Canada vs. the U.S.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Over thi side of the pond the general unanimous agreemend is that while america might be a kick ass time or sorts, why would you bother if you can goto canada instead. People, culture, government etc, just so much more appealing north of the border. Looking to get upto whistler in october for a season and if possible maybe stay on whether legally or otherwise :D


Moderatrix of Journals
.... might have something to do with the fact that we share a titular figurehead though...? ;)

(whistler is the SHIT if you like powder, beer and slooty skibunnies!)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha kitty ya gonna have to slow down there, i'm on the cider and i'm not following titular figurehead :D

But yes, whistler does indeed appear to be the shit, powder beer, well not much for me, but lots of hash n dope to smoke on the slopes :D depending on the stay growing will of course come into play :D skibunnies is good but slutty ones i can pass on, i get more enjoyment just ripping the shit out of em, with words, not erm, ew. Suddenly reminded me of the film out cold, "hot sluts with tits!"


Active Member
ahhh europe sounds very nice also ... but we have so many friends and family ... anything across the pond would just be too much for short visits . thanks for the input guys .. lot of good points here ...


Well-Known Member
Here is some info on the tax thing.

my brother definitely pays taxes to the US, he was just complaining about it the other day when we spoke. If you make under a certain amount, you can get tax breaks but if you make over that amount, you have to pay taxes as if you live here but you get no benefit...

actually what happens in on income under 94,000 you pay only the appropriate portion of income tax to Canada.....Have to be here for 1 yr and not go back to the US for more than 33 days in a row.....Over that its a whole credit thing between the two countries......You will get tax credits for the income tax you paid to Canada on the 94,0000 then after that its anybodies game.....that link you provided is from a tax Lawyer office so is sorta biased.


Well-Known Member
actually what happens in on income under 94,000 you pay only the appropriate portion of income tax to Canada.....Have to be here for 1 yr and not go back to the US for more than 33 days in a row.....Over that its a whole credit thing between the two countries......You will get tax credits for the income tax you paid to Canada on the 94,0000 then after that its anybodies game.....that link you provided is from a tax Lawyer office so is sorta biased.
yeah i figured it was a bit biased but it was the only thing i could find that was somewhat straight-forward about answering the question. i looked a bit and some of the respondes were so convuluted, i couldn't figure out what they were trying to say. i know when i was thinking about moving to europe, a lot of people told me the taxes would hurt. i don't think it's something that should stop you from moving, you have to live you life & can't let money stop you from following your dreams. it's just something to plan for.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
i live in Canada...and to be honest both US and Can are real nice visualy in some parts....only thing i really get pissed about here is the gun laws, if you can deal with that then its all good IMO. Taxes can be high depending on what province you live in, same goes with health care....some is free, some is not depending on province


Hello OP,

I am living quebec, I am canadian myself.

In my point of view, here are listed major differences between USA and Canada

Politic : USA is a republic while Canada is still ruled by parliaments. Which makes a bit different the way laws applies from a province to another compared to how a state can have theirs.

Health : As you mentionned, Canada has free health system, that's one major difference and what makes many americans JEALOUS of Canada. But, I must say, this system does fail. Public Hospitals are always overloaded and you can barely get to have your own doctor within 5 years. Going for an emergency may take up to 12 hours as well. Paid services are way better. At last, quality is, I believe, as good as it is in USA. (What I mean here, is that I wouldn't trust an american doctor not speaking english [[america does include mexico]])

Justice : USA are not laughing with justice. You should be scared to commit a crime in USA. While in Canada you know what you will receive for punishment will be ridiculous. While USA appear to be ready to start unwearing peoples in airports, canada are more respectful of each one's privacy and got their laws softer.

Quebec : Canada is involved in language debate. You will have to deal between french and english if you pick Montreal.


Staff member
as a Canadian i say fucking do itttt, i love my country, and if you work for a mininum wage job you get paid dude a call center you start 11$ an hour if you work fulltime, you get benfits, for your entire family, everyones generally nicer here, and bud is legal if you have abit , or you can get medical only problem is even with free health care it takes a bit to get a family doctor ive been waiting for a female doctor for like 6years now ( im female and only want a female doctor) the waits arent too bad at the emergency area though


Well-Known Member
Yeah i hear the medical situation down there is horrid, like with uber long waits and such for free health care. I was told if you walk into an emergency room and have the cash to pay they bump you to the top of waiting. Now this is just hearsay im not dogging Canada me and my girl have actually discussed moving up there (i mean after you watching trailer park boys how cant you?)

Any validity to this?

And how legal is bud up there? Is it medical only?
I'm European and I've lived in a few different countries here but I'd love to move to Canada but it's hard for europeans I hear.


Well-Known Member
I live close to the Canadian border, so I've been there many times. I know it's not good to gerneralize, but Canadians just seem NICER!


Well-Known Member
Yeah i hear the medical situation down there is horrid, like with uber long waits and such for free health care. I was told if you walk into an emergency room and have the cash to pay they bump you to the top of waiting. Now this is just hearsay im not dogging Canada me and my girl have actually discussed moving up there (i mean after you watching trailer park boys how cant you?)

Any validity to this?

And how legal is bud up there? Is it medical only?
Absoltley not true......Our hospitals don't take cash LOL. You can however buy extra health benefits that cover stuff like Dental, Drugs and or eyeglasses. Medical Marijuana is Fedrally legal in Canada. Not like the US where it is still Fedarally illegal.


Well-Known Member
There is nowhere you can go to escape americas (nwo)grip
Lol, im waiting for the North American Union (US-Canada-Mexico) and when the One World Government is established the US will be tasked as Team America World Police!

Off subject tho my apologies.


Staff member
Absoltley not true......Our hospitals don't take cash LOL. You can however buy extra health benefits that cover stuff like Dental, Drugs and or eyeglasses. Medical Marijuana is Fedrally legal in Canada. Not like the US where it is still Fedarally illegal.

haha yeah no one takes cash at the hospital... theyd be like wtf no wait your turn, i mean like in all honestly last time i went to the hospital i waited overal like 1 hour to be seen by a doctor, during that hour i was getitng bloodwork done ect.
so overall not bad wait times. they do it by priority.
so if youre like oh i have a cough , youre not going to be number 1 on priority however you come in
and youre like
HOLY FUCK MY CHILD JUST GOT RAN OVER BY A LAWN MOWER, theyre obviously not going to make your kid wait...