Can You Help Me With Temps


Active Member
Well I'm completely fuked on temps I woke up today and it was 88° in the tent so I put the only fan I have available on high and put it faceing the tent it hasn't helped it's only gone down to about 86° So I gotta find something to use to drop temps this fuking blows now instead of makeing my last purchase of equiptment I have to spend a shyt ton of money of a portable AC or something to use in the tent

I've been looking at a few things if you could help me that would be great (like cheap prices or a good

This is what i've been looking at

I'm still looking for more products but any help would be great thanks in advance

Wow sorry the links don't work I'll try to find them again they are there I was just looking at them


Well-Known Member
THIS MIGHT SEEM ONE STUPID reply. but trust me ive done this before i got a tent. when my temps went from 83 to 8 range with vents in and out on oc fans ect. i was the same as you. nothing seemed to work. i didn't have the money for an A/C unit. i tried one mre intake vent. but the air from outside wasn't the coolest. mid summer. so sisnt really help. then i made some home made co2(yeast and sugar) so i could run these temps and produced my best crop ever. jack here to. my seond grow to in soil. never got the same results since lol


Well-Known Member
Please list your entire setup and some pics if possible then we can try to tell ya how to optimize it before you spend money on a AC ...


Active Member
if you go to the link in my sig it has my entirer serup

i would re type it all but i am in the middle of moveing the grow into my daughters room (dont think im a bad dad plz she is only 3 months old and sleeps with me and mom in my room were grow is now ) im moveing the grow because the room i have the ductwork for the ac is shyt it doesnt cool this room so the room is like outside temps so im moveing it into cooler room to see if that helps

but if you guys want me to list all my equiotment jut let me know and ill do it as soone as i can


Well-Known Member
Ditch the booster fan.. they DONT flow what they advertise.. that flow rating is for a boosted application .. not static cfms... They just dont have the pulling power for any kind ducting.. hoods .. carbon filters.. once you add some restance they are just junk.. use it as a intake helper.. get a legit 6 or 8 inch inline fan.. always better to go big.. you can get a fan controller for 13 bucks to be able and control the speed.. If your not going to run CO2 .. you always want to try and cool the room with fans first.. you can run 6-10 vortex inline fans for the same cost as running 1 AC ... Ill go check out your thread right now...


Well-Known Member
looking at your pictures.. it looks like the fan is exhausting in the the room that your tent is in? You always want your exhaust fan to run to a window or attic or anywhere outside of the room that your grow is in .. your just gonna recycle the heat that its exhausting .. put some ducting on that booster to get the exhaust out of your room until you can get a good inline fan .. and your temps will improve dramatically .. Good luck.. youll get it figured out!


Active Member
Yes the fan is existing into the room I know that's not realy the best way to do it but I don't have many options rite now

I have been looking for a good fan to use as an exaust but doing this on a budget realy suks big time if I could find a decent price on a fan ide get one preferably a 6 inch because that's the size ducting I have already but I'll try to arsine to push air out of my room and see if that help at all before I move the tent into outher room

The outher room has a better lower room temp also so if the added duct work don't help then I'm gonna move it into cooler room and hopefully that helps


Well-Known Member
Yes the fan is existing into the room I know that's not realy the best way to do it but I don't have many options rite now

I have been looking for a good fan to use as an exaust but doing this on a budget realy suks big time if I could find a decent price on a fan ide get one preferably a 6 inch because that's the size ducting I have already but I'll try to arsine to push air out of my room and see if that help at all before I move the tent into outher room

The outher room has a better lower room temp also so if the added duct work don't help then I'm gonna move it into cooler room and hopefully that helps
Not trying to be harsh but let me explain something.. your on a budget right? Then why purchase an AC that will cost more then a quality inline fan to buy ?... and it cost 10x more to run a AC then a fan... A window AC will pull 6-10 amps .. a good 6 or 8 inch fan will pull 1 amp. Also venting out of the GROW ROOM wont maybe help.. it WILL help .. its one of the basics of grow room venting... there is no point in exhausting your tent at all.. if your just cycling the air into the room that the tent is in .. Basically your just heating the whole room.. so your intake air start to get hotter then the lights even heat it more ect ect.. its a never ending cycle .. Get that exhaust out of the bedroom some way and it will make 100% difference.

Whats the ambient temperature in your house?


Active Member
It's not being harsh man don't worry I asked for advice and it's what your giving me
I just added duct work to the top of the old to push air out the room instead of pushing into room

Htg is where I get all my stuff from lol

Thanks for the info on the AC and power diffrence from fan I'm just gonna have to hold off on my equiptment for my moms and but a good fan


Well-Known Member
yep think its the same one I linked a couple post up lol.. its perfect for what your lighting .. if not overkill.. but with the controller.. you can turn it down when it gets cold.. and turn it up if it gets hot. A good fan will save ya lots of money... Hope it all works out.. I used to run a 10,000 btu window ac to keep my 2000watt 8x4 tent cool... I went and bought a 6 inch for my exhaust .. and a 8 inch just for the hoods.. now I dont have to run any ac.. I only get a 6-8 degree difference from ambient temps to grow room temps with lights on .. WIfey and I did the math for the year.. saved me 85 dollars a month.. x 12 months lol..$ 1020.00 bucks a year.. Would of paid for 10 fans LOL. SO learn from MY mistakes :). Ill sub on your journal and follow along.. ttyl8er


Active Member
Damn that is a big diffrence I'm glad you told me that man I should be getting the fan in the next few Weeks I'm just glad they are seedlings and not flowering

Shyt bills go up ne higher girlfriend is gonna have to get 2 jobs lol


Well-Known Member
hey pedro. you could put a co2 bucket in the tent. it won't take much room. reason being the plants actually like higher temperatures when you use co2.


Active Member
Well I'm gonna get this new fan and if that don't help then I'll try to make one ide have to learn how but I'll try