can 7 cm seedlings go under hps?


New Member
Hi Guys,

Ive just popped open some big bud seeds and they are about 5-7cm tall, they are still in the propagator now. Can or when should i re-pot and put these under my 2 600w sodium's???



Well-Known Member
Oh, yes. But.......:)

Light burn is real. 1200 w of HPS is very powerful. It has to be at 26" min. to be at full sun power. And remember, full sun power is not for about 90 mins in the afternoon.

So, would you stick a 7mm seeding out in the middle of the yard at 1:30 pm on a full sunny day? Not me.

No need to rush, At this point I have them off to the side of a 250 clf, so they are not even getting that directly.

So, really, I need know why you want to do that, If there are good reasons about space or time or funds, whatever, let me know.

There is a way to do it.


Well-Known Member
Dont know why everyone is vegging under hps lately but my seedlings go under my 600 MH as soon as I can see roots out of a 3x3 rockwool cube, bout a week after planting, I start out at 30" or so and let them grow up into it a bit. During flower I put the hps in, put the glass on to seal the hood and drop it to 12" or so. Seedlings love MH

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
I keep my seedlings under CFL's for 3 weeks, then put them under a 600w HPS with four 23 watt/6500K CFL to add additional spectrum

Ideally MH is better for vegging than HPS, but 600w MH bulbs are not cheap, so I can't justify the additional cost for such a short duration



Well-Known Member
CFL works just fine if you have the watts. (not incandescent equiv) This is only 5 weeks 3.jpg
(sorry for the turned pic...a bug in my 64 bit browser)

I get 2" a week, in growth under 250 w CFL. I can't accommodate more than that in a basic 5' wide bathroom.


New Member
Thanks for the info guys,

I'm gonna keep these babies in the propagator until they strengthen up some more. They are at the really early stages they have only just got two maybe 5mm leafs on them. I think maybe i should wait until i get roots appearing from the first stage rockwool before moving on to the next stage?.
Any info is appreciated as a wanna get this right
Keep it coming


Well-Known Member
Oh, no roots showing? Only cotyledon leaves, so far? Not time to transplant yet. And I would take them, only into a solo cup, next, for a week, and then a 6" azalea pot for a week. Then you go to what ever grow process you have, after that.

All my problems seemed to be caused by only one root cause. No roots, soon enough. :) Take the time now, to build roots to feed before the big lights come on. And that alone, will give bigger yields. Just coco coir, and then with 50% hydroton.

photo 1(3).jpgphoto 4(2).jpg


New Member
Thanks for advice Doer, i will take on board and try my luck by-ding my time!
Softly softly catchy monkey!


New Member
Im biding my time now and leaving in the propagator, and now one is starting to get its fans !!
Happy days.get-attachment (6).jpg


Well-Known Member
Thought I would chip in my experience with different veg setups...

I have vegged under CFL/MH/HPS, and I will always use HPS. I get insanely tight node spacing with HPS. CFL/MH are better at vegging if your looking for speed. But no matter how hard I tried, I could never get the node spacing tight like with HPS.

HPS is slightly slower at vegging but not by much. The gain in node spacing is well worth it for me. I have to maximize potential for every plant since I don't have a ton of space.


New Member
Thanks Nameless,

Are you saying that i can maybe put my babies under a sodium, maybe just one of my 600w? arnt they too small ( see picture ), i wanna keep tight nodes also, but dont wanna kill them!
Help me im melting!

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
I have vegged under CFL/MH/HPS, and I will always use HPS. I get insanely tight node spacing with HPS. CFL/MH are better at vegging if your looking for speed. But no matter how hard I tried, I could never get the node spacing tight like with HPS. HPS is slightly slower at vegging but not by much. The gain in node spacing is well worth it for me. I have to maximize potential for every plant since I don't have a ton of space.
I can't count how many times people have chastised me for using HPS in veg but I have never had issues or concerns.

