CalMag DIY

Now that it has cooked for awhile im feeding at 2ml/l gives me 80 ppm.Ive since started another batch ,more vinegar this time 6:1.I ad a pinch of epsom to get 50 ppm.So a result id say. cheers
Crap the little I had left started to mold!I guess I should keep it in the fridge.

Mold? Or did something clump? Not sure mold can grow in that much vinegar.

Also, are you using white vinegar or apple?
I don't know if it matters but I've always used apple.
Something about the sugars in it or something. Actually, I believe the recipe I have came from the Korean natural farming handbook. I got it from a guy on IG but I believe that's where he got it from.
yes its mold,blue spots.Temp was around 70 where i had it sitting.Making new batch will go with 6,7 to 1 with vinegar this time.
Sometimes, it isn't the cost whether it is cheap or not. When nutrition marketer put label under "Cannabis", they put high markup for the same nutrition that you can use for your regular vegetable garden. This homemade calcium from the eggshell is great way to make calcium supplement for cannabis or any of the plants.
KNF (Korean Natural Farming) is all about using natural nutrition to grow things and there are several different nutritions you can make at home - all organic. And once you made the nutrition, it can be added to water 1:500 ratio.
If anyone interested in KNF, there is very good information on YouTube by Chris Trump. He learned this method from KNF master.
Here is more about KNF
It is now spreading through Cannabis growers. YouTube has KNF on the cannabis seminar series.

I made a few KNF nutritions. It's very gentle food for the plants.
LAB (LActobacillus) from rice water + milk --helps increase the ability to absorb nutrients
WCA (Water-soluble Calcium) from eggshell and rice vinegar
FPJ (Fermented Plant Juice) - Vegetables + Brown Sugar --Natural form of nitrogen
FFP (fermented Fruit Juice) - Fruit + Brown Sugar --Phosphorous: Giving during Flowering Period
FAA (Fish Amino Acid) - Fish + Brown Sugar --help strengthen the plants' natural immune system, potentially reducing the need for pesticides and fungicides.

and many others that you can make at home. These are good nutrition and can be replacing typical bottled nutrition of CAL, NKP, and Molasses.
And most of these nutritions, it only takes few days to a week except FAA (takes min. 3 months- longer the better)
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If your in soil less or running hydro, I can see using Ca/Mg

If your in soil, why?

If you build your own soil. I can't think of any reason to use a Ca/Mg SUPPLEMENT.... Ca is the most over used thing in growing....
Look, your putting a plant in soil correct?
Who built that soil?
Whats in it?
I do like to add a nice handful of Dolomite to a 1.5 cft bag of OF as it tends to wear down later in the run but, for the most part. Unless you ride your pH hard, you shouldn't need extra Ca....

The type of Ca your making is better for pH control BUT, is available to the plant at rates that it doesn't require supplementing over soil building.
It should work just fine in any hydro application...
Look, your putting a plant in soil correct?
No, I'm planting in jiffy pellets then coco/perlite (70/30).
Whenever I've tried hybrid cannabis seeds in locally available soil/potting compost/organic mix the roots rotted right off.
There's no commercial soil mixes or nutrients available for cannabis in the country I live, all prohibited from sale or import.
No, I'm planting in jiffy pellets then coco/perlite (70/30).
Whenever I've tried hybrid cannabis seeds in locally available soil/potting compost/organic mix the roots rotted right off.
There's no commercial soil mixes or nutrients available for cannabis in the country I live, all prohibited from sale or import.

You get a pass Sarah Jane!
Hydro needs Ca/Mg supplementing...

Sarah Jane? Hmm, how's K-9? My 4th regeneration left him with you....:D