Observe & Report
Well-Known Member
Don't feed nitrate to trolls.
Retard alert
Bullshit, don't smoke this faggots weed. Probably taste like a roll of plastic carpet.
Seriously this "flushing" bullshit needs to end. Unflushed synthetic weed has grow product in it. It's fucking obvious. 90% of the fucking weed at the dispensary smells or tastes like grow products. If youre in denial about this, you need some sense caved into your face. If you're even a real human. I kinda doubt it if you can live with that bullshit plastic bud in your pipe. If you wanna smoke Botanicare just dab that shit. Dont bother growing plastic weed with it. Youll get the same effect.
Biggest divide in the nation at the moment: real humans vs you fake ass robots with no senses at all other than greed. I can eat mcnuggets, I can drive a geo, I can fuck with a condom. But i cant smoke your bullshit Monsanto garbage. Their are no parallels to this abominable GARBAGE.
These fake ass tares wanna call people "pot snobs" because they are sick of being shown fucking Miracle-Gro garbage in medical dispensaries? The scientists that grew your fake asses in a test tube, the factories who assembled you cyborg pieces of shit need hung. You fake ass pieces of garbage. Youre not human if you think 1500ppm Hawthorn bud is acceptable as medicine. Please hit your self-destruct buttons you weak impostors.
Youre a brainless, soulless fake ass wannabe imposter human, a NPC tare cyborg piece of shit, and obviously a shitty pot grower, if you cling to this denial. If you are so fucking stupid that you cannot observe through smell taste and feel the god damned obvious difference between organic inputs that grow real weed and bullshit inputs that grow plastic weed, please kill yourself before poisoning one more unsuspecting cancer patient. Go drown yourself in the toilet. You people growing unflushed weed for cancer patients are worse than heroin dealers. Worse that warlords, worse than politicians, worse than anyone on the face of the earth and twice as retarded if that coordination killing cancer causing brain rotting unflushed shit you grow doesn't disgust you,if you literally cannot taste your own fucking grow products in the "natural" "healing" plant you capitalize on. Go back to selling Xanax and meth! Leave Cannabis alone.
Someone has to say it. Some one has to force these idiots out of the industry. Legal pot is worse than the cigarette industry. Its gonna take pitchforks and torches cuz these fake humans obviously have no guilt about the unflushed carcinogen garbage they sell to sick people.
Harvested too early? Uncured? Both those things are because of nutes! Wtf do you think it means when you get mold (due to growing with chems) and harvest early.. Why do you think you have to cure your shitty hydro to make it tolerable to your senseless artificial intelligence ass? BECAUSE THERES FUCKING NUTES IN YOUR GARBAGE AND ITS ONLY YOU AND OTHER ASSORTED NPCS WHO THIS ISN'T OBVIOUSLY TO BECAUSE ITS NOT IN YOUR COMPUTER CODE YOU FAKE ASSES!!
When I seen this dude quote you on his rant, I just laughed. I figured I would drop the meme and let you handle it. LolLMFAO!
Your retarded, uneducated diatribe of bullshit....Tells us just exactly how much you know , or in this case don't!
this isn't true....beneficial mocrobes help out compete harmful ones, but are NOT a guarantee that they won't get started. if you're providing a good environment for benes, you're providing a good home for harmful microbes as well. you have to maintain a clean area, and keep adding benes to your soil, or you have a very good chance of harmful microbes taking over.So your saying there are bad inputs in both?
And if your using benificials in your brew and in soil amendment there won't be any bad bacteria. And you don't HAVE to use poop
When I seen this dude quote you on his rant, I just laughed. I figured I would drop the meme and let you handle it. Lol
Btw long time no see, stick around I still enjoy hearing your knowledge.
Blind melon chittlin?drags in the water when you sit on the toilet?
what was that old cheech and chong bit about the over the shoulder boulder holder?
I found nematodes in some of my outdoor pots this summer. I was starting to get worried they might be the bad ones, but I sat back and looked my plants, all lush and happy. I was impressed, I was using mega crop and had a ton of micro life going on.this isn't true....beneficial mocrobes help out compete harmful ones, but are NOT a guarantee that they won't get started. if you're providing a good environment for benes, you're providing a good home for harmful microbes as well. you have to maintain a clean area, and keep adding benes to your soil, or you have a very good chance of harmful microbes taking over.
and no, you don't have to sue poop...and if you do, you should make sure it's been totally composted down, there should be very little "shit stink" to a manure compost suitable for container growing.
Studies have been done that show plants don't differentiate between synthetic or organic nutrients. And neither can be flushed from the plants.
But what do people with years of college, degrees, experience, and studies know? Some guy on the internet that grew a bunch of crappy plants and thinks they're an expert said you can flush nutes out of plants so it must be true.
"The fundamental process of nutrient absorption by plants is well established. Irrespective of whether nutrients originate from organic or inorganic sources, plants are only capable of absorbing nutrients in certain forms. For example, nitrogen is only absorbed as nitrate (NO3-) ions or ammonium (NH4+) ions and potassium only as K+ ions. Thus, plants do not differentiate between nutrients derived from organic and inorganic fertilizer sources."
Think about it. You have mobile and immobile nutrients. The immobile ones don't move so can't be flushed. Mobile ones just move to New growth, the very bud you are smoking.No it's not a joke it's a legitimate question. But no one is providing proof just opinion. I need to know if this is what's giving me random short headaches every few minutes-hours when I've never really gotten headaches at all before growing my own. Thanks for all the feedback guys! I don't think a single thread I've ever posted has gotten so many replies so fast.
The shit gets deep the farther you look. You know what's even scarier is a breeder referring to an f2 as an ibl.
Might not cause cancer but can certainly cause lung damage....Think about it. You have mobile and immobile nutrients. The immobile ones don't move so can't be flushed. Mobile ones just move to New growth, the very bud you are smoking.
Flushing is a myth. The actual term is leeching which is the removal of salts from soil or medium.
Though I agree organic taste better I'm not above smoking bud grown with salts used properly. If you flat out burn them up with nutrients they smoke will be harsh but it's not going to cause cancer.
The main concern would be the grade of salts used in the nutrient. Miracle grow doesn't remove heavy metals. Get nutrients that use pharmaceutical grade salts.
Every "POT" magazine I pick up...A joke.
Some better then others but, in the end, they all never give you any real info......
High Times a few years back had this cover statement about "The Best New LED's vs HID.
It told you nothing and went nowhere. You were left with a "What was that" question over actual given knowledge..
They also are in this for the money! Money trumps truth and reality everyday!
Might not cause cancer but can certainly cause lung damage....
Black ash is not your friend.