Can A Guy Really Suck His Own....? Pic


New Member
Heres mine: I met this chick after a funeral for a mutual friend (who had warned me about her before he died). We hooked up and started dating. I knew her back in HS but had not seen her for years. She was SMOKIN HAWT. Anyhow we started spending alot of time together. I mean all the time. Anything I did, she had to be with me. I didnt really pick up on it at the time. Anyhow, about two months into it she tells me she wants to run off to the Bahamas or someplace with a beach and get married. I'm freakin out! She starts crying saying how much she loves me and how she knows she could never keep me, so she wanted to make it official. I said we were moving a bit fast. She does a complete 180 and starts screaming how she hates me and never wanted to marry me anyway! What are you, 4 years old? She flips out, gets crazier by the minute, packs up her **** and some of mine and leaves. I was so sick of her at that point I did not care. She doesnt call me for a week, and then starts blowing my phone up again. She wanted me to come over, but I had plans. After I left the club at 4am, I stopped by for... well you know. There was some undercover cop there!! Man I lost it!!! I called them both out, raised all kinds of hell, and his sorry ass wouldnt even come out of the bedroom. He sent her out to talk to me!! I got some of my stuff back and left. She blew my phone up for two weeks after that, but I never spoke to her again. I heard she has been in and out of rehab 3 times since then and lost a pregnancy. What a psycho hose beast!!