Canadian Stuff

What is it with these fascist cocksuckers?
Why are they all also corrupt slimeballs?
Why do they all have their faces shoved up Putin's ass crack?
Did they take money from them and now fear blackmail?
Do the Russians have kompromat on them?
They sure as shit have no principles to stand on, so what gives with North American fascists anyway?
How stupid, fear driven and brainwashed are the people of Alberta?

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Alberta, show Canada that you are not greed driven fascist assholes. What excuses will you make for electing these assholes?
Pierre Trudeau fucked you with the NEP 50 years ago and ya just can't get over the sore asshole?
Electing this kind of government will make it easy to fuck you or want to, but you'll just fuck yourselves.
Where is your sovereign wealth fund?
Norway has a trillion and half and you've been selling oil a lot longer, oh yeah tax cuts and letting oil companies and political insiders rip the province off for 50 years. Alberta, a place that choked itself on pure greed, but who wants to blame it on trans kids and minorities.

Will not sit as a party member, you mean expelled from the party, don't you? How about expelled from the house?

UCP candidate compares trans children to feces in food
3,506 views May 19, 2023
If the United Conservative Party candidate who compared transgender students to feces in food is elected, she will not sit as a member of the party, Leader Danielle Smith says.
Alberta, show Canada that you are not greed driven fascist assholes. What excuses will you make for electing these assholes?
Pierre Trudeau fucked you with the NEP 50 years ago and ya just can't get over the sore asshole?
Electing this kind of government will make it easy to fuck you or want to, but you'll just fuck yourselves.
Where is your sovereign wealth fund?
Norway has a trillion and half and you've been selling oil a lot longer, oh yeah tax cuts and letting oil companies and political insiders rip the province off for 50 years. Alberta, a place that choked itself on pure greed, but who wants to blame it on trans kids and minorities.

Will not sit as a party member, you mean expelled from the party, don't you? How about expelled from the house?

UCP candidate compares trans children to feces in food
3,506 views May 19, 2023
If the United Conservative Party candidate who compared transgender students to feces in food is elected, she will not sit as a member of the party, Leader Danielle Smith says.

I'm living in dread that these assclowns win again. Talking to my neighbour the other day and he's voting for them. Damn farmers are so afraid of moving into the 21st century if it means some things will change.

Fingers crossed for NDP to get even a slim majority so we can move things along the path they should go. The Alberta party here may split the conservative vote like '15 and get us another win!

I'm living in dread that these assclowns win again. Talking to my neighbour the other day and he's voting for them. Damn farmers are so afraid of moving into the 21st century if it means some things will change.

Fingers crossed for NDP to get even a slim majority so we can move things along the path they should go. The Alberta party here may split the conservative vote like '15 and get us another win!

I'm pretty pissed about these fascist assholes and figure in a decade they will be singing a different tune when the tar sands are closed down and with the price of oil and NG dropping. It will be changing technology not the evil liberals that will screw them and drop the price of oil as producing countries scramble for diminishing markets. The tar sands will be the first to go for economic reasons as the price of fossil fuels drops. That farmer neighbor could be driven out of business by drought or wildfires because Alberta will be the hardest hit province by climate change. Banff and Whistler won't get many visitors either if they are burnt to a crisp by forest fires. Get used to the smell of cow shit again, provided there's enough water to grow grass.
I'm pretty pissed about these fascist assholes and figure in a decade they will be singing a different tune when the tar sands are closed down and with the price of oil and NG dropping. It will be changing technology not the evil liberals that will screw them and drop the price of oil as producing countries scramble for diminishing markets. The tar sands will be the first to go for economic reasons as the price of fossil fuels drops. That farmer neighbor could be driven out of business by drought or wildfires because Alberta will be the hardest hit province by climate change. Banff and Whistler won't get many visitors either if they are burnt to a crisp by forest fires. Get used to the smell of cow shit again, provided there's enough water to grow grass.
Will take more than a decade. I do not see the massive investment into our electrical system we will need.
Will take more than a decade. I do not see the massive investment into our electrical system we will need.
In a decade we will see a lot of EVs on the road and we will be well on our way. A lot of people in the burbs and towns surrounding cities can make a lot of their own power and either contribute to the grid or home storage to buffer it or charge their own EV. Just looking at the government targets for EV sales and alternative energy reveals a lot. However, I agree the grid has problems and can't utilize a significant amount of alternative energy now. We need a robust green new grid that is much more flexible and smarter, but if you have your garage covered in solar panels and a sodium-based battery bank, you won't need the grid much to power your transportation, depending on what you drive.

Perhaps there should be more of a rebate for smaller efficient EVs and less of one for kilowatt guzzling half tons and SUVs? Base rebates on vehicle weight and power consumption. Most subcompact and compact EVs can overnight charge from 120 volts to more than the average daily range requirements using an internal smart charger.
so NOW you are worried about emergency rooms
Always concerned when health services are taken from the people, In our area during the wuflu BS our hospitals and helth services board were very concerned about an influx of city residents flooding the area and overburdoning the hospitals. It was stated we had only 3 respirators in the area. Naturally when they panicked everyone about the wuflu that people would seek out isolation (which is natural, No?). Since 2021, not a single respirator has been purchased and now we have deficit running health boards closing an important emergency room, in order to appease a more sensible botto line. The same health board is putting their funding behind a catscan imager (obsolete) instead of hiring staff to keep our emergency department open. One more step to privitization of our once proud social benefit. I can almost see Toronto from my house yet we cannot seem to retain any family doctors in this area. The switch from piecework pay to doctors, has crippled family healthcare access. That was enacted by yes Conservative premier Mike Harris and his 'common sense revolution', which was war on government unions mostly. I wish he would have left doctors alone. As for unions being overpowered and overpaid, we unfortunatly can't do what Ronald Reagan did with air traffic controllers...
Does anyone remember the 'brownouts we had during the 1990's where it was stated that we didn't have the capacity enough for our demands? There hasn't been a major power plant built since, except for solar and wind projects, yet everyone is being forced to buy an electric shitbox, to make the air cleanerer. I think the majority of residents never actually pay their rent incorporated hydro bill. We have enough oil and natural gas in our country to power us until the next 10 milleniums. Carbon dioxide is killing us? Taxation and centralization will get us first...
Does anyone remember the 'brownouts we had during the 1990's where it was stated that we didn't have the capacity enough for our demands? There hasn't been a major power plant built since, except for solar and wind projects, yet everyone is being forced to buy an electric shitbox, to make the air cleanerer. I think the majority of residents never actually pay their rent incorporated hydro bill. We have enough oil and natural gas in our country to power us until the next 10 milleniums. Carbon dioxide is killing us? Taxation and centralization will get us first...
Carbon dioxide has begun to kill us. Ocean acidification is chewing at the foundations of the entire ecology.

On land, climate change is directly responsible for the sharp uptick in extreme weather events which kill hundreds to thousands annually, and are just getting started.

Carbon dioxide has begun to kill us. Ocean acidification is chewing at the foundations of the entire ecology.

On land, climate change is directly responsible for the sharp uptick in extreme weather events which kill hundreds to thousands annually, and are just getting started.

keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times...