Some say HPS will result in thicker stems/stock but I don't see that being an major issue even if it's true.

This grow is my first time mixing a few CFL's with the HPS and I am happy with the speed of growth speed, have you tried a mixture of lights?

I also have been placing one in the sunshine when available, they always seem to love the real McCoy as they lean into the sunlight just begging for more.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Nameless,

Are you saying that i can maybe put my babies under a sodium, maybe just one of my 600w? arnt they too small ( see picture ), i wanna keep tight nodes also, but dont wanna kill them!
Help me im melting!
I put my seedlings under a 600w HPS, but I keep it about 3 feet above them. They can burn, no reason to blast em, but at 3 ft they seem to respond great for me. Make sure you have good air exchange and temps. I use an enclosed hood for my lights too I should mention.


Well-Known Member
I can't count how many times people have chastised me for using HPS in veg but I have never had issues or concerns.

Some say HPS will result in thicker stems/stock but I don't see that being an major issue even if it's true.

This grow is my first time mixing a few CFL's with the HPS and I am happy with the speed of growth speed, have you tried a mixture of lights?

I also have been placing one in the sunshine when available, they always seem to love the real McCoy as they lean into the sunlight just begging for more.
Yea I love HPS for veg, the only better setup I think is both HPS and MH. But this isn't very practical on a smaller scale. Plus I have 2 rooms so I would have to run 4 lights. No thanks.

I have kinda noticed thicker stems, but I like it cause my branches rarely need support even if the buds are huge.

I have mixed CFL's in but only to supplement bottom light, beneath the canopy. I feel like a HID lamp would just overtake the CFL light completely, making it less efficient maybe? I could be wrong though.

And yes, nothing beats the real thing, the sun does wonders. Ideally I would be growing in an outdoor heated greenhouse, outfitted with lights... Man what I would do for that.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
Yea I love HPS for veg, the only better setup I think is both HPS and MH. But this isn't very practical on a smaller scale. Plus I have 2 rooms so I would have to run 4 lights. No thanks.

I have kinda noticed thicker stems, but I like it cause my branches rarely need support even if the buds are huge.

I have mixed CFL's in but only to supplement bottom light, beneath the canopy. I feel like a HID lamp would just overtake the CFL light completely, making it less efficient maybe? I could be wrong though.

And yes, nothing beats the real thing, the sun does wonders. Ideally I would be growing in an outdoor heated greenhouse, outfitted with lights... Man what I would do for that.
That's my retirement dream, to have a greenhouse outfitted with lights, jammed packed with cannabis :)


New Member
i only have a small grow space too around 1.2mtr x 1.2mtr x 2mtr tent, im gonna keep these babies under the cfl 250w until they fatten up, then under a hps for the rest? does that sound about right?, what should then seedlings be like before moving them under a hps?.
Also a thing thats been bugging me nameless, ive been looking on your journals and looking at your grow medium it looks as tho its a mix up, i just use canna coco soil and thats it, but i feel i should be mixing something to it either extra nutes or gravel/rock etc. am i right, if so what?
Sorry for all the trouty questions.


Well-Known Member
You just have to see. No monkey plan survives mother nature. :)

You might find, like me, you have to control growth in a small space, and you might find that HPS will not work in your tent. You could easily not manage to keep it under 90F.

2) the best soil for this drains completely, does not have perlite or vermic or mud to hold water. It is all about how often will you feed or will you use time release food, all about the food. So, the history of the world is all about food so we can't cover that here. :)

I use inert coco coir and then to 50% hydroton, after a week in the solo cup. Really, you should do, like I did and lay out 5 cups with different soils and see what you get.

Opinions widely vary, and so have my experiments, and it is all in my journal.

So, what is your feeding plan? That has nothing to do with medium, but has everything to do with the feeding plan.

I found very quickly that I need to control the environment, and I cannot grow the plant. The plant responds to the environment.