Im just trying to get a better understanding of this whole juggalo culture. I saw kids that claimed to be juggalos in high school, I lived outside of Chicago for about 8 years.
cool story kkklowndurhur
Im just trying to get a better understanding of this whole juggalo culture. I saw kids that claimed to be juggalos in high school, I lived outside of Chicago for about 8 years.
#299 I learn u about underwater volcanoes
#305 From 1:00-1:10 it's on topic and hilarious
#308 I get called a juggalo
#309 I become Juggalo (notice that bad ass James Holmes Reference? )
#311 KKKLOWNDUrhur knows I'm going to breach the shit damn that holds back shit river
#315 baitin
#327 i INITIATE KKKLOWNDURHUR into the family
#339 face pants lol HOOKED
#352 no guts should change his name to has pubes grower
#364 Treadmills
#367 RIU greatness. I again teach you guys that a group of clowns is called a clown alley.I do this for the kids. Keeping it all educational and shit
lol thank god thats not really you!
WORDZ didn't get hugged enough by his parents when he was a kid, you want a hug wordz, or how about a kick in the face? Lol kill it already because no one likes you and you are not funny. Wordz is a Sad sad sad sad sad piece of work. Wordz is like the tool you buy and you never use and it just sits on the bottom of your tool box for years until you pull it out one day and toss it in the dumpster becAuse the tool has no use and is just taking up space.... Lol fucking loser ass dude......
nice sock puppet, kaendar. or is this his suegra?
Notice the fourth to last party rocking
for real? suegra? child please.... your real life sucks so you think you are internet thug too? I dont even know who the kaendar is other then this site; so to answer your douche bag of a question hell no.... i would never claim that guy, kaendar gives out bad intelligence....
WORDZ was even hung when he was a kid, you want a hj wordz, or how about a lick in the butthole? Lol kill it already because it hurts my tiny butthole. Wordz likes when I slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp on his dick. Wordz treats my grandma like the cum dumpster she is becAuse his tool is gigantic and is just taking up space in my mouth.... omg why are you fucking my ass dude......
Banned​...DARYL WRIGHT b A reel faggOT