Calyx Anatomy Questions


Lurking without registering for awhile now. Finally decided to wade in-

So do female calyxes actually open or "bloom" as flowering goes on? The reason I ask is that harvest time is neigh, at least by the breeder's recommended time frame, so the trichomes must be examined. Since its the bud/calyx that should have the trichs looked at and not sugar leaves, do the calyxes open up? it seems like there are smaller, smooth edged "leaves" (sepals?) in additional to sugar leaves with serrated edges. Are the smooth edged projections sepals and part of the calyx? Don't want to be examining the trichomes on the wrong part of the plant. The difficulty is compounded by extremely short internode spacing on the plant in questions, everything is just sort of smashed in there together.

Thanks everyone
No need to over analyze cannabis .... certain signs will show “ besides “ checking triches.
look at for information.

Thanks for the response, but that doesn't really help with my question. As best I'm able to tell today, yes, it looks like they sort of unfold. My concern was that some areas have mostly amber trichs, others where it was mostly cloudy or even clear in some spots, but wasn't sure if they were true leaves or part of the calyx. Decided to just say "ef it" and harvest two colas that look ready by my best guess and let the rest go another day or three. First time grow, so it's easy to second guess.
Thanks 28. I did see that page but still felt ambiguous about it looking at the pic

Hmm, wonder wth I was looking at then. I guess we'll find out how I did in a few weeks when they're dried and cured.


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