• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Can You Adam And Eve It?


New Member
Not a theory, but scientific fact.

How have you shot me down? I fail to see ANY logic at all in your last post. If you want to discount science fact that is up to you.

The fact is you could never shoot me down, at least not on this subject. For what you believe is not real. You are a pretender. Deep down you know the shit spewing from your mouth is complete bollocks.

Read about the galapogos islands. This is science fact. Evolution is proved and is real. What we still don't know for a 100% fact is that the human race started from a hermaphrodite mollusc. This is the part of evolution that cannot be proved. Did we come from the sea, or did the tooth fairy create us?


Well-Known Member
False facts are highly injurious to the progress of science, for they often endure long; but false views, if supported by some evidence, do little harm, for every one takes a salutary pleasure in proving their falseness.
- charles Darwin

So enjoy this conversation...


Well-Known Member
i know all about galapogos... i have read on it and watched specials on it along with many other scientific studies and specials on how the earth was formed etc... however as i've said before none of these people were there... there is no written documentation... nothing yet you proclaim it to be true because they have done tests or made observations... but what do those tests mean??? how valid are they really??? as i said before with your turtle example... why didn't the turtle just move to an island where there was food easier to get to... it is known that turtles migrate for a number of different reasons... yet you and darwain say that instead this turtle waited thousands of years if not more for its neck to stretch... there are hundreds of other species that darwain observed and so he made a conclusion but who says he is right??? i wonder have you been to the islands yourself??? Have you made your own conclusions or do you listen to the beliefs of other men??? you are so quick to discount what i say and you use arguments based on the beliefs of other men not observations you have made yourself... when you go all over the world and observe animals and other life forms for yourself and you actually have a leg to stand upon get back to me... i make theories but i admit that with all of the unknown quanities i could be very wrong and admit that you could be right because after all i'm far from knowing everything... yet you make statements based on the experience and thoughts of others and believe them for fact... as i said science is your religion and you are willing to give yourself to it wholeheartedly you believe absolutly in your belief structure and say that you are positive and can be right yet you have no knowledge you have gained yourself... so i ask you again give me proof that what you say is truth!!! and i don't want others proof i want what you know from your own experience or we can just all admit that the human race doesn't know very much and that many things are possible that can't be proven or experienced...


Well-Known Member
“Believing as I do that man in the distant future will be a far more perfect creature than he now is, it is an intolerable thought that he and all other sentient beings are doomed to complete annihilation after such long-continued slow progress”

I beg the differ since the 1800s the scientific progress and technological progress has increased more than exponentially...


Well-Known Member
"I am a strong advocate for free thought on all subjects, yet it appears to me (whether rightly or wrongly) that direct arguments against christianity & theism produce hardly any effect on the public; & freedom of thought is best promoted by the gradual illumination of men's minds, which follow from the advance of science. It has, therefore, been always my object to avoid writing on religion, & I have confined myself to science. I may, however, have been unduly biassed by the pain which it would give some members of my family, if I aided in any way direct attacks on religion"



Well-Known Member
Darwinism claims, for example, that matter evolved form non-matter -- i.e. something from nothing -- that life evolved from non-life; that, through natural selection, rudimentary forms evolved into more complex forms; and that men are descended from animals or apes.
Now, all of this is uproven theory. And as the Darwinists have never been able to create matter out of non-matter or life out of non-life, or extract from the fossil record the "missing links" between species, what they are asking is that we accept it all on faith.


Well-Known Member
exactly and thankyou for seeing what i was getting at... i love science and hope that one day it will take us farther then we could even imagine but just as religion doesn't have all of the answers neither does science... anyone who believes in science with absolute conviction is just as blind as a religious zealot... an open mind will get us to where we want to be...


Well-Known Member
I'm a bahai' and my religion teaches that there needs to be a balance between science and religion...Although no man will ever get to know god for no earthly wisdom can grasp him...but the design of this universe can be compared to the design of a watch...for a watch must have a desginer for it to function and fulfill it's porpuse...Never will a watch come together from nothingness, even if the screws and bolts are there on a table for billions of years never will they come together to function and fullfil it's porpuse as a watch....Now think about cellular biology and its complex features...will this come together from nothingness as the theory claims...Nothingness means from atoms to millions of molecules in correct order and shape....to amino acids...to dNA in the right order and number of chromosomes...to cells and thier complex and intriguing behavior...to tissiue to bones, I mean just the complexity of the brain all working together for the end product being a living being a male and female so that they will continue on living from generationn to generation...I mean look at the diversity of life...All this from nothingness....plz be logicall and answer...


Well-Known Member
Cause and Effect. Things don't happen for no reason. The big ass chain of dominoes is a perfect description. Evolution is caused by change in an organisms environment. Fish didn't just decide to grow legs and run around on land. A change in their environment (cause) made certain characteristics more suited for the new environment. Survival of the fittest is always in play so these characteristics are most likely to be passed on to the next generation (effect). Follow this line of events over a million years and you have evolution.
Reason does not exist on its own, reason is the product of perception. u create the reason, and ur perception of that reason is different from everybody elses, at least to a point. shit just happens.


New Member
Darwinism claims, for example, that matter evolved form non-matter -- i.e. something from nothing -- that life evolved from non-life; that, through natural selection, rudimentary forms evolved into more complex forms; and that men are descended from animals or apes.
Now, all of this is uproven theory. And as the Darwinists have never been able to create matter out of non-matter or life out of non-life, or extract from the fossil record the "missing links" between species, what they are asking is that we accept it all on faith.
Dark matter is real.

As I've said evolution is a proven fact. Creatures evolve to better survive in their environments. This is proven. There are links, at least with humans and sharks, elephants too. You only need to look at the world when the dinosaurs were in it and make a comparison with the world today, has it not evolved?

I agree, the beginning is very hard to understand, and is as yet unproven, merely conjecture.


New Member
i know all about galapogos... i have read on it and watched specials on it along with many other scientific studies and specials on how the earth was formed etc... however as i've said before none of these people were there... there is no written documentation... nothing yet you proclaim it to be true because they have done tests or made observations... but what do those tests mean??? how valid are they really??? as i said before with your turtle example... why didn't the turtle just move to an island where there was food easier to get to... it is known that turtles migrate for a number of different reasons... yet you and darwain say that instead this turtle waited thousands of years if not more for its neck to stretch... there are hundreds of other species that darwain observed and so he made a conclusion but who says he is right??? i wonder have you been to the islands yourself??? Have you made your own conclusions or do you listen to the beliefs of other men??? you are so quick to discount what i say and you use arguments based on the beliefs of other men not observations you have made yourself... when you go all over the world and observe animals and other life forms for yourself and you actually have a leg to stand upon get back to me... i make theories but i admit that with all of the unknown quanities i could be very wrong and admit that you could be right because after all i'm far from knowing everything... yet you make statements based on the experience and thoughts of others and believe them for fact... as i said science is your religion and you are willing to give yourself to it wholeheartedly you believe absolutly in your belief structure and say that you are positive and can be right yet you have no knowledge you have gained yourself... so i ask you again give me proof that what you say is truth!!! and i don't want others proof i want what you know from your own experience or we can just all admit that the human race doesn't know very much and that many things are possible that can't be proven or experienced...

Are you really this thick? I have no knowledge I have gained myself? You want to know what I know from my own experience? I feel I would be wasting my time in trying to explain things to you as you haven't the mental capability to realise the gravity of my words. You really haven't.


Well-Known Member
why is this still going on?

evolution has NEVER been observed and you have pure and utter faith in it SKH, you bow to the proclamations of the least rational among us.


Well-Known Member
i have the intelligence to understand what you say skunk but i also have the intelligence to debunk what you say as nonsense... you don't know anything unfortunatly and i gather you are probably a good bit older then me... so you better get started... your absolute belief in what you think you know is astounding... at least i'm intelligent enough to admit that i probably know very little to nothing instead of believing in something i know nothing about... i believe you are intelligent skunk i have read all of your posts and i don't call you an idiot for what you believe but you know in your heart you can't disprove a damn thing because like me you are human and don't know shit... i watch the same specials as you i read the same books as you and i understand science as well or probably better then you... The only differnece is i don't put all of my faith in something i know to be fallible... science is not perfect in fact nothing is... until you can admit that and open your mind to all possibilities to include science then you are a fool... and i hate to see intelligent people acting foolish so as i've said before state your argument give me proof that your rationale is the correct one... (by the way i have no fear that you can or will because its impossible)... Don't try insulting me because you are just proving your foolishness... all i ask is what you know and i'm finding out that... that is very little to nothing... you just think you know a lot but since all of your beliefs and ideas are stationed around the beliefs and ideas of others it looks as if you have none of your own... THAT MUST SUCK!!!


Well-Known Member
Consider this.

Adam wasn't "made", he was created by God as a manifestation of Himself, his spirit and consciousness embedded within Man.

The important aspect that I notice is that Adam was created already a grown man, when God gave him consciousness.

That is the key to the underlying subtext of the story. That man as a biological entity definately (probably) evolved over the millenia, just like all the other plants and animals on the planet.

However, it was God who granted him the conscious awareness that isn't found in other species (even apes and monkeys, etc.).

The Eve scenario is metaphorical. Women were created "from" Man, is more apt when you consider that Women were created in counterpoint to Man. As evidenced by the forbidden fruit situation.

Women will love a man to death. A strong man would see that catering to a woman over God (eating the fruit), is inherently sinful and punished by replacing the Mans true conscious God with a Womans voice of what we see on every sitcom and relationship out there (do this, do that, love me, cuddle with me) Controlling behaviors you see? A weak Man, curls up to his Woman like he curled up to his mother, seeking approval and cowering before her like a slave.

The Adam and Eve story signifies the beginning of man as a conscious being as granted by God, lifting Humankind above the realm of subconscious animal, as well as analogizing the ancient struggle between Men and Women.


Well-Known Member
i have the intelligence to understand what you say skunk but i also have the intelligence to debunk what you say as nonsense... you don't know anything unfortunatly and i gather you are probably a good bit older then me... so you better get started... your absolute belief in what you think you know is astounding... at least i'm intelligent enough to admit that i probably know very little to nothing instead of believing in something i know nothing about... i believe you are intelligent skunk i have read all of your posts and i don't call you an idiot for what you believe but you know in your heart you can't disprove a damn thing because like me you are human and don't know shit... i watch the same specials as you i read the same books as you and i understand science as well or probably better then you... The only differnece is i don't put all of my faith in something i know to be fallible... science is not perfect in fact nothing is... until you can admit that and open your mind to all possibilities to include science then you are a fool... and i hate to see intelligent people acting foolish so as i've said before state your argument give me proof that your rationale is the correct one... (by the way i have no fear that you can or will because its impossible)... Don't try insulting me because you are just proving your foolishness... all i ask is what you know and i'm finding out that... that is very little to nothing... you just think you know a lot but since all of your beliefs and ideas are stationed around the beliefs and ideas of others it looks as if you have none of your own... THAT MUST SUCK!!!

This guy here is not thick...In fact I think that his wisdom surpasses his age...


New Member
This guy here is not thick...In fact I think that his wisdom surpasses his age...

okay, maybe not. I don't believe he's thick either. I just get angry when I feel I'm repeating myself. Also, to claim that you cannot know anything is completely wrong. Maybe, i should have used the word naive.


Well-Known Member
I do know things and i believe knowledge is power... i just understand that even if i was to learn all there was on this earth that i would still know not even 3% of everything there was to learn... thats all...