Can you clone a male plant and get a female?????


Well-Known Member
Can you take trimmings off a male plant to make a clone, and have a female? or will the clone be a male for sure because the clone was off a male???
Clones have the same genetics as the plant they were cloned from, so a male plant can only be cloned to make more males.
Thats why its so great to buy clones, because you know they are female... Well.. as long as the seller is legit, I dont know who would be a dick and sell clones from a male.
well i want male plants and females!! not just females...But im growing the males in a totally different room than the female's so the male's dont polinate the females..

And if your wondering why i like to grow male's aswell, is because i like to make HASH out of the male plants by sifting the leave's on a silk screen to get all the THC (keif) off the leaves..

Male plants are good too have! just not as good as having a female..
I dont understand people who throw away perfect healthy male plant's when they mind out its a male! ... Its like waisting good marijuana in my eye's... You can still use the thc thats on the Male plant and make hash!!!!!!

No if's,maybe's, or but's about it!!!
Simple as that!
or you could just have twice as many females and make hash. Fill both rooms with females and make hash. Tell me how thats not better than a room full of males.


Clones have the same genetics as the plant they were cloned from, so a male plant can only be cloned to make more males.
Thats why its so great to buy clones, because you know they are female... Well.. as long as the seller is legit, I dont know who would be a dick and sell clones from a male.

No offense but thats inaccurate, Ive cloned a female and have gotten a male.The clone also suffered from no stress so that was not a factor, but I belive that your right you cant get a FM from M plant :):joint:
this may be a dead thread but what about hermie. i could see a room full of males stressed to hermies. or at least one changeing. to a female from cloneing life finds a way survival is reproduction right it could happen lol
I think it would work if you cut off the pollen sacks and throw them in when your marking the hash. This would increase your chances of not pollinating the females. I'm not an expert. I started to grow in my closet 2 weeks ago and still learning.
i've never heard of anyone cloning a male plant before. maybe if they had a good male and wanted to keep it for breeding? i dont even know if male plants are cloneable.
Hahaaa they are 100% clone able and they dont change sex. I have cloned dozen upon dozens of males to breed with and keep for years...never had a sex change and never had a problem cloning a male as compared to a female..sometimes males root faster!
I heard that if you take the cut from a male plant while you are on your back with your feet up in the air, the resulting rooted cut will most likely be female. Don't be afraid to try this folks, it works. Totally serious!
So many things are possible if you just keep trying. Like this, I successfully rooted a popsicle stick(finally).