Canada's impaired driving laws just got a huge and controversial overhaul — here's what you should k

It would be interesting to find out where our levels are now? I’m gonna ask my Doc about pulling some blood to test where I average on a daily basis. Let’s face it, most of us here sweat 2 nanograms ffs.
That is a fabulous idea....baseline studies.... I took over 1g/day of morphine and liquid morphine is an almost instant hit...I drove deserted northern roads at -40 with my two babies and maybe I shouldn't have, but the little sticker on the bottle told me to use my discretion and I have not had an incident to date.
It would be interesting to find out where our levels are now? I’m gonna ask my Doc about pulling some blood to test where I average on a daily basis. Let’s face it, most of us here sweat 2 nanograms ffs.
Shortly after using it rises to roughly 100microgram per liter, max in NL is 3 micro gram per liter, similar to your 2-5ng per milliliter. So 100ng per ml, 20-50 times more than allowed. For infrequent users that drops to acceptable levels within hours, though differs highly per person.

For frequent users it’s irrelevant, they are always fucked. Only way to fool the saliva test with certainty is to use the same antibodies which are expensive and need to be cooled, very impractical.

Compared to other substances, very little thc makes it from the blood to saliva, most is actually from smoking/vaping.

It should be obvious these laws have nothing to do with preventing people from driving under influence.
Shortly after using it rises to roughly 100microgram per liter, max in NL is 3 micro gram per liter, similar to your 2-5ng per milliliter. So 100ng per ml, 20-50 times more than allowed. For infrequent users that drops to acceptable levels within hours, though differs highly per person.

For frequent users it’s irrelevant, they are always fucked. Only way to fool the saliva test with certainty is to use the same antibodies which are expensive and need to be cooled, very impractical.

Compared to other substances, very little thc makes it from the blood to saliva, most is actually from smoking/vaping.

It should be obvious these laws have nothing to do with preventing people from driving under influence.

Totally. They are about criminalizing a group of people. Very obvious and hopefully as obvious to the Supreme Court Justices, although why it ever has to go there is a complete failure of governance.
The dust settles on my skin,
Making a crust I cannot move in
And I'm hovering like a fly, waiting for the windshield on the freeway

Genesis - Fly on a windshield 1974
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How do insurance companies handle this in Canada? Don’t know about the rest of europe but here in the Netherlands it basically means you’re double fucked if you cause an accident with THC in your blood. Quadruple fucked really, because besides the fines, losing drivers license, having to pay for damages, it’ll be very tough to find an insurance company when you get your license back.

An obvious way for cops to recognize cannabis users behind the wheel is that they often drive too slow and weave a lot. So avoid doing that.
How do insurance companies handle this in Canada? Don’t know about the rest of europe but here in the Netherlands it basically means you’re double fucked if you cause an accident with THC in your blood. Quadruple fucked really, because besides the fines, losing drivers license, having to pay for damages, it’ll be very tough to find an insurance company when you get your license back.

An obvious way for cops to recognize cannabis users behind the wheel is that they often drive too slow and weave a lot. So avoid doing that.
Insurance companies will need PROOF that you were impaired. There is no way to prove impairment from cannabis and our courts will throw out the charges. I toke continuously all day, every day and I'm not about to change my driving habits.
An obvious way for cops to recognize cannabis users behind the wheel is that they often drive too slow and weave a lot. So avoid doing that.
that was sarcasm at it's best because it certainly dose not come from observation, that's for sure!:|:roll:

agreed INS is going to be a tough one people cannot see coming, house INS as well and any organization who thinks the can get some green out of a patient will try! lol
that was sarcasm at it's best because it certainly dose not come from observation, that's for sure!:|:roll:
Not sure why that upsets you but it’s a fact that’s a classic sign used to pick out stoners and old ladies in traffic :) Just like cellphone users and drunk drivers have their own behvaior that gives them away. NL is very compact, lots of traffic monitoring and by law we are supoosed to drive the most right lane, I don’t know how well that translates to Canadian traffic and roads but no, unfortunately no sarcasm intended.
Not sure why that upsets you but it’s a fact that’s a classic sign used to pick out stoners and old ladies in traffic :) Just like cellphone users and drunk drivers have their own behvaior that gives them away. NL is very compact, lots of traffic monitoring and by law we are supoosed to drive the most right lane, I don’t know how well that translates to Canadian traffic and roads but no, unfortunately no sarcasm intended.
your thinking is flawed dude
now yer equating cell phone use to smoking pot.
.again,,,distraction impairments kill more people as well!:-?:idea:

Next misguided point please

no pun intended(:
your thinking is flawed dude
now yer equating cell phone use to smoking pot.
.again,,,distraction impairments kill more people as well!:-?:idea:

Next misguided point please

no pun intended(:
That’s just... special.
How do insurance companies handle this in Canada? Don’t know about the rest of europe but here in the Netherlands it basically means you’re double fucked if you cause an accident with THC in your blood. Quadruple fucked really, because besides the fines, losing drivers license, having to pay for damages, it’ll be very tough to find an insurance company when you get your license back.

An obvious way for cops to recognize cannabis users behind the wheel is that they often drive too slow and weave a lot. So avoid doing that.

The harsh reality of legalizing Cannabis, likely means safer roads and less road rage. Less accidents. Although they would never spin it that way. Don't you know 57% of people who were hit by cars had consumed sugar?
2ng is total bull shit.. when Ross Rebagliati got his medal taken away in 98 for Thc. He tested 17.8 So your gonna tell me I’m impaired with 2ng in my blood yet young Ross could compete and win an Olympic calibre competition......Something wrong with that math. And according to Ross that was all from second hand smoke.:eyesmoke:
Studies back that up. Someone like me posted a while back a study where hotboxing a car and not toking on the joint just breathing got you 7ng.
A 2 ng limit is the invention of a group of people with absolutely no idea what they are talking about. This law is not worth the paper it was written on and will be quickly discarded as unconstitutional. I wish I possessed the brains to develop a cheap portable thc tester - every toker would want one! I do.