Can amybody tell me what these spots are


Active Member
Im growing gorilla glue#4 crossed with alaskan thunderfuck. I have 36 plants growing in flow and grow buckets. They are on third week of flower. There on 1500 ppm co2. I run an o3 generator on low. Humidity is almost always right at 50. Temp is usually high 70s to low 80s. 12 plants are on lucas method 55 gallon worth. 12 are on a full general hydro lineup at 40 gallon strength. 12 are in lucas method with advanced nutrient additives at 40 gallon strength. I feed them once an hour for 15 mins. Here are pics of the leaves and the spots im getting.



Well-Known Member
It's getting too much iron IMO. Did you recently add molasses? It looks like a toxicity of something but not too bad. Your leaf tips are burnt so proof the nutes is a bit hot. Back off the nutes a bit.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i assumed a little hot on nutes, i think im real close on that. The calcium deficency makes sense. The only row im using cali mag on disent really have too much of that issue.
I had a plant have the exact spots as you have. It only happened when i used molasses. The plant made it fine though.


New Member
Look at the back of the leaves with jewelers glass for possible spider mites. They eat from the back side. Easy to treat with Pyrethrin but must catch it early.


Well-Known Member
Check the undersides of your leaves.. look real closely... Look for little bugs the size of this period. . You may have spider mites..


Well-Known Member
Ultra clean enviroment, neem oil in veg, and o3 generator.
You're using ozone in the grow room? That would explain the spots.

To use ozone for odor control you should have about 30ft of exhaust hose before the air goes outside so the O3 as time to react with the odor molecules. Fine in an exhaust stream but burns the leaves stomata if let loose in the grow space. Does the same shit to your lungs too.

I did the same thing about 17 years ago and the spots drove me nuts looking for bugs etc until I read an article about it in High Times or Cannabis Culture mag.



Well-Known Member
I think i narrowed it down to using too much h202 when i flush my system
Impossible for H2O2 to cause spots,unless you pour it on the leaves, and not even then. Save the effort and money by using it for a flush, if you flush at all which is unnecessary in my opinion.
Your leaves are fine, don't sweat it, that is normal.
How big an area do you grow in?
With 32 plants, I hope it is huge.
Good luck