Labs and testing are bullshit. I've tried 3 different labs from the same pheno, and got as much as 10 point difference in THC and terpene profiles all over the map... just grow it and if you like it, do it again. I've spent thousands of $'s on testing. (mainly because we have to).. but they are not accurate. Your nose, and your smoke are the best labs.
The methodology used for testing is flawed. It varies from state to state and it's not accurate anywhere. It's too easy to skew the results. Most of the labs have ties to the growers so there's that bias going on.
Preparing Composite Samples Starting March 31, 2022, a batch of marijuana or usable marijuana may consist of a harvest lot of a specifically identified quantity that is cultivated utilizing the same growing practices, harvested within a seven calendar-day period at the same location and cured under uniform conditions. The batch size may not exceed 15 pounds and starting July 1, 2022, the batch size may not exceed 50.0 pounds. The batch submitted for testing does not need to be strain specific, though if multiple strains are being grouped into a batch together, potency must be tested separately.
For potency testing, multiple batches of the same strain and substantially similar material in terms of appearance and quality may be combined. This generally means that trim and flower should not be combined for potency testing. Each quantity of dissimilar material would need to have their own potency test if they will be sold separately.
Each sample taken shall be homogenized individually at the laboratory. When a composite sample is being prepared for testing, a proportionally representative amount of material is withdrawn from each homogenized sample using the laboratory’s formal subsampling method, and then the material from each sample is combined to produce the composite testing sample.