Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

Giving up on the abortion issue of the extreme religious right, and taking a pro MMJ stance would just about clinch it for the pubtards.

Nope I don't think so.

Embrace and promote actual Gay Rights. A marriage right in Federal Law, that the States can choose their course, but not on this.

Civil Rights.
If I was PUB. I would drop Anti-Abortion as a position.

What other Plank to abandon, that would make it more of a fair contest? What is the one other thing, they could distance themselves from and make a come back?

they cannot doer..that is their platform..white supremacy, bible, no rules (even though they are the reason why we must have rules..why?..because they don't play well in the sandbox).
Miss Sky, you have apparently forgotten about the game changing Independents, who seem to be less than thrilled by the hyperkinetic mismanagement underway by the current Administration.
It will boil down to the lesser of two evils.
The Independents will decide the upcoming contests.
Miss Sky, you have apparently forgotten about the game changing Independents, who seem to be less than thrilled by the hyperkinetic mismanagement underway by the current Administration.
It will boil down to the lesser of two evils.
The Independents will decide the upcoming contests.

No doubt about that.
Miss Sky, you have apparently forgotten about the game changing Independents, who seem to be less than thrilled by the hyperkinetic mismanagement underway by the current Administration.
It will boil down to the lesser of two evils.
The Independents will decide the upcoming contests.

How can you possibly make such a prediction without even knowing the candidates yet?

If it comes down to any Democrat v. someone like any of the GOP candidates before the primary in either 2008 or 2010, there will be another Democrat as president

The GOP has to change their platform to appeal to a wider base, but if they do that they alienate their original base, hence the problem.. They don't have enough votes to win anything right now, and they can't afford to change their stance on anything for fear of losing the rest, it's too big of a risk and I'm sure the GOP strategists already know that.

Interested in seeing how that pans out..

Who is the strongest GOP candidate for 2016 right now?
Your go to claim for anything and everything to try to get your way regardless of any other circumstance governing any situation. That old saw is worn out. No one cares anymore when you make those lame old slanderous claims. Time for you to grow up and join productive society as most see your kind as an embarrassment.

Did someone else call you a racist .. again ?
How can you possibly make such a prediction without even knowing the candidates yet?

If it comes down to any Democrat v. someone like any of the GOP candidates before the primary in either 2008 or 2010, there will be another Democrat as president

The GOP has to change their platform to appeal to a wider base, but if they do that they alienate their original base, hence the problem.. They don't have enough votes to win anything right now, and they can't afford to change their stance on anything for fear of losing the rest, it's too big of a risk and I'm sure the GOP strategists already know that.

Interested in seeing how that pans out..

Who is the strongest GOP candidate for 2016 right now?

Well actually, I was referring more specifically to the 2014 mid-terms which will decide the make up of both bodies of congress in advance of the 2016 election for Prez.
Recent trends indicate tremendous disapproval among the electorate regarding almost anything Obama.
The Dems seem intent upon snatching defeat from the jaws of victory as exhibited by their recent reckless behavior.
I have no earthly idea of who the candidates will be in 2016 in the run for the gold ring of the oval office.
Do you not follow political news at all?
they cannot doer..that is their platform..white supremacy, bible, no rules (even though they are the reason why we must have rules..why?..because they don't play well in the sandbox).

Know the enemy, Sky Born. (watching Vikings!) They have a platform as idiotic as anything, but it is is not that.

How may you slay the beast when you know not where lay, the heart?

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
4. Protect Free Markets
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
7. Reduce the Overall Size of Government
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence

So, granted it does amont to the same thing, ie maintain the status quo and going back a bit even.

And excoriation and hyperbolic scorn has worked so, by all means, please continue.
they cannot doer..that is their platform..white supremacy, bible, no rules (even though they are the reason why we must have rules..why?..because they don't play well in the sandbox).

You are getting the Occupy platform mixed with the religious right and anarchists.

Stop smoking good shit and trying to debate...
Having said that I was sent a PM by potroast that if I used that AWFUL word again (horrors!!!!) he'd ban me. I'm sick of political correctness and phony people. It's ruining this country.

What word? LOL
You mean the one adorning post 1105 right above yours that shall remain unfettered?
Funny how that works eh?
Someone too simple to know when something is used with malicious intent and when something is explained?

Is really is funny how that works, eh?

Nope, thats too complicated....kinda like your political views, just don't say it then it leaves nothing to be interpreted.
So the extacy say they only have like 20 years left? Interesting.
FWI...i am NOT a Repub.

you racist righties are all way too embarrassed to simply admit what you are.

then there are the proud racists like uncleben and bignbushy. at least they are not complete cowards and own up to it, unlike you closet racists.
Who is the strongest GOP candidate for 2016 right now?

an unnamed generic republican, as always.

once you embody the republican ideals into an actual person, you get to the blessed rape and voting as a racial entitlement for blacks and gays who need to be run out of town.
Someone too simple to know when something is used with malicious intent and when something is explained?

Is really is funny how that works, eh?

he's a racist from the south, he's just cranky that he doesn't get to use that word himself anymore.

so now he makes veiled stabs at liberation theology and talks about how civil rights for blacks was "not a good idea".