Canadian Stuff

We need better policy, just in time was fine when interest rates were really high, but it's more trouble than it's worth when they are reasonable and in these market conditions. The complete lack of governments and particularly the US government's ability to regulate or even tax corporations due to decades of lobbying is showing. It's another symptom of wealth and power concentrating at the very top starting in the 1980s with the republican's dismantling of the new deal and they are still trying to get rid of the remnants like social security.
...Canada is running out of shit and it's the US governments fault? that's quite a leap...i'm sure they've contributed, but so has half the world.
how about having a strategic stockpile of raw materials, or developing some of those resources domestically, if possible?
...Canada is running out of shit and it's the US governments fault? that's quite a leap...i'm sure they've contributed, but so has half the world.
how about having a strategic stockpile of raw materials, or developing some of those resources domestically, if possible?
It’s indirect. “Pro-business” as practiced by GOP policymakers effectively freed corporations from the constraints of decency. Current oil profits illustrate. Since the Fortune 500 are multinational entities, our national policies affect the Canadian economy through the transmission effect of the corporations.
It’s indirect. “Pro-business” as practiced by GOP policymakers effectively freed corporations from the constraints of decency. Current oil profits illustrate. Since the Fortune 500 are multinational entities, our national policies affect the Canadian economy through the transmission effect of the corporations.
yeah, but so do the policies of china, russia, the EU....
to a lesser degree, i admit, but they have to be complicit for it all to work
yeah, but so do the policies of china, russia, the EU....
to a lesser degree, i admit, but they have to be complicit for it all to work
Complicit implies criminality. That is a whole nother can of worms.
I’ll go with linked, interdependent. “Just in time” supply management is cost-efficient but not robust. Remember a year (or was it two) ago when major ports were gridlocked, with container ships at anchor outside them? There will be a ringing pattern (where it whipsaws about the projected average before settling down), and the unforeseen demand wave whose marker is the capacity crisis in pediatric hospitals, probably happened to be coincident with the supply wave going through a downswing. Rotten luck that will have its own extended ringing pattern.
Complicit implies criminality. That is a whole nother can of worms.
I’ll go with linked, interdependent. “Just in time” supply management is cost-efficient but not robust. Remember a year (or was it two) ago when major ports were gridlocked, with container ships at anchor outside them? There will be a ringing pattern (where it whipsaws about the projected average before settling down), and the unforeseen demand wave whose marker is the capacity crisis in pediatric hospitals, probably happened to be coincident with the supply wave going through a downswing. Rotten luck that will have its own extended ringing pattern.
"Just in time" supply management may appear to be cost-efficient, but it most certainly is not when talking about essential items to keep society functioning, pay more now or pay way more later. After these past few years and to have industry and government claim they couldn't have seen this coming is gross negligence at best. They 100% knew this was coming.
Chinese President Xi confronts Trudeau over G20 talks being “leaked” to the press

On the sidelines of a G20 meeting, Chinese President Xi Jinping expressed his displeasure with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that details of the pair’s brief meeting Tuesday were 'leaked' to the press.

Read in CTV News:

Complicit implies criminality. That is a whole nother can of worms.
I’ll go with linked, interdependent. “Just in time” supply management is cost-efficient but not robust. Remember a year (or was it two) ago when major ports were gridlocked, with container ships at anchor outside them? There will be a ringing pattern (where it whipsaws about the projected average before settling down), and the unforeseen demand wave whose marker is the capacity crisis in pediatric hospitals, probably happened to be coincident with the supply wave going through a downswing. Rotten luck that will have its own extended ringing pattern.
we're on that kind of storage/transport model because it works to the stores advantage. they don't have to build stores with stock rooms, they don't have money tied up in stock...but one extra busy day results in shortages, a few busy days in a row and they have bare shelves, a busy week and it takes them two weeks to restock from it...the entire model is for the benefit of the retailer, not the consumer...remember just a couple of decades ago, when stored valued their customers, and tried to keep their shelves stocked? when they weren't so fucking greedy that they had some money invested in stock, so they could keep the shelves full after a few busy days?
a lot of things contribute to the current situation...and i think the retailer's new storage/delivery system that is designed to save them money is a major contributor.
...Canada is running out of shit and it's the US governments fault? that's quite a leap...i'm sure they've contributed, but so has half the world.
how about having a strategic stockpile of raw materials, or developing some of those resources domestically, if possible?
I did say WE need better policy as the first thing, the things you suggested would be among them. However, the economic center of the world, not just north Ameria is the US. Corruption in America leads to drastically high drug prices, 5X or 10X higher in America, where policy allows us to buy for bulk prices, this was made illegal in America for Medicare by the republicans. Lots of Americans order prescriptions from Canada. Likewise with our healthcare workers, they are paid high and burn out fast in America and lots of doctors and nurses go south for those gringo dollars. America's lack of adequate healthcare and corruption puts a stain on our system too. But does the government need to micromanage the private sector for things like this? Apparently, it does, so much for small government.
So we all saw your stupid convoy, kudos it was more successful than our stupid convoy, so I know you guys have the same sort of weird culture/political the hell do you guys not let it ruin stuff? Are they just a super small minority. We really only hear about your coastal cities, is the middle kinda like Alabama and you just don't talk about it? Do they not have much swing in the overall running of stuff?
So we all saw your stupid convoy, kudos it was more successful than our stupid convoy, so I know you guys have the same sort of weird culture/political the hell do you guys not let it ruin stuff? Are they just a super small minority. We really only hear about your coastal cities, is the middle kinda like Alabama and you just don't talk about it? Do they not have much swing in the overall running of stuff?
We bear our shame silently! :lol:
The proud boys were a Canadian creation exported to America, as was the nut who hammered Pelosi. We have them too, but they have no political home.

