Moderatrix of Journals
lol, the americans come here for extra freedoms, and canadians go to.... IBIZA!!
i just want to say that if you do move to canada, move to vancouver. It is awesome and is sometimes called vansterdam because of the shops and the munchie store.. Btw i live in canada ( not in vancouver-i wish) and it snowed where i lived a couple days ago. Not lots but it did.
and THIS is why you need to leave, IMMEDIATELY.
i think i'm gonna be sick.
our postal workers are some of the best-represented union employees we have. Not many other menial jobs out there where you're done work before noon and get full medical/dental. In victoria (my province's capital), you get fined by the city if you don't have the snow on your sidewalk shoveled by 10am for the safety of postal carriers. Not to mention if you can retire from them, you're fucking *set*.
And, as a longtime ebayer, i've noticed that most sellers of jewellery won't even ship to or deal with italian buyers citing "theft in the postal system" as a reason..... I'd rather have a bunch of happy well-paid postpeople who actually bring me my mail than disgruntled underpaid ones who achieve international notoriety as a bunch of thieves.
Or, for that matter, ones that go on shooting sprees in their workplaces so often it becomes a figure of speech.
dude if you do move to canada don't move to winnipeg place is a sh-thole. And stay outta quebec they don't like us english folk there. Least that's how it seem to me when i rode through there