can marijuana flower under 13.5 hrs of light? please need a legit answer.


Well-Known Member
I have an out door grow in the Caribbean were from sun rise to sun set will never excede 13.5 hr can I flower in 13.5 hr of light?
Yes it will once it becomes sexually mature. The flowering process may be a bit slower during transition and early on....there is a chance though you have a strain or pheno that may want to be stubborn and need to be artificially covered and hour or so to increase the dark period to flower properly.....
Ok so what if I induce flowering with lights under 12/12 then put them outside in the sun will the flowering process finish?
Ok so what if I induce flowering with lights under 12/12 then put them outside in the sun will the flowering process finish?

cant really say for sure it is strain dependant. some strains might push flower some may not. are your days getting longer or shorter? if they are getting shorter then you will be fine but if daylight hours are getting longer then the chance of them reverting back to veg in a few weeks when there is 15+ hours of light are higher.
Ok so what if I induce flowering with lights under 12/12 then put them outside in the sun will the flowering process finish?
That may confuse them. If you want to begin flower under lights then I would match the light period to that outdoors......

Matt he is in the tropics and light periods will never exceed 14hrs....
So if I can continue to flower outside year round then I will clone and veg on a 23/1 light schedule indoor using a progrow led 400 light and once the plants are 15 "-18 " then place them out it the natural sun to flower. I just wanna make sure they will flower is all, if not then I'll veg in natural sunlight at bud under the LED
Ok so what if I induce flowering with lights under 12/12 then put them outside in the sun will the flowering process finish?
yes as long as your days are getting shorter a mature MJ plant will flower @ 14 hrs of light so once you got a plant flipped to flower meaning buds are forming then place them outside you will be fine
But remember one thing here when transitioning a plant out door it should be done in intervals meaning place it outside during the day then placing it inside at night allowing it to get accustomed to temps climate etc after a week or so plant should be strong enough to stay out side thats when i would transplant into soil
its easier to say will my plant flower with 10.5 hours of night. because it depend how much darkness they get, not how much light they get. i guess they both could be used but i recently learned that saying a plant need to have less that ___ hours of light to flower is scientificly incorrect. to answer the question idk what the answer would be. it would probably be good to use since the sun rising and setting adds a little bit of "darkness" or alteast not really sunny
I have an out door grow in the Caribbean were from sun rise to sun set will never excede 13.5 hr can I flower in 13.5 hr of light?

Absolutely yes, you can.

Hint, last I checked, the island of Jamaica is in the Carribean, and I've "heard" that occasionally, they manage to grow cannabis there. :-P That's just a rumor. . .

How many hours of darkness you need to flower is going to depend on which strain you're trying to grow, but once sexually mature, virtually ALL of the commercially available cannabis strains will flower perfectly fine with only 10.5 hours of darkness per day.