Can it Be the SOIL again? PISSED


Active Member
RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR> Its the fucken soil! I have new leaf tips becoming the same as the pics I posted Up. I'm going to have to do a major flush on her, the Give her some veg nutes because this is Crazy already!@
i am having huge problems with Fox Farm Soil, I'm MAD!

Today is day 18 what should I do Here? Advice ++++++REPPP



Well-Known Member
You answered your own question 85 degrees room temp..... I wonder what part of the problem could be.... The PH is off 6.5 is not 6.8 or 7.0 also RH is low for veg 60 to 70% Although to me they dont look that bad right now. But wait till they get bigger and then those room temps will really start to effect you.


RIU Bulldog
Problem: A sulfur deficiency will manifest itself as all-over chlorosis (yellowing of leaves) starting with the oldest leaves and may look like a nitrogen deficiency at first. The parts that are underneath the leaves may take on a distinctive pinkish red or orange color. The buds on a flowering plant may start dying off. Unlike other deficiencies that cause chlorosis, a sulfur deficiency will start at the back of the leaf and move it's way forward as opposed to started at the tips. Leaves become stiff and brittle and will eventually fall off.

Solution: Check and correct your pH to make sure that your sulfur isn't being locked out. Sulfur moves slowly through the plant so it may take a few days after you fix the problem before you start noticing an improvement in your plant.

I wake up today to notice something I haven't seen on any of my plants before. What the fuk man, This Fox Farm Soil is killing me already! I am not giving my plant any NUTES, just 6.5PH water. I have this weird color going on with my plant, Seems to be are darker green in the center of the leaf and lighter green on the outside of the leafs. Leaves look melted on the edges. Now I was doing some research on this and they say it may be heat stress but impossible, maybe Fertilizer BURN. Reason: Room 85degrees, Humidty 43%, Light height 14 inches. Its going to be the Fucken Soil Again, I bet. What you say?I'M SO PISSED ALREADY!

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You have rolled fringes. That is a sign of heat stress. 85 degress is pretty high for MJ. I see that you have a lot of fans to circulate the air but what are you doing to exhaust the air? Do you have a blower sucking air out?
Your plants really don't look that bad.


Active Member
Sorry guys but There is no way this is heat stress. My current temps in my room are 80% with 55% Humidity..My last 2 grows i Grew in temp range of 90 degrees with no problems.......My last two grows had deficiencies due to the soil being extremely rich at the start of growth, just like I'm going threw right now.
You can't see in the pics but I have dark leaf in the center and slight yellow tint outside of leaf. All of this with leaf cupping, HIGH FERTILIZER!


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys but There is no way this is heat stress. My current temps in my room are 80% with 55% Humidity..My last 2 grows i Grew in temp range of 90 degrees with no problems.......My last two grows had deficiencies due to the soil being extremely rich at the start of growth, just like I'm going threw right now.
You can't see in the pics but I have dark leaf in the center and slight yellow tint outside of leaf. All of this with leaf cupping, HIGH FERTILIZER!

Ok well i guess you got it all figured out..... IM telling you 100% thats heat stress. Signs of heat stress leaves curl upwards at edges and tips. Chemical burn leaves curl down and look like a claw or taco shell. Take it or leave it.......... Now do something about it, or just keep doing what your doing......... 445 post? Less time posting and more time reading would do you wonders.....


Well-Known Member
i dont know if i missed it....but what soil you using again? looks like you might not be watering enough also..or maybe to much

EDIT: also that IS NOT burn bro...


Active Member
Ok guys here we go! 30 days from seed and every leaf is starting to die off it seems. Now this is not heat stress, NO way, Why because I have moved to CFL so what the fuk, its the soil. I put aside the 250w Hood. NO NUTES ADDED in SOIL!



Active Member
Sun is 93,000,000 miles a way, raising your light up an extra 6' is not going to hinder anything
actually the sun is closer to 1million miles away from our planet earth, but in astronomy they dont use numbers that big. a shorter term you can use is 1 astronomical unit for every million miles.

god i love space.


Well-Known Member
does your pot drain? it could be lockout from lack of drainage. Those ferts need to breath. It may be benificial to drill a dozen holes around the bottom of the pot your working with for a little added airflow. If your worried flush with Ph'ed water, don't add nutrients after, maybe a little bit of blackstrap molasses for bacterial benefit, and let her get back to health, before you start with more nutrients (1-2 weeks) Weed can handle growing and repairing without huge amounts of nutrients.

Also when you add nutrients you water right after correct? When I first started growing I made the mistake of adding nutrients and then not watering with fresh water right after, over the course of a month or so the build up of nutes on the top of my plants started to kill them, because the roots had filled out and started to get to the surface which was saturated with salts and other things.

Also you can replant it. It is not all that bad at this stage of growth to pop the little rootball out and repot it in something else.

Just a thought, if you think the problem is nute burn, why don't you treat for nute burn and see if it gets better.


Active Member
does your pot drain? it could be lockout from lack of drainage. Those ferts need to breath. It may be benificial to drill a dozen holes around the bottom of the pot your working with for a little added airflow. If your worried flush with Ph'ed water, don't add nutrients after, maybe a little bit of blackstrap molasses for bacterial benefit, and let her get back to health, before you start with more nutrients (1-2 weeks) Weed can handle growing and repairing without huge amounts of nutrients.

Also when you add nutrients you water right after correct? When I first started growing I made the mistake of adding nutrients and then not watering with fresh water right after, over the course of a month or so the build up of nutes on the top of my plants started to kill them, because the roots had filled out and started to get to the surface which was saturated with salts and other things.

Also you can replant it. It is not all that bad at this stage of growth to pop the little rootball out and repot it in something else.

Just a thought, if you think the problem is nute burn, why don't you treat for nute burn and see if it gets better.
I am growing in a 4 gallon bucket so there is enough space there for her! Well I really was thinking of just giving her a nice flush! Im just unsure!


Well-Known Member
Flush it. it's not going to kill your plan and it's not going to take all the nutes out of the soil. I would bet after flushing, with the addition of molasses you will see an improvement, because the bacteria will start making the nutrients that were left over more useable to the plant.