can u ever have to much light?


Well-Known Member
so i have a few seedlings growing, they are well ventilated so heat wouldnt be an issue, and i have available to me 4 4foot floros, and 10 23watt CFLs, sure i just use all that? they are only about 2 weeks old so they are still kinda young

Dr High

Well-Known Member
what id do is keep them under just the floros for now, when you start 12/12 cycle use the cfls only.


Well-Known Member
Ever have too much light? no. As long as you can keep up with the demand for nutrients and co2! If you can keep the temps down, I would use as much light as possible. JMHO


Well-Known Member
Ever have too much light? no. As long as you can keep up with the demand for nutrients and co2! If you can keep the temps down, I would use as much light as possible. JMHO
Well, would 8 cfl's 23w 1600 lumens be too much on two 2-week old plants? about 2 inches from the light.


Well-Known Member
as long as temps stayed low enough and the plant could handle the nutrients levels that it would be begging for, i belive so. That close though I am not totally sure, like i said JMHO, if I am wrong, please someone tell me, because I would feel completly horrible if I am spreading misinformation, but I am pretty sure I am correct, as this is how I remember it explained to me.


Well-Known Member
as long as temps stayed low enough and the plant could handle the nutrients levels that it would be begging for, i belive so. That close though I am not totally sure, like i said JMHO, if I am wrong, please someone tell me, because I would feel completly horrible if I am spreading misinformation, but I am pretty sure I am correct, as this is how remember it explained to me.
It does stay warm in the box(jethro) 94F+/- a degree or two. Leaves are starting to curl under and I notice a little browning on the first 3 leaf node.


Active Member
Yes you can have too much light - it can give the effect of "bleaching" the leaves (I'm trying to find the site that I read this from - it was a reliable source along with pictures, I just can't find it again). However, I don't think that what you have is going to do that, especially if you keep temps under control. It usually happens with HID lights which emit a lot of UVA and UVB rays.


Well-Known Member
yes u can have to much light. to much light makes your plants go blind. then they cant see the light and night to flower.


Well-Known Member
as long as temps stayed low enough and the plant could handle the nutrients levels that it would be begging for, i belive so. That close though I am not totally sure, like i said JMHO, if I am wrong, please someone tell me, because I would feel completly horrible if I am spreading misinformation, but I am pretty sure I am correct, as this is how I remember it explained to me.
You're correct, as a seedling the plants don't react well to a lot of heat. So 2 inches away would be fine. IMO, you can't have too much light, just too much heat.


Well-Known Member
It does stay warm in the box(jethro) 94F+/- a degree or two. Leaves are starting to curl under and I notice a little browning on the first 3 leaf node.
That is pretty hot for Canna. You should try adding CO2 as this would help your plants handle the heat stress a little better. Do you have sufficient intake and exhaust fans in your grow space?


Well-Known Member
94 is way hot. at around 90 cannibis slows growth almost to a crawl! Co2 like Kieatoker said. I have heard of bleaching also (too much light/heat causes leaves to turn almost transparent yellow/green) but I thought could be combatted with taking away the heat factor.


Well-Known Member
94 is way hot. at around 90 cannibis slows growth almost to a crawl! Co2 like Kieatoker said. I have heard of bleaching also (too much light/heat causes leaves to turn almost transparent yellow/green) but I thought could be combatted with taking away the heat factor.
I've always heard of this happening from the heat, not light. Although, I could see how people say the light caused it. btw it's kieahtoka.. not toker, lol


Well-Known Member
Lol kieahtoka vs kieatoker


my money is on toka cuase u know a guy with toka instead of toker, will shank ur ass

lol :D


Well-Known Member
Lol it's funny how everyone thinks that name has something to do with smoking. It actually has nothing to do with it at all.


Active Member
Hi All,
I'eve had some probs with to much light and I read an interesting scientific article that dealt with this issue. To make a long story short accumulation of radiant heat within the plant can pose a problem for plants regardless of the ambient temperature. This is caused by excessive photons that can not be converted to chemical energy by photosynthesis and leading to oxidative damage and accumumaultion oh heat within the plant. This study was not done on a cannabis plant but given my and others experience seems plausible.
In my case I was using some kind of Venture generic streetlight 4000K MH bulb for 15$ that my plants really seemed to dislike and turned got better when i put the MH further away. Now I've switched to a 6500K AgroMax MH for vegging and the plants are much greener and happier than before...
I hope this helps...If anyone is interested I could see if I can find that refernce.



Well-Known Member
Well this goes to the topic of, there's not too much light, just the wrong type, and too close to your plant. Which isn't too much light, it's the radiant heat from the light burning the plant.