Call the cops on yourself

It is a funny idea. A few points:

1. First, don't open your door for the police - period. The police only ASK to search your place when they don't have permission to kick down your door. Just say no. Don't answer the door at all -- fuck 'em. Just stay inside, they will go away eventually or they will break down your door. Either way you have no reason to get off the couch. Only by opening the door and talking to them can you give them evidence that would be useful in securing a search warrant. You have no obligation to talk to them under any circumstance. Treat them just like any other asshole that bangs on your door trying to sell you magazines. :finger:

2. The police think everyone is guilty of something. They are unusually paranoid and they deal with bullshiters every day. They are trained to pretend to be your friend to develop a rapport, then when you are getting buddy buddy with the nice police officer he will turn on you and use the "trust" you two have been developing to manipulate you into giving up your rights. Do not engage in small talk with law enforcement.

3. Exercising your 4th amendment rights under the Constitution can never be held against you whether it comes to getting a warrant or as evidence of guilt at trial. :wall: The prosecutor cannot comment on it to the jury. It cannot be held against you.

4. If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation where the police are at your door asking to search your place, Just say no. Whether the cops think your ass is hiding something or not is irrelevant. A hunch is not enough to get a search warrant, but an anonymous tip may very well be. If anything, if the police already know you have the equipment and capability to grow vegetables hydroponically then that is the kind of evidence that would be relevant in securing a search warrant.

5. At the very least, the police will break down your door, trash your house, steal your equipment, and cart you off to jail. If and when you get your equipment back it will be broken and unusable. How many botanists do you think they have on staff at the local PD? They are going to assume you are growing something illegal and jail your ass. You will have to hire a lawyer and spend $5000 just to get the police to realize they've arrested some weirdo with a vegetable fetish.

But it's a fun idea. :bigjoint:

this man speaks the truth. +rep man
3. Exercising your 4th amendment rights under the Constitution can never be held against you whether it comes to getting a warrant or as evidence of guilt at trial. :wall: The prosecutor cannot comment on it to the jury. It cannot be held against you.

4. If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation where the police are at your door asking to search your place, Just say no. Whether the cops think your ass is hiding something or not is irrelevant. A hunch is not enough to get a search warrant, but an anonymous tip may very well be. If anything, if the police already know you have the equipment and capability to grow vegetables hydroponically then that is the kind of evidence that would be relevant in securing a search warrant.

This is great advice. But I say the only REASONABLE answer to a request to search is NO. Why? Well, what if I, a complete fucking stranger knocked on your door and asked to look through your personal shit? Nobody in their right mind would even think of letting me in. Now imagine that I'm not just some joe you don't know but rather a joe with a motive and the ability to remove all your legal rights simply by finding a single hemp seed.

Really, if a cop asks to search your shit you have every right to respond as if that is the stupidest request you've ever heard and he should be embarrassed and ashamed for even asking.

The fourth amendment is our right and no one should EVER feel awkward about exercising that right but rather should be offended and downright angered by any manipulative attempt to undermine that right. That IS immoral.

Another good idea is a private property no trespassing sign. Perhaps a more educated person can chime in on this but I believe that unless a reasonable belief that a crime is being commited on the premises exists, a "no trespassing" sign clearly posted basically means that the cop can't even knock on your door.
@ Heyoka

I agree with you completely. Only a fool would consent to a police search. One has everything to lose and absolutely nothing to gain by consenting to a police search. I cannot count how many times I watched some asshole on COPS call the police officers bluff. "Nah, I got nothing in my car. Go ahead and take a look if you want." Then the cop finds 2 oz of crack or something. And the whole thing would be sort of funny if it didn't cost $35-40K per year to incarcerate a non-violent drug offender for the 5+ years he'll get for the offense.

On the no-trespassing sign thing, that won't deter the police from coming onto your property and knocking on your door. A sign alone is probably not going to create a legal obligation that would require them to stay off your property. Theoretically, if the police showