Canada vs. the U.S.


Well-Known Member
I'VE lived in both the USA for 5 years and Canada for the rest and I can say personally IMHO living in Canada is way better then the states even for kids because the laws here are way more slack especially when it comes to marijuana trust me i know first hand the police here are more interested in busting the harder drugs are the main focus.. they could care less it seems when it comes to weed from my experiences and my friends.. I live on the east coast of Canada and the winters here are not that bad only around a 2 months outta the year their is snow on the ground which is not bad at all consider lots of places further south have way more snow and the people here are said to be the most friendly people in the world who actually believe in helping each other out no matter what.. Plus crime is alot lower here then the USA and unemployment is very very low if u can't find a job here u aren't looking for one plan and simple plus minimum wage in my province is 10.25 an hour which is great money for working fastfood or say Wal-Mart...all in all from my experience in living in both countries I would hands down choice Canada for more reasons then I could possibly name....and canada has FREE health care


Moderatrix of Journals
our postal workers are some of the best-represented union employees we have. not many other menial jobs out there where you're done work before noon and get full medical/dental. in victoria (my province's capital), you get fined by the city if you don't have the snow on your sidewalk shoveled by 10am for the safety of postal carriers. not to mention if you can retire from them, you're fucking *SET*.

and, as a longtime ebayer, i've noticed that most sellers of jewellery won't even ship to or deal with italian buyers citing "theft in the postal system" as a reason..... i'd rather have a bunch of happy well-paid postpeople who actually bring me my mail than disgruntled underpaid ones who achieve international notoriety as a bunch of thieves.

or, for that matter, ones that go on shooting sprees in their workplaces so often it becomes a figure of speech.


Well-Known Member
Lol van city biggest heroin problem in canada right thur yeah great place then you got all the gangs too it a mini usa
i just want to say that if you do move to canada, move to vancouver. It is awesome and is sometimes called vansterdam because of the shops and the munchie store.. Btw i live in canada ( not in vancouver-i wish) and it snowed where i lived a couple days ago. Not lots but it did.


Well-Known Member
Ohhhhh snapppppppp unghhhhh what ya say to that nothing just bow your head lol
our postal workers are some of the best-represented union employees we have. Not many other menial jobs out there where you're done work before noon and get full medical/dental. In victoria (my province's capital), you get fined by the city if you don't have the snow on your sidewalk shoveled by 10am for the safety of postal carriers. Not to mention if you can retire from them, you're fucking *set*.

And, as a longtime ebayer, i've noticed that most sellers of jewellery won't even ship to or deal with italian buyers citing "theft in the postal system" as a reason..... I'd rather have a bunch of happy well-paid postpeople who actually bring me my mail than disgruntled underpaid ones who achieve international notoriety as a bunch of thieves.

Or, for that matter, ones that go on shooting sprees in their workplaces so often it becomes a figure of speech.


Active Member
Dude if you do move to Canada don't move to Winnipeg place is a sh-thole. And stay outta Quebec they don't like us English folk there. Least that's how it seem to me when I rode through there


Well-Known Member
No you are very right about queerbec i backpacked across canada when i was a teen and a cop stopped us and my buddy said hello in french then told him we only knew a lil when he realised we didnt really know much he reverted back to his pompus french self and dont ever try to thumb a ride in quebec walking never got picked up once but ass soon as me and my buddy ploped down for a rest bammnm got a ride happened like that all through queerbec fook i was glad to get out of there !!!!!!!
dude if you do move to canada don't move to winnipeg place is a sh-thole. And stay outta quebec they don't like us english folk there. Least that's how it seem to me when i rode through there