

Global Moderator
Staff member
In the USAF it was sending an airman out for a bucket of prop wash, or 20 yards of flight line. We had an Airman come back with some of the rope from a restricted area (it's red) we hid that really quick. :shock:
Yeah, prop wash, shore line, keys to Davy Jones locker, wrap em up in tin foil on the foc'sle (for all to see) to calibrate the radar, etc. . .
Pretty sure it's called "Hazing" now.


Virtually Unknown Member
Please don't think you can 100% count on your cell phone to reliably work or call for help when you're out there.

Murphy's Law
If something can go bad, it will do so in a hurry. If it can't possibly go bad, it will still find a way.
If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.
Mother Nature is a bitch and will always side with the hidden flaw.

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