Canadian growers - Mega Crop available


The unlabeled bag is Mega Crop, that's the plant food you use all the way through. The others Carbo is just a carb booster used in week 3-6/7 Big Up is the bloom booster also used in week 3-6/7 once a week and Rock Steady is a K booster only used around week 6/7 but only when flushing as it's 1200 ppm at 1gram/1L

There should have been label on the bad maybe I forgot it or it fell off. Keep that bag closed when not in use as its hygroscopic and will absorb moisture and bacome a brown sticky mess in a couple of days.
Really good answer but it’s still not telling me how much mega crop I should use per litre of water.Which is what I need to know the other bags are labelled I just can’t figure it out on your website, All I need is somebody to tell me “use this much millilitres or grams of mega crop per litre of water“ is what I need to know.
Really good answer but it’s still not telling me how much mega crop I should use per litre of water.Which is what I need to know the other bags are labelled I just can’t figure it out on your website, All I need is somebody to tell me “use this much millilitres or grams of mega crop per litre of water“ is what I need to know.

4 grams per litre in vege homie.
They don't have the Silver Nitrate but have Sod Thiosulphate Xtal Photo Prismatic Rice. Custom order and only in 25KG. Are you trying to make feminized seeds?

Yes, fem seeds. I'm looking to switch away from Colloidal Silver. 25 KG is far too much for my needs though :)
Yes, fem seeds. I'm looking to switch away from Colloidal Silver. 25 KG is far too much for my needs though :)

If I can sell it enough I can bring it it. As long as there's no shelf life on the product its not that expensive to bring in. What would be a size that people would normally buy for feminizing?
Is this deal with the free bloom booster and carb booster still available?And are you shipping the new blend?

I could make another deal again for the bloom and carb booster as a package at a nice discount on the bloom/carb booster. I ran out of the carbs and seems my account with the supplier had expired so have set it up again and its usually about a 1-2 weeks to get it as its a custom order.

What size are you looking for? I can probably have enough to do 10-15 kits with the carbs in 1kg of carb booster and 1kg of bloom booster.
I could make another deal again for the bloom and carb booster as a package at a nice discount on the bloom/carb booster. I ran out of the carbs and seems my account with the supplier had expired so have set it up again and its usually about a 1-2 weeks to get it as its a custom order.

What size are you looking for? I can probably have enough to do 10-15 kits with the carbs in 1kg of carb booster and 1kg of bloom booster.

I was looking for the 10kg bag