His comment reminds me of what Issac Newton once said, "I feel like a child who, while playing by the seashore, has found a few bright colored shells & a few pebbles ...while the whole vast ocean of truth stretches out almost untouched and unruffled before my eager fingers."how do you know? i mean is this 3% an estimate?
Prove It... And I am serious, can you actually prove that you exist and are not just a mind set? Ponder that for a minute... As far as the God thing, I believe, I dont know how far into this debate i am going to go with it, but i may jump in a few times, quick question, If there is not God and he does not exist, tell me, How did the earth come to form? And I dont want any of this "Big Bang Theory" Bull Shit. I want something that would make sence.There is only one thing you can 100% know to be true, and that is that you exist.
How can you honestly say that with a straight face...?We are in heaven now, that is what I believe.
How can you honestly say that with a straight face...?
and heres where the idea gets crazy... how can something come from nothing??? whether science or religion has the answer i don't know... but i still believe there is someone or something out there that has a much better idea then us... and i hope to one day whether here or elsewhere learn that answer myself... i guess what the real point is and what i believe is that we are here to learn... knowledge is power and i believe that when our physical bodies die here that our learning doesn't come to an end but that is just the beginning of our learning... i think our true purpose is understanding and i think we get more then 60 to 90 years to do that... i think we are put here because you have to have an understanding of the physical part of the universe before you can grasp the unknown part... i think death is just the beginning but we are put here to make the most of life and we should not hasten towards death but be willing to accept it when it comes... but i could be wrong...
Ill agree with that. if were gonna get off this planet, the only ppl that are going to leave are gonna be rich, government-chosen folk who can start an orderly and prosperous culture. at least for a few generations... but we have moved on. Maybe due to stricter police control, maybe this has to be the future. If we are to survive, maybe we NEED to be controlled.
We're not only searching for answers on this Earth, our travels are in space too. We're constantly looking to the stars for answers. Also too, we are studying things on this earth we can't even see, quantum physics.
We know so much more since Newton's time, have advanced, I imagine, well past the great man's wildest dreams. our physical appearance hasn't changed much because we have learned the capabilities to survive our given environments. With better hygiene our health and life expectancy has doubled since Newton's time.
To say that we aren't close to discovering the truth could well be a wrong guess. We could be nipping at it's heels, the answer right in front of us. Isn't this usually the way? Obviously, of course, the answer may not be on this earth. We're looking for a catalyst, a beginning, for there must have been one. Even if you want to accept creation, there then must have been a start for this too, a catalyst for the catalyst. The fact is, whether you believe in creation or evolution, something HAS to come from nothing somewhere.
If I were the one dying, i would think of my family. Maybe a little terror too. Praying, no. What would be the point in praying? It's not going to stop you from dying. Praying is for well before you are dying, when that moment comes praying will be the furthest thing from anybody's mind.Well, to everyone who doesn't believe in God and to those who don't believe it is worth talking about, why is this thread 24 pages long. Kind of ironic don't you think... I challenge you all to find ONE word wrong in the bible and SERIOUSLY PROVE IT.
Oh and by the way there is no such thing as an athiest....... Push him out of a plane and he will be praying to God before he hits the ground.