Can amybody tell me what these spots are


Active Member
We are using flow and gro buckets and we were having problems with them not draining. So we put airstones in all of our buckets and resevoirs to keep things clean and moving. The h2o2 flush was also born from this. Maybe it is overkill but the planta are doing great and our water res and roota have never been this clean and smelling so good.


Well-Known Member
My space is 30 by 60. 12 1000 watt hps
Ah ha!
You have a big time grow going I see. The electric company has found a friend :)
I'm growing 27 plants now in bloom, with 15 in veg at the moment under a combination of LED/HPS totaling 5840w running 11/13 for bloom and 18/6 for veg and that cost me last month living in CT $525 for my total electric bill, so expect too double that.
I sell 2 zips ($325 per) and cover it so no big deal, but I hope you have enough customers to buy all that herb you are growing, because you are going to hopefully have a lot of herb to harvest/dry/cure and sell
Do you add beneficial microbes to your res?
That is an important additive in the 1st month of DWC especially, not needed after that.
The air stones are a good idea, as they will help your plants deal with water temps, in case your water gets too hot.
Just curious, how many grows have you had using this system and this many plants?
The reason I ask, is that you are in for a world of work with that many plants, so be prepared (drying racks, trim cleanup, jarring and cure time)
Good luck BrutalBuds, I wish you all the best.
Oh, save the Neem oil until you have an issue


Active Member
Here are some pics so far. About a month out. I have a completley legal medical grow by the way. One thing im nervous about. We uaually grow massive buds. But with a month left im getting nervous. They look amazing and there super frosty but thwre hairs are almost all orange already. The plants are almost six foot tall. We usually do a month long veg but we end up cutti g so much of the plant away we decided to veg for two weeks from clone. Hope it dosent screw me over. Hopedully the next two weeks are huge



Well-Known Member
Here are some pics so far. About a month out. I have a completley legal medical grow by the way. One thing im nervous about. We uaually grow massive buds. But with a month left im getting nervous. They look amazing and there super frosty but thwre hairs are almost all orange already. The plants are almost six foot tall. We usually do a month long veg but we end up cutti g so much of the plant away we decided to veg for two weeks from clone. Hope it dosent screw me over. Hopedully the next two weeks are huge
Looks good