Some key differences:
We have a parliamentary form of government with a single legislative house, there is little division of powers, the King takes care of that, or Govenor General, or ceremonial president who has limited powers, but among them are dissolving the government right out from under the PMs feet!

We have more of a democratic government where the majority has more of a say and elections Canada sets the boundaries and runs the elections. The political parties also have more control over who the candidates are, sure they are nominated locally by the party, but a bolt from the God's above can eliminate a lunatic or nut job from the ticket. Elections are also simple, few elected offices are chosen and most things like cops, judges, prosecutors and dog catchers are government jobs.

We have them too, but they have no political home and wander the wilderness occasionally coming to town and causing trouble with stupidity. The Tory party is as close as they get to power and they have been learning the republican's lessons down south about how shit like that can poison a political party, if you let them in.
So we all saw your stupid convoy, kudos it was more successful than our stupid convoy, so I know you guys have the same sort of weird culture/political the hell do you guys not let it ruin stuff? Are they just a super small minority. We really only hear about your coastal cities, is the middle kinda like Alabama and you just don't talk about it? Do they not have much swing in the overall running of stuff?
America's biggest issue is it locked in a form of government from the 16th century with a constitution, adapted it and did not evolve it. In the UK the government evolved from the time of the American revolution and the Lords and King lost much of their power. America was set up as an imitation of this British system at the time, the President replaced the King, the parliament with the house and the house of Lords with the senate. All the lawyers were British trained, and it was not meant to represent all, the people, just those who mattered. In America the people did not revolt, their elected legislatures did, and they were an English creation. In the UK the political system evolved along with the society, pressured by revolution in America and in Europe. Eventually the British parliamentary system in one form or another was adopted by most of the world's liberal democracies. Other things are essential to a liberal democracy and its proper functioning too, independent courts, a free press, civil society, and an education system.
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So we all saw your stupid convoy, kudos it was more successful than our stupid convoy,

That would depend on how you define success.

so I know you guys have the same sort of weird culture/political the hell do you guys not let it ruin stuff? Are they just a super small minority. We really only hear about your coastal cities, is the middle kinda like Alabama and you just don't talk about it? Do they not have much swing in the overall running of stuff?
People from Toronto be like,

Trudeau getting scolded by Xi. He took it like a champ.

But Xi, trying to mask his anger with a pointed smile, was filmed by Canadian journalists telling an increasingly awkward-looking Trudeau: 'Everything that we discussed yesterday has been leaked to the papers and that's not appropriate.'

A stunned Trudeau, almost at a loss for words, just nodded as Xi continued his rant through a translator. The Chinese President looked pointedly at Trudeau and added: 'And that's not the way the conversation was conducted.'

Trudeau, knowing that details of his meeting with Xi had been leaked by his Canadian government sources, did not address the Chinese President's concerns and instead gave a hapless response.

Trudeau getting scolded by Xi. He took it like a champ.

But Xi, trying to mask his anger with a pointed smile, was filmed by Canadian journalists telling an increasingly awkward-looking Trudeau: 'Everything that we discussed yesterday has been leaked to the papers and that's not appropriate.'

A stunned Trudeau, almost at a loss for words, just nodded as Xi continued his rant through a translator. The Chinese President looked pointedly at Trudeau and added: 'And that's not the way the conversation was conducted.'

Trudeau, knowing that details of his meeting with Xi had been leaked by his Canadian government sources, did not address the Chinese President's concerns and instead gave a hapless response.

We believe in open dialogue when we are making decisions for billons of people, they have a right to know WTF is going on Xi, this isn't imperial China, and you are not Emperor. Go fuck yourself! ;)