Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

ahhhhhhhhh, feel the race baiting coming on. For the record, this morning I was threatened with a ban for not being politically correct by using the "thug" word. You see, it's OK for a black to use it but if a white does, noooooooooo. So, if I go, it's now public record as to why.

Political correctness is alive and well in RIU, as is censorship and hypocrisy.

If as you say it surely sounds like PC/communist censorship.
you racist righties are all way too embarrassed to simply admit what you are.

then there are the proud racists like uncleben and bignbushy. at least they are not complete cowards and own up to it, unlike you closet racists.

And when are you gonna own up to being nothing but an internet troll that is just waiting for his wife to get home from work?

So whats next, sit around and wait for the county fair so you can take first prize again? Fuck those high schoolers, buckys corn gonna win again.
And when are you gonna own up to being nothing but an internet troll that is just waiting for his wife to get home from work?

So whats next, sit around and wait for the county fair so you can take first prize again? Fuck those high schoolers, buckys corn gonna win again.

when you dream about me at night, is it sexy, homicidal, or both?
Well, it is a dark and stormy night. Then the crew from Futurama swoops down and an impossibly thrown hook, by what looks like a Robot, snags me and reels me in. I'm grabbed by an attractive woman with an odd characteristic. "Want me to wrap my one big eyelid around your mumblemumble?" she coos in my ear.. great dream.

A main feature is that Buck is not in it. :)
i dreamed last night that it was a good idea to cut off one of my fingers at the knuckle. not sure why.

i was relieved to see all 10 (+1) intact upon waking.
actually, illegal immigrants are often exploited for lower wages in substandard working conditions due to their status.

i feel it is fair to pay any human willing to work a decent wage that they may live on.

why do you resent hard working, industrious folks just because they don't have a piece of paper?

What does resentment have to do with it? You say all that, just not in your yard. You just feel, right?

Feed stray cats, get more stray cats. Stray cats are not raised right and so are feral to our land.

And I see no indication at all there are only hardworking industrious types on min. wage.

And have you worked for min.? I did. That is a big reason to move up.

Is this country suppose to be the job fair for world?

Maybe not, but it is. So, to raise the wage, is to swamp the ghetto with "guests that vote."

So transparent you are.
And I see no indication at all there are only hardworking industrious types on min. wage.

Do you believe those that are not hard working deserve to starve to death?

And have you worked for min.? I did. That is a big reason to move up.

And what if you can't move up, and any job you can get hires you for equal wages or less?

Is this country suppose to be the job fair for world?

No, but it is supposed to live up to it's own self espoused expectations, otherwise, shut the fuck up

Maybe not, but it is. So, to raise the wage, is to swamp the ghetto with "guests that vote."

So transparent you are.

Yes, you've figured it out, we want equal living wages for all American citizens so that we can steal the vote from the republicans..
If everyone has a living wage, then what keeps everyone from being equally poor?
That's the problem, when you raise minimum wages you simply fuck the people very slightly ahead of the increase.

If you make $12 an hour and they increase the minimum wage to $11 an hour, do you think you'll get an incremental increase?

Fuck no, you just got anally raped so a burger flipper with no skills can have an iphone too.