Can I Aeroclone My Cuttings And Grow In Soil?


Well-Known Member
i have heard so many different things i do not know what to think anymore. ive tried anyone's and everyone's methods. no luck at all. im starting to think that maybe its not me. too many cooks in the kitchen kinda thinking. so, last shot! AEROCLONING!!!!! i have heard a few say it sucks, a few say its the most easiest method to make cuts root. well, for about $60 or less i can build myself a very nice 30+ cloner. thirty plus clone sites, is what i mean. SO!!! can i root cuts aeroponically then grow in soil? i have tried every which method and i will never give up. if this dont work, i have to go back to basic cloning, but i have to give it a shot!
i have heard so many different things i do not know what to think anymore. ive tried anyone's and everyone's methods. no luck at all. im starting to think that maybe its not me. too many cooks in the kitchen kinda thinking. so, last shot! AEROCLONING!!!!! i have heard a few say it sucks, a few say its the most easiest method to make cuts root. well, for about $60 or less i can build myself a very nice 30+ cloner. thirty plus clone sites, is what i mean. SO!!! can i root cuts aeroponically then grow in soil? i have tried every which method and i will never give up. if this dont work, i have to go back to basic cloning, but i have to give it a shot!
I too, have tried every way to root cuttings. My greatest success is with Aerocloning! Biggest mistake people make is they keep the stem (below) way too wet. Moist is the word. My Aeroclone (self-made) sprays 4X a day for about 4 minute. The dome is next; gotta' have. Cuttings get their moisture from the leaves, the roots follow...
i have seen mold grow on a few of my "clones" and i need to throw them out when i use the dome. i think you are correct, so i am not arguing, but some people never use a dome. and even with aerocloning i have seen a no-dome operation run successfully. are you using the net pots? or a Rapid Rooter plug or rockwool?
I have more success with no dome on my aerocloner. Just spray your leaves judiciously. I use a 75 min on/15 min off cycle. I will say that not running it full time is important. I can plant rooted cuttings in ~12 days this way. Also, I use a touch of bloom nutes for the high P, and a bit of rooting gel. The last two are more preference I think. Though, with all those factors in place, I have 99% success by day 15 normally.
ok! sweet! i think i have to hustle a few items onto eBay. need to build me a cloner this weekend. im going to give it a go. if it dont work, ill just sell the damn thing. im at my wits end with cloning. and making cuts root.
i have heard so many different things i do not know what to think anymore. ive tried anyone's and everyone's methods. no luck at all. im starting to think that maybe its not me. too many cooks in the kitchen kinda thinking. so, last shot! AEROCLONING!!!!! i have heard a few say it sucks, a few say its the most easiest method to make cuts root. well, for about $60 or less i can build myself a very nice 30+ cloner. thirty plus clone sites, is what i mean. SO!!! can i root cuts aeroponically then grow in soil? i have tried every which method and i will never give up. if this dont work, i have to go back to basic cloning, but i have to give it a shot!
YES!!!!! do it. I have just started out and i have cut my first 10 clones and got results in 5 days great healthy roots. i have added plagron rooting solution to an 80 litre storage box all home made. i will give you all the details tomorrow of how i made it. (pump details and all that)DSCI3422.jpgDSCI3423.jpg
yes, do it... the best cycle i've used is 60sec on and 10-15 mins off took 5 days for inch roots to pop... rooted faster then ever, used to do a 1min on and 5min off and took 2 weeks..
SWEET!!!! SUCCESS STORY I LIKE TO HEAR. on the cloner. this months issue of High Times laid out a really good detailed DIY cloner box. i think im covered in that department. but i always love seeing new info. maybe the box you have directions for is bigger? the one in HT holds i think 34 cuts. what kind of timer does 60seconds on and 10-15 off? inst that like 4 cycles x 24hours per day. like 96 on and off cycles? please inform me of a timer for that.
thank you. i mean, my timers have 20 on/off options. but not 96!!!

i suppose an analog timer may be an option as well. maybe...the ones with the plugs. not digital.
I have never needed a timer or a dome with any of my aerocloners. No nutrients either. Just make cuts with a brand new razorblade. Make sure to wash in alcohol to remove the factory oil on the blade. Stick your cuts in the neopreme discs and plug it in. Less lighting is better until they are rooted. They will have all the humidity they need from underneath where your misters are hitting them.