Can non pollinated female plants still produce seeds?

Did you build your room in 6 days then rest? Maryjuana? Just admit it your plant was a whore anyone could see it w/o a microscope. I know exactly how I'd lst them seeds. You must look funny typing. Did you re-gift the myrrh?
I got this perfect lens out of an old printer. If you hold the object a couple inches from the lens thing, and your eye close to the lens, it magnifies the shit out of it. Look for a trashed out printer or scanner. Take it apart, you're looking for a barrel shaped thing with a lens on either side of it. That's your pearl.
14/10 light schedule doesnt change the time it taked to flower cannabis. Youve been reading some bunk shit and are trying to convince yourself to harvest. Even though its way too early to harvest.

Once you are able to tell a male from a female then its time to learn patience. Its almost not worth growing weed if you cut it down at 6 weeks. Even most "8" week strains are much better at 9 weeks or even 10.
From my last grow I have found 3 small under developed seed only in my New York Diesel. All plants where cloned from female mothers and no hermis at all. I let the NYD plants go a little long and I think that can cause a full on female plant to start to make seeds but they wont be viable. This is personal smoke so I would know if there where more seeds.
Ok I need to amend this statement. I was rolling a joint of some Agent Orange from my last grow and was finding male flowers in the bud, it hermied and caused the few seeds I found. Agent Orange is a finicky strain and I will not grow it again. I gave my friend 3 clones and they all hermi'd on him as well, but the caught it with the 12/12 flip and pulled them.
14/10 light schedule doesnt change the time it taked to flower cannabis. Youve been reading some bunk shit and are trying to convince yourself to harvest. Even though its way too early to harvest.

Once you are able to tell a male from a female then its time to learn patience. Its almost not worth growing weed if you cut it down at 6 weeks. Even most "8" week strains are much better at 9 weeks or even 10.

Well I learnt it from Ed rosenthal in his book. I know the difference between a male and a female so please stop attempting to insult. Im not gonna harvest early and even if I wanted to that would be my own choice but as I said I am not pulling the plant to harvest. There is a difference between sampling a few of the smaller nugs compared to cutting the plant from the base of the stem to hang it upside down. Again I know and understand the difference. If a few of the buds have hermie traits that isnt me not knowing the difference between a male and a female plant.
i been having the strangest thing happen. lot of my calyxes right under where the hairs form have a very tiny seed. you cant really taste them and they are very hard to see but im 100% positive they're seeds because they always form in the calyx right under the hair just like a normal bigger seed would form. i was flowering for 9 weeks and i switched to 8 weeks and now there seems to be less of them but i still see them. i cant find any pollen sacks anywhere. im suspecting i have some heat stress but i still cant find a single pollen sack. months back i had couple plants of different strains that hermied and my normal plants that were touching them produced your normal bigger seeds. i've also read a long time ago a plant will produce seeds no matter what if it's left long enough in flower. cant say if that is true or not but seems like shortening my flower time helped me. sucks though cause my plants dont get to mature as long as i would like them to and yields suffer a little. shit is still great though. i've had the mother for over a year. shes a chernobyl from tga subcool. regular seed no feminized bullshit. maybe them little seeds are from bad genetics though. i starting to wonder if thats true though about any plant producing seeds if left long enough in flower. anyone else hear of this? trying to remember the source for it.
You might have caused it to hermie turning the lights to 10/14 making it think it better get some seeds going before it died. I have serious doubts Rosenthal said that 10/14 cuts 2 weeks off your time. There are some equatorial strains that need more coaxing like temp reduction, etc to get them to finish. Its real easy to miss a single banana as well. Quit being so impatient. I just let some sativas go over 12 weeks. Just make sure you always got some bud so you're not fucking with your plants so much.
Haha good advice. Yes I promise I dont know if it breaks copyright or anything if I quoted and referenced the page besides I lent the book out Ive read it more then 10 times or so in the year I have had it. I can paraphrase. It said something to the tune of all plants need 12/12 minimum to induce flowering there is a 2 week period called pre flowering and all plants take 8-10 weeks to go from pre flower to harvest but by decreasing the light cycle by a few hours the buds will ripen 2 weeks early althought they wont be as big as they would normally be and will also not be as compact. Thats a rough paraphrase. I wouldnt try anything at first that I havent read from a reliable and credible source so I started with Ed and Jorge Cervantes and then go from there.
Yeah, I wouldn't be doing that. It may be the case that the resin will progress faster, but you are probably hurting yields like you mentioned. Maybe he was saying you reduce the time to 10/14 the last two weeks or something? I don't know just thinking out loud. What book was it? I know Rosenthal, and Cervantes are respected but sometimes you just have to do what works for you.
Im trying to post but it keeps bringing me to some page security that I have to type a captcha for temporary acess because something ive said triggered a security response.
nah, it just gets a little stupid sometimes. I post links to stuff quite a bit and never had issues with anyone. Not sure if that's the case for everyone though.
I think it said specific words triggered it but I didnt say anything wrong It was just amazon page names copy and pasted. perhaps the font was to big I dont know but its ed,jorge and professor lee that i read
I had some hermies, smoking that bud right now. I don't know why, but the seeds are all shit. I wanted to do a 12-12 experiment with them to see how many come out female but none would sprout when germing never seems to be my issue. The seeds are all really pale and eay to crush. Not sure if that is because of when I harvested or what???
Here is some good advice, take those 20+ year old "grow bibles" and throw them out the window. Go get a good book on botany and listen to proven growers here.
They arent anywhere near 20 years old. Its data amassed from back then to current. I listen to both and use my own intelligence to determine a solution. Remember noone was a expert on their first few grows because you may read all you want but until you have real tangible experience it matters little. Discouraging remarks such as attempting to belittle my intelligence by saying I need to know the difference between male and female plants is insulting to say the least and is a comment only made to try and make me feel bad or discouraged. It takes way more then some random guy on the net to discourage me. You take the best advice from everyone and apply it. Not everyones advice will apply for ever person growing evertime.
They arent anywhere near 20 years old. Its data amassed from back then to current. I listen to both and use my own intelligence to determine a solution. Remember noone was a expert on their first few grows because you may read all you want but until you have real tangible experience it matters little. Discouraging remarks such as attempting to belittle my intelligence by saying I need to know the difference between male and female plants is insulting to say the least and is a comment only made to try and make me feel bad or discouraged. It takes way more then some random guy on the net to discourage me. You take the best advice from everyone and apply it. Not everyones advice will apply for ever person growing evertime.

ha ha ha ha bro i got a copy of "bush doctor" from 1974... it's actually not bad, and covers most of the shit other newer books do, and have very little "woo" in it.

i get more useful data from the "Sunset Gardener's Guide" (extremely useful and scientifically proven data on growing just about anything except dope) and (check that one out its handy)

edit: and this one, this is invaluable!
I have found a bunch of Ed Rosenthal's stuff to be full of shit.
He does not really understand hermaphrodites and feminized seeds.
He travels around looking at other people's grows and reporting what they said.
It is often second hand information.

Most people that get male flowers in a female plant "hermies" caused the problem themselves. Then they go around saying that it is the plant's fault.
I haven't had any male flowers since I figured out how to grow better.

Stop looking for things to blame "hermies" on and fix your growing environment.