Can growers legally sell to patients?


New Member
Can a medical mj patient legally sell some of his/her crop to another medical mj patient? I see ads on craigslist under rhode island(mmj state) of medicine for sale. Wtf?
ma...but say i was in ri. would I legally(by the state) be allowed to do this? Not saying I am. I just wanna know
ma...but say i was in ri. would I legally(by the state) be allowed to do this? Not saying I am. I just wanna know

Cant speak for RI but in MA you need to work with a patient who has a doctors written reccomendation for medical marijuana. Until the rules get better defined a copy of that patients doctors note which should be submitted to the department of heath for approval and a copy of that note should suffice in the short term for you to be a caregiver to that patient.
right I know that you can when you are a caregiver to that specific person/person(s) for most states. But Its just that I said hmmm im gonna see if people are selling on cl in mmj states and sure enough they were....and im pretty sure thats illegal unless they are that patients designated caregiver...
right I know that you can when you are a caregiver to that specific person/person(s) for most states. But Its just that I said hmmm im gonna see if people are selling on cl in mmj states and sure enough they were....and im pretty sure thats illegal unless they are that patients designated caregiver...

You are correct. A lot of people are living in the grey area right now. Don't know if it's worth the risk to a patient.
right I know that you can when you are a caregiver to that specific person/person(s) for most states. But Its just that I said hmmm im gonna see if people are selling on cl in mmj states and sure enough they were....and im pretty sure thats illegal unless they are that patients designated caregiver...

Hello, I have been licensed in RI for some time now, and I will tell you what we do. First of all, if you are going to be entering the program, avoid using the word sell, price, sale and etc. These, in my book and in the eyes of many, are red flag words. These words will take the actions that you do while being legal, and turn them to actions that can end you in prison. Instead, use words like compensate, grow expenses, and etc.

Having said that, the health department allows licensed patients and caregiver to interact, as long as there is NO price and a sale is not being made! Compensations are ok, and a patient and give funds to a caregiver not assigned to him, AS long as its called a compensation for labor, NOT a sale.
so if a undercover tried to buy bud off me and showed me a medical marijuana card he wouldnt be able to arrest me because I am excepting a donation from him for my medicine?
You should really be worried if an undercover is on your case. They usually work on tips. Don't deal with the wrong people and you will be fine. You will set your own standards when it comes to security, and don't ever cut corners when meeting new people. Pay your due diligence, learn to read red flags, and set multiple lines of security questions before meeting someone new.

But technically speaking, if the person undercover is a federal Marshall, no license or law will save you. With no disrespect what so ever, from your question you sound like you are looking for loopholes in the system. Don't look for loopholes in the system :)
If the DPH gets these regulations passed the way they currently are by May 27 Caregivers will not be able to receive any payment/ donation for services provided, which to me makes no sense whatsoever how many people are going to be able to run a grow pay their bills and getting nothing back in return to incurr costs, I urge caregivers to speak out april 19th "On April 19, public hearings will be held in Northampton, Boston, and Plymouth, and on April 20 the public comment period will close, the department said" Otherwise dispensories will esentially have a monopoly over all MMJ sales while caregivers who can produce better products at cheaper costs will get boxed out, Really hoping that aspect is tweaked so that a caregiver can earn an honest living
If the DPH gets these regulations passed the way they currently are by May 27 Caregivers will not be able to receive any payment/ donation for services provided, which to me makes no sense whatsoever how many people are going to be able to run a grow pay their bills and getting nothing back in return to incurr costs, I urge caregivers to speak out april 19th "On April 19, public hearings will be held in Northampton, Boston, and Plymouth, and on April 20 the public comment period will close, the department said" Otherwise dispensories will esentially have a monopoly over all MMJ sales while caregivers who can produce better products at cheaper costs will get boxed out, Really hoping that aspect is tweaked so that a caregiver can earn an honest living

dont forget patients wont be able to grow for themselves either.
dont forget patients wont be able to grow for themselves either.

Patients nor caregivers would be allowed to grow anything without a hardship cultivation permit, essentially the dipensories will have a monopoly on all MMJ sales people will be forced to pay dispensory prices and all this will do is force growers back underground and limit the options of the patients. Im really disgusted with it as it creates haves and have nots if you dont have 100k to throw at dispensory applications etc then your out. Its a terrible system im hoping people are as outraged as me about it and go have their voices heard at the april 19th public hearings
Hello, I have been licensed in RI for some time now, and I will tell you what we do. First of all, if you are going to be entering the program, avoid using the word sell, price, sale and etc. These, in my book and in the eyes of many, are red flag words. These words will take the actions that you do while being legal, and turn them to actions that can end you in prison. Instead, use words like compensate, grow expenses, and etc.

Having said that, the health department allows licensed patients and caregiver to interact, as long as there is NO price and a sale is not being made! Compensations are ok, and a patient and give funds to a caregiver not assigned to him, AS long as its called a compensation for labor, NOT a sale.

Close but just off a little bit.

There can be a transaction between ANY Ri cardholder, patient or c/g as long as NO COMPENSATION is passed. That amendment was called "The gifting amendment" and was designed to make meds more available when the gov put the halt on issuing the licenses. Compensation, regardless of the term used, can only happen between a c/g and his or her REGISTERED (to him/her) patients.
Pretty much the same scenario played out in Colorado. What you have out here now are mega dispensaries dominating and driving down price, and in many cases quality. There are still some dispensaries that grow the fire, but most just grind out SoG grows... Currently a lot of growing talent in CO is supplying rec weed (I haven't seen brick weed in years...), we'll see if the gubmint cuts these poor folks out of their share of the pie.. My guess is that's how it will go. Bureaucracies are inherently lazy... they will look to minimize the number of recreational businesses they have to license and keep tabs on.. I believe we will be seeing mega growers out here.