Calling LED gurus. What LED will be best for...

I’m building a HPA(high pressure aeroponics) grow system for 2 tents. Veg tent is 4x4 and flower is 4x4.
For the 4x4 veg tent:
I want to light an 18-gallon rubbermaid container, which will be my cloner (10-16 small clones). Also, I will have another 18-gallon Rubbermaid container for vegging and to hold 1-2 mother plants. This will have spots for 6-8 plants (most likely 6).

For the 4x4 flower tent:
I will have an 18-gallon Rubbermaid container that will hold 4-6 plants.

I’m stuck on the LEDs. My budget is $800 total between the 2 tents. I want the 2 best quality lights I can get with the $800. I have in and out fans for both tents.

A few questions:
What do you recommend? (Please don’t sell me your company’s light. I’m looking for growers’ honest opinions about LED lights so I can make the best informed decision.)

Should I go with a bigger light in the flower tent and a smaller in the veg tent?

Originally, I had a G8 450 w/90w flower booster for the flower tent and a G8 240 for the veg tent, but after digging around on RIU, I’m reading that I shouldn’t mess with them and there are far better options in 2019.

I have a lot to learn still, but I will be sure to log everything I do, including how I build HPA system so that people can learn from my mistakes and success.

Crossing my fingers for help! Thanks!
I really like my HLG. Take a look at some of their bigger lights for your 4x4. Most are qbs I think and run pretty cool with a dimmable/removable driver.
Chinese route then......?

Might give you some cheaper options
Check here for info on diy strip builds. still a stretch trying to do it for 800.
Thanks Merlin and Moflo!

Renfro, appreciate the honesty. Just curious, what kind of budget would one need for quality LEDs. I’m assuming American made, right?
I’m assuming American made, right?
nothings made in the US anymore. lol

Timber and HLG make good ones. For your 4x4 I would go with a Timber Redwood VS Thats $800 alone so it would blow the budget. You can DIY and save some money, I am building COB lights myself and got the cost down a LOT that way. Closer to 500 a light to cover the same 4x4 area as the timber (what I was gonna buy until I saw how much I could save) with everything deluxe mode, coulda been done cheaper.
Because everyone is under the impression if you don't spend top dollar its junk... While there are many cheap lights that are junk.. Not all of then are. I had researxhed and found this to,be the biggest bang for my buck.. And also if your growing rooms full 1 woukdnt get ya by but a few would. There's a guy on here who just bought 4 of these 70 dollar lights for his room. Wikk be nice to see how it works.. But no it D osent over heat my grow space.. I haven't really seen any difdernce in my energy bill also. Its well built. 4 fans. Works nice for me. All deoends on the application I guess
nothings made in the US anymore. lol

Timber and HLG make good ones. For your 4x4 I would go with a Timber Redwood VS Thats $800 alone so it would blow the budget. You can DIY and save some money, I am building COB lights myself and got the cost down a LOT that way. Closer to 500 a light to cover the same 4x4 area as the timber (what I was gonna buy until I saw how much I could save) with everything deluxe mode, coulda been done cheaper.
The redwoods are super nice. That’s the exact one I saw in a video review that I was drooling over. Same with the fluence. They’re saying 45-60 days on shipping out. They much be good if they can’t keep stock.