Can non pollinated female plants still produce seeds?

I have found a bunch of Ed Rosenthal's stuff to be full of shit.
He does not really understand hermaphrodites and feminized seeds.
He travels around looking at other people's grows and reporting what they said.
It is often second hand information.

Most people that get male flowers in a female plant "hermies" caused the problem themselves. Then they go around saying that it is the plant's fault.
I haven't had any male flowers since I figured out how to grow better.

Stop looking for things to blame "hermies" on and fix your growing environment.

Y So Angry Bro?

Seeds in his dope wont fuck up YOUR vaporizer...
hermi pollen or male pollen in room . for seeds to be made pollen is needed.. just like for babys to be made u need sperm.. same consept.


R U sure About That?

Imma need to see reliable primary sources...
No, I'm fine. Why are you so obtuse?

Some say cucumbers taste better pickled.
Most of the time people see male flowers on this board, they blame every thing but themselves.
Looking for the real reason is better than looking for excuses.

still sound butthurt to me, and the butthurt level seems to be increasing.

if he grows dope and gets a hermie and asks why, let people who arent butthurt answer. telling him to fuck off and become a better gardener is counterproductive and quite dickish.

some cultivars do pop nanners at the slightest excuse. claiming everybody else is just shit, and they should fuck off, is what one might expect from a serious douchenozzle, or a cock-knocker.

if you snap every noob's dick off and shove it up his ass every time they cant figure out what went wrong, this forum will be full of you, dingleberries who just want to troll, and uncle buck.

if you dont wanna answer questions, dont jump in and start pissing on the thread and calling everybody dumbasses for listening to ed rosenthal. ed isnt a botanist, a gardener or a farmer, he's a pothead. he's often wrong, and yes, often full of shit.

disputing specific claims and answering specific questions with "fix your growing environment" is worse than unhelpful, it's fucking obnoxious.

maybe when whatever has crawled up your ass dies, you can be less of a twat.
Yeah I realize a hermie is my fault more then likely. Im new to growing weed and growing in general. Im gonna make mistakes. I realize this as long as I learn and keep learning im not gonna be discouraged. I joined this site to get advice and show results from implementing the advice. I know the first few grows wont be ultimate pot but its gonna more then do the trick and thats what I hope for. Im almost certain everyone has or had questions when they astart and throughout their grow careers. When you don't have questions anymore is where the problem lies because noone knows everything all the time. However, I dont come here to be talked down to or disrespected. I know I am new and understand many of the aspects and never blamed others or the seeds or anything like that. Recognizing a problem and working on steps to resolve the problem is what this is all about. Thanks kynes good on you man I really appreciate you.
Yeah I realize a hermie is my fault more then likely. Im new to growing weed and growing in general. Im gonna make mistakes. I realize this as long as I learn and keep learning im not gonna be discouraged. I joined this site to get advice and show results from implementing the advice. I know the first few grows wont be ultimate pot but its gonna more then do the trick and thats what I hope for. Im almost certain everyone has or had questions when they astart and throughout their grow careers. When you don't have questions anymore is where the problem lies because noone knows everything all the time. However, I dont come here to be talked down to or disrespected. I know I am new and understand many of the aspects and never blamed others or the seeds or anything like that. Recognizing a problem and working on steps to resolve the problem is what this is all about. Thanks kynes good on you man I really appreciate you.

you gotta recognize some people are just dicks, and when they get to be dicks electronically they take that dickery to impossible levels.

you need to toughen up before you pop on by "Politics" or "Spirituality Sexuality Philosophy"

you gotta be able to take the punches, or there will be tears on your pillow and bloodstains in your underwear.

the UberTrolls like UncleBuck can smell a "fish" from a mile away, and they will line up to sodomize you.
wow somebody s having prison flashbacks ..must be growing weed in the yard get out your magazines for body armor, cause they will always be around
IDK. I have books that I reference, but the best thing is to start trying for yourself and seeing what works for you. I still get an occasional nanner here, or there. I don't worry about it too much though.
None of the the so called shit talking bothers me. It isnt even nearly good enough to even effect me. The internet is full of trolls and clowns and its sad and pathetic that everyone thinks they have the chops to troll . I play world of warcraft. A lot of those people try to troll too and espn forums they think they can too. As far as religion or politics.. Id simply own people in political debates. Ive been in them ive won them Im not gonna touch religion because I simply dont care. There isnt a right or wrong religion thats not for me to decide but there are morals and right and wrong politics. I am libertarian by the way. Yeah at 10 pages this has gone on to long but its mostly uninformative people who think they are clever and trying their hand at trolling. Some people are just always pathetic and the ones who arent in real life use the anon. nature of the net to be childish jackasses who think they are clever but are actually a carbon copy of the little bitch before them.
Haha I never said I knew all about religion. I just said it was a debate I could care less about. But yes please go . Something is wrong with playing videogames then? Haha You folks are silly. Im here to talk to kyne and a few others who are civilized so go back under your bridge little troll.
still sound butthurt to me, and the butthurt level seems to be increasing.

Calmer than you.

if he grows dope and gets a hermie and asks why, let people who arent butthurt answer. telling him to fuck off and become a better gardener is counterproductive and quite dickish.

I told him to fuck off? lol.
You seem angry. Try decaf.

some cultivars do pop nanners at the slightest excuse. claiming everybody else is just shit, and they should fuck off, is what one might expect from a serious douchenozzle, or a cock-knocker.

Thanks for the advice Big Fella. It is a good thing I didn't do that, huh?
You have a big imagination.

if you snap every noob's dick off and shove it up his ass every time they cant figure out what went wrong, this forum will be full of you, dingleberries who just want to troll, and uncle buck.

You are really over reacting to something I did not say and did not say to you. You are weird.

if you dont wanna answer questions, dont jump in and start pissing on the thread and calling everybody dumbasses for listening to ed rosenthal.

I wonder were I said such things?
You and your vivid imagination should just imagine a world where people act the way you want them to.

ed isnt a botanist, a gardener or a farmer, he's a pothead. he's often wrong, and yes, often full of shit.

So you are calling people dumbasses for listening to him?

disputing specific claims and answering specific questions with "fix your growing environment" is worse than unhelpful, it's fucking obnoxious.

It is much more helpful than what you are doing. Why don't you hold his hand and walk into the sunset together?

maybe when whatever has crawled up your ass dies, you can be less of a twat.

Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
This is where a popcorn gif/meme would be appropriate for some... Just let it go guys, you are starting to go at each other over a guy that clearly has a very hard time accepting well meant advice from others.

Why don't you hold his hand and walk into the sunset together?
Despite the sarcasm, I have to agree with the message here. No point in holding this guy's hand Dr Kynes, there are plenty of others at RIU on who your advice is not wasted. I noticed you both post good info in several threads, why waste your time on this one or trying to piss off each other.

You are weird.
You know you can't really use that line with "that" avatar right - creeps me out every time - no offense.