can u have seeds....?


Well-Known Member
will i have lots of seeds? and will it effect females around it
I am not sure if im 100% on what you're saying but heres my guess. Male pollen can travel miles through the air so a near by males can make your lovely ladys preggo.

If a female plant produces seeds it puts more energy into growing the seeds rather than buds, so typically you do not want this unless you want to harvest seeds. As to the amount of seeds, it varies on the plant size.

If there is any male near the females and the pollen sacks burst, chances are all of them will get pollinated.

Hope this helps :joint:


Active Member
thanks jj. the thing is is this is my first grow and the two that i have r both female. unless one of my neighbors is growing i dont see how anything could have pollinated it. im growing in my closet


Active Member
Seeds can happen anytime, don't underestimate the power of wind. I got shrooms growing with my weed and I haven't touched mushrooms in two years.


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing your growing with bag seed, most likely the plant your seed is from was stressed because of half assed growers or just lack of good grow conditions. All of the seeds you get from this plant will be feminized, but will have the same changes if not higher of self pollinating and producing seed. Female flowers know that their life is ending and if they have not been "knocked up" by a male they will do it themselves as survival is the goal of anything living


Active Member
thanks mortloch very useful info. i thought it could be something like that. atleast the seeds will be feminized for my next grow=)+ rep to u. thanks