Canada’s shameful history of marginalization exposed again.

Why does your chart start at 1901?
Probably because that is when they started counting natives in the census. European (global) diseases started ravaging populations in North America starting with the Spanish, before the English and French showed up in the 1600's. They ranged from malaria, yellow fever, smallpox, chickenpox, measles, flu and everything else humans can spread.
I take it you are of German descent and Hitler was the root cause of most of what you described, what the German's did in eastern Europe and Russian was atrocious. What goes around comes around, where justice is not possible, there is retribution. The trouble with retribution is that it just gives license to psychos and sadists and has little to do with justice and more to do with mob violence.

What you said about native issues is largely true, but it does not negate our responsibility for the plight of many native North Americans, particularly those whose homes and lands were stolen. Treaties are contracts and as bad as many were, they must be honored and if that is not possible some other just settlement has to be made. There should be minimum standards for human rights, equality under the law and quality of life for every citizen in Canada, native or otherwise.

don't you get the pattern? white hetero greed.
You didn’t hit a nerve at all and your response is comical.

A government program that took children from their homes and families to be tortured, raped and killed sounds pretty bad to me but if you want to get into a pissing match over who is worse, you’re barking up the wrong tree. Not interested.

Yes, I know this shit has been going on for a long time. I thought it was appropriate to remind people of it and why I started the thread. If you don’t like the thread, stay out of it.

Of course it is not a pretty history, guess what? The world was a cruel place. Countries went to war with each other. My dad's father was used by Polish soldiers for bayonet practice in front of him. He was sent off to Siberia for four years. The only reason he got out alive was the Red Cross would come and ask to take the most sick or malnourished, the Russians gave the people that were close to death and to used up to work any more. He came here and worked as a laborer for peanuts, rolled up American dollars and hidden inside Life Savor candies to his brothers and sisters on the other side of the Iron Curtain. They managed to escape to the West and emigrated here.

Mother's family had the same ordeal, Her dad taken away to prison by the Polish (mom and day only met here, they grew up in different parts of the country) as he was one of the few people that could read and has the most official person in the village because of it. Their farm confiscated, Grandma managed to get seven kids through a war zone (my mother was the eldest at 16). Soldiers came, their commander wanted to have a woman for the night, they grabbed my mother's mom. The sergeant said they can't take her, she is a little pregnant, the commander would not want that. They grabbed a 17 year old girl that worked as a nurse. She ended up crawling back to the village and dying the next day from being gang raped and losing too much blood. With barely anything my grandmother manage to get the kids to Germany, paid smugglers to get them across a forest at night. The whole story could fill out a page here.

And every DP, immigrant, after the war in our neighborhood had an equal story how they survived. One day in highschool, the teacher in my sister's class said something about in the neighborhood most everyone in the class had been abused. A girl laughed, "No way." and she looked around and everyone in the class was silent. Everybody knew it was true. A dirty little secret no one talked about. It never happened. Go on with life. My sister went to a reunion of friends a few years back. After a lot of drinking, bonding again, people aside would tell stories about what really was happening behind closed doors. And families looking all prim and proper Sunday morning for Church. I remember being at a friend's house hiding in the basement with him from his step dad who was pissed, slammed around his wife, raped his step daughter. Wasn't even a teenager then, didn't know what to to but be quiet.

The rash of suicides that comes up on reserves once in a while? It is not because the kids are missing their favorite TV channel. Same thing. Don't give out any dirty laundry and blame everything on Residential Schools. Sorry, I have seen kids get worse, some repeated the cycle, some said "I will not be like you, I will treat my kids how I wanted to be treated." But the Native leaders want to get political power and will ignore the plight of their people. Blame Whitey" We have a Commission of Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women.

"In 2015, close to one half (48%) of all solved homicides involving a female victim were committed by a spouse or other intimate partner. Family members (other than a parent) were perpetrators in 22 percent of female homicides, followed by casual acquaintances (14%), parents (6%), strangers (6%), and criminal acquaintances (3%). In contrast, males were most often killed by a casual acquaintance (45%), criminal acquaintance (16%) or a stranger (16%)."

"In 2015, approximately 16 percent of female homicides remained unsolved at the time of reporting to the Homicide Survey compared to 29 percent of male homicides.[ii] The percentage of unsolved homicides has increased significantly since Homicide Survey data collection began in 1961. For example, in 1961 approximately five percent of homicides involving a female victim and 6 percent involving a male victim remained unsolved. The increasing proportion of homicides that remain unsolved has been largely attributed to the increasing complexity of cases involving criminal acquaintances and gangs. On average, homicide incidents involving spouses and family members are solved more quickly than those involving perpetrators with greater social distance from the offender."

"This over-representation of Indigenous women and girls among homicide victims has been observed across the country, with the highest rates found in the territories and in the provinces of Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan. In Manitoba and Saskatchewan, specifically, it has been estimated that Indigenous women and girls are 19 times more likely than Caucasian women to be murdered or missing."

And Canada was taken to task over the Native women that have been killed, even though a large majority of the cases are perpetrated by their own community. It is being labeled a genocide, even though Indigenous population is increasing.
You didn’t hit a nerve at all and your response is comical.

A government program that took children from their homes and families to be tortured, raped and killed sounds pretty bad to me but if you want to get into a pissing match over who is worse, you’re barking up the wrong tree. Not interested.

Yes, I know this shit has been going on for a long time. I thought it was appropriate to remind people of it and why I started the thread. If you don’t like the thread, stay out of it.
The school mentioned in your OP was run by the Catholic church. Are you still a Catholic, was your daughter baptized and confirmed in the church? Did you walk away from your religion over this, or the other abuses of the church? It was a government program, but churches did the torturing, raping and killing. Has the pope spoken out about this?
Indigenous Job Postings Manitoba.


Summer Student - Department Assistant HR

Front Office Administrator


Engineer 4 (Senior Software Engineer)

Summer Internship - Water Testing Project

Cannabis Educator

Cannabis Education Project Coordinator

First Nations/Metis/Inuit Candidates Customer Service Roles

Chief Executive Officer - NCN is thriving First Nation community with a strong Nehetho government, thirteen different operating agencies, corporations and organizations, serving approximately 4,600 members living in Nelson House, South Indian Lake, Leaf Rapids, Thompson, Brandon and Winnipeg. More than 60 percent of our members are between 13 and 30 years of age.

First Nation Sales Associate

Investigator- Public Interest Disclosure Act

Non-Insured Health Benefits Analyst

Nurse Practice Advisor

Recovery Support Worker

First Nations/Metis/Inuit Candidates - Mobile Mortgage Advisor

First Nations/Metis/Inuit - Talent Acquisition

Project Coordinator CancerCare Manitoba

Historical Researcher

Field Operations Supervisor, Census (Anticipatory)

Mental Wellness Worker


Program Assistant - West Region

Mental Wellness Worker

SAII- public - Learn from deep subject matter experts through mentoring and on the job coaching

Coordinator - Indigenous Disaster Risk Reduction

General Notice to General Public – COVID-19

Child and Youth Development Counsellor

Research Assistant – Gender & Women’s Studies, Sociology and ADES

Intensive Community Support Advocate

Child & Family Services Worker

Student Engagement and Program Support

Support Advocate

Child Protection Caseworker

Metis Early Childhood Education Recruitment & Retention Specialist

Specialized Foster Parent

First Nations, Inuit & Metis Mortgage Specialist

Opportunities for Foster Families

Indigenous / Aboriginal Recruitment - Opportunities for University/College Graduates

k-12 Teachers

Customary Care Assistant

Program Manager - Manitoba Adolescent Treatment Centre

Intake Supervisor

Family Support Worker

Vaccination Clinic Indigenous Liaison

Human Resources Manager

Tenant Resource Coordinator/Property Manager

Elder for the Board of Directors

First Nations, Inuit and Metis Senior Financial Advisor

Training Coordinator - DOCFS


Youth Care Worker

Senior, Audit Public

ER Responder

Dakota Language and Cultural Teacher

Mental Health Clinical Counsellor

Respite Workers (POOL) Casual Employment Opportunity

Teacher (part-time)

Store Manager - Relocation to Northern Canada

Paramedics in Northern Indigenous Communities


Other than the one engineering one to produce software to bands, the lending institution positions, not a lot of money making positions. Pretty much most dealing with dealing with their society ills.
The school mentioned in your OP was run by the Catholic church. Are you still a Catholic, was your daughter baptized and confirmed in the church? Did you walk away from your religion over this, or the other abuses of the church? It was a government program, but churches did the torturing, raping and killing. Has the pope spoken out about this?
I walked away from the church a long time ago and no, my daughter is not baptized, not that it’s any of your business.

Nice try though.
don't you get the pattern? white hetero greed.
There is no pattern, human beings are all the same, there's not a hair's difference between any ethnic group. White Europeans have been in ascendency for a few hundred years by an accident of history and that phase of history is drawing to a close. This is a time of transition and realignment globally, in the 1700's the two largest manufacturing countries were China and India. Things are just going back to the way they were before the European scientific and industrial revolution gave white Europeans an inflated sense of themselves and a false belief in their superiority and worth.
I walked away from the church a long time ago and no, my daughter is not baptized, not that it’s any of your business.

Nice try though.
Good response, but you were educated in the parochial Catholic system at least the humane portion of it. My point is most of these crimes were committed by mainstream churches, my Anglican church included (I walked away from it as a very young teenager). It was not the government alone that had culpability, it was everybody, even the paragons of morality, the religious leaders, the common people were even worse.

We make progress in humanity as a civilization, even if it doesn't look that way and sometimes it's two steps back and one forward. Liberalism is what is saving us, secular civil societies, democratically elected government, guided by constitutions and the rule of law and not much else. Jesus ain't coming and God won't intervene because there is none, we are on our own to make it or break it.
UN Human Rights Office calls for examination of MMIWG inquiry's genocide claim
The United Nations Human Rights Office is urging the federal government to probe the national inquiry's conclusion that violence against Indigenous women and girls amounts to genocide, CBC News has learned.

"The national inquiry found reasons to believe that Canada's past and present policies, omissions and actions amount to genocide, under international law," UN spokesperson Ravina Shamdasani wrote in an email statement on Sunday.

"Given these findings by the inquiry, we call on the government to take steps for competent national authorities to assess these serious claims."

"The very first thing I'm sure the commissioner's going to want to see is what is the plan on the part of Prime Minister Trudeau and his government to address the conditions of genocide that he's admitted," said Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond, a law professor at the University of British Columbia.

"The fact that the prime minister said 'genocide' triggers an international process."

"In 2016, there were 1,673,785 Aboriginal people in Canada, accounting for 4.9% of the total population. This was up from 3.8% in 2006 and 2.8% in 1996. Since 2006, the Aboriginal population has grown by 42.5%—more than four times the growth rate of the non-Aboriginal population over the same period.Oct. 25, 2017'

So the Aboriginal population has grown 42%, four times the growth rate of the rest of Canada. And it is a genocide. There is not enough housing. Not enough water. No jobs on the reserves, the government should do something. But Justin Trudeau has admitted to genocide on the Native population.

The following table of total aboriginal population is provided by Statistics Canada. The upturn beginning about 1960 is attributed in large part to better access to health care.


There are about 2600 reserves and something over 600 First Nations bands. Bands can be grouped (a) geographically, (b) culturally, or (c) linguistically. In the last category, native languages are classified under 12 language groups representing approximately 50 languages. The language groups are Beothuk, Eskimoan, Athapaskan, Algonquian, Iroquoian, Siouan, Kutenal, Salishan, Wakashan, Tsimshian, Haida, and Tlingit. Algonquian languages are spoken by the largest number (about 100,000); these include Blackfoot, Cree, Ojibwa, and Mi'kmaq.

The Irish moved when life was not viable in their homeland. Many other peoples have done the same. My relatives all had. But First Nations that are in the middle of now where with no access other than winter ice roads or by airplane are to have modern infrastructure built. There is a dire shortage of nurses and doctors on the reserves. Not unusual that non-native women really want to go up to a nursing station with all the crap going on up there, being harassed by the younger men.

Speaking of, we have too many Natives in prison, out of proportion to their percentage of population. Well we have a gang problem. It started with the Indian Posse. There are 6,000 members. their biggest rivals? The Manitoba Warriors.

Aboriginal street gangs
  • Manitoba Warriors.
  • Saskatchewan Warriors.
  • Kelowna Warriors.
  • Native Syndicate.
  • Terror Squad.
  • Most Organized Brothers (MOB)
  • Redd Alert.
Into drugs, prostitution, murder. Women are property to them. Get a young girl off the reserve who is already used to abuse and take her to the big city, fun and drugs, but you now have to bring in money for the gang.

Sorry for the rant, touching on many issues. The missing kids buried? Most died due to passing around pneumonia or other illnesses. No, they were not killed by priests, although I am sure they were not angels to them. Rather than flying the body up to wherever they came from they just buried then in the back. The electricians I worked with? One from up north, the other was also, he was white but had half native brothers, grew up along side them. They learned their trade to get out from where they were, there was no future for them.

Number of individual bands.


Above Thompson, forget about roads. Not a lot of economic activity for the bands.


you guys must have major sex trafficking whoa! :shock: ..when i was still married to my husband he told me our TOWN had 80 KNOWN gangs
There is no pattern, human beings are all the same, there's not a hair's difference between any ethnic group. White Europeans have been in ascendency for a few hundred years by an accident of history and that phase of history is drawing to a close. This is a time of transition and realignment globally, in the 1700's the two largest manufacturing countries were China and India. Things are just going back to the way they were before the European scientific and industrial revolution gave white Europeans an inflated sense of themselves and a false belief in their superiority and worth.

i changed my know what, it just basic greed by everyone. one of your moral compasses that you should be following hence the bible for those who need to be reminded.
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Our species is over a hundred thousands years old.

Our worst is virtually lost to history is my guess.

But I would put our abuse of the Native Americans or European abuse in Africa/India during the same period as the worst in the history I know about.

So far China has seemed more to brush the line of cultural genocide, but what I have seen they have not stepped over that line of actual genocide. Yet.

what's the country you are only allowed one baby?
I take it you are of German descent and Hitler was the root cause of most of what you described, what the German's did in eastern Europe and Russian was atrocious. What goes around comes around, where justice is not possible, there is retribution. The trouble with retribution is that it just gives license to psychos and sadists and has little to do with justice and more to do with mob violence.

What you said about native issues is largely true, but it does not negate our responsibility for the plight of many native North Americans, particularly those whose homes and lands were stolen. Treaties are contracts and as bad as many were, they must be honored and if that is not possible some other just settlement has to be made. There should be minimum standards for human rights, equality under the law and quality of life for every citizen in Canada, native or otherwise.

Actually a lot of what happened preceded the war. But when you have one nationality in another's land you can have issues that pop up as between the Israelis and the Palestinians. My point was people were not too nice to other peoples. There were people not nice to their own peoples. Taking a magnifying glass and judging history by today's norms, it is easy to see harm. Life was tough for the kids they put in the schools but life was tough all over the world. I was just giving accounts that I knew of personally. I grew up with Italians, Portuguese, all the immigrants from WWII. People that went through all the same atrocities.

We have refugees from the Middle East, Africa, many parts of the world today. Working in a major hospital with one of the guys having a wife working with these people she said almost all have suffered traumatic abuse, most have multiple sexual diseases. And they are willing to suck it up and work hard to make sure their children have a better life? They sure will. There may be more than a few that will beat their kids, taking out the horrors they have lived through on them.

On the treaties and lands taken, yes we can make things right. But sometimes you have to do things for your family. The graph above, on the increased population of natives. Much of that increase was due to them not living like their forefathers off the land. They also moved on when they outstripped the resources in the area. Not, I am going to keep popping out babies when I only have a two bedroom house.
Good response, but you were educated in the parochial Catholic system at least the humane portion of it. My point is most of these crimes were committed by mainstream churches, my Anglican church included (I walked away from it as a very young teenager). It was not the government alone that had culpability, it was everybody, even the paragons of morality, the religious leaders, the common people were even worse.

We make progress in humanity as a civilization, even if it doesn't look that way and sometimes it's two steps back and one forward. Liberalism is what is saving us, secular civil societies, democratically elected government, guided by constitutions and the rule of law and not much else. Jesus ain't coming and God won't intervene because there is none, we are on our own to make it or break it.
At no time did I absolve the church of their complicity, so I don’t understand why you’re bringing that up.