How about we baned da dumfukks dat link up everthing to da same name on da internet. I thinc da feds hav da right clik serch da google 2Banned​...
DAmmiT BUck why U gonna MAke da werld Bernz?it was hot here today so i turned on the sprinklers to water the lawn, some of which was dead and brown and dry.
the fire that ensued burned for several hours.
should have listened to kaendar.
Haha......I dodged a bullet last night. I'm glad it didn't rain because we got some intense sun today.....Whew!! Boy was I glad because my lawn is also partially dry and dead. Even if it would have rained I would have just laid down some plastic sheeting to shield it.......Kaendar might have saved my families life with his was hot here today so i turned on the sprinklers to water the lawn, some of which was dead and brown and dry.
the fire that ensued burned for several hours.
should have listened to kaendar.
never shower with dry skin.
Haha......I dodged a bullet last night. I'm glad it didn't rain because we got some intense sun today.....Whew!! Boy was I glad because my lawn is also partially dry and dead. Even if it would have rained I would have just laid down some plastic sheeting to shield it.......Kaendar might have saved my families life with his advice.
notice how hard he had to focus that big ass bottle of water(probably 30 mins) to burn that dry ass pile of crap(probably soaked with lighter fluid)[video=youtube_share;zMOyydXUrYc][/video]
DARYL WRIGHT b A reel faggOT
I'M DAryl WroNG I JoyNED In DEM fourimz 4 3 munffs @nd I gon STert TELlIN PEOPle 2 LEaf DAt Bin HERez 4 Likk YEerZ @nD DEn I gonDa SAy dat Leave Is food 4 plant wich iz Redartet. I giV DEM da BESt ADvise CUz I m SUCh A 1337 GrOwER And I ProofeD It CUZ i EATed DEm LeaveYou are a sad piece of work, get a real job and get off my D*^? There are plenty of dudes in here except for you B@$!?..... I'm just callin you out your name with no shame, now let me get back and try to be productive and help my fellow RIU'ers.... (jackass)...... What is the point of joIning this forum if you are not trying to find knowledge and give knowledge regarding cultivation? Wordz you need a new hobby because I am pretty sure I am not the only one you annoy...... Nuff said.....