cant really say for sure it is strain dependant. some strains might push flower some may not. are your days getting longer or shorter? if they are getting shorter then you will be fine but if daylight hours are getting longer then the chance of them reverting back to veg in a few weeks when there is 15+ hours of light are higher.Ok so what if I induce flowering with lights under 12/12 then put them outside in the sun will the flowering process finish?
That may confuse them. If you want to begin flower under lights then I would match the light period to that outdoors......Ok so what if I induce flowering with lights under 12/12 then put them outside in the sun will the flowering process finish?
yes as long as your days are getting shorter a mature MJ plant will flower @ 14 hrs of light so once you got a plant flipped to flower meaning buds are forming then place them outside you will be fineOk so what if I induce flowering with lights under 12/12 then put them outside in the sun will the flowering process finish?
Absolutely yes, you can.I have an out door grow in the Caribbean were from sun rise to sun set will never excede 13.5 hr can I flower in 13.5 hr of light?