannabis industry
  • Guide patients, customers, family, and friends how to select the best flower for their needs
  • Separate yourself from other job applicants with a Certification from Trichome Institute

Employers will be beating down my door with six figure job offers. I wish I had been aware of this certification sooner.
You are going to know whay you like in weed more than some machine. They are just cracking the surface in the study if cannabis and don't even know what all to test for that quantifies different effects. You be the judge man it's that simple.

You may find a high thc percentage pheno that lacks in effect or has a low ceiling where a lower thc percentage pheno has no ceiling and will get you higher the more you smoke.

Chasing numbers on a screen imo is not the way to go, smoke that chit man then make up your mind.
One day a caretaker may be asked to get a particular cannabinoid profile and grow it for a client or patient..youll need those things, a desktop USB spectroscopy, or tell them too bad i only grow 1 flavor. Even worse you're asked to breed some plants to increase a particular cannabnoid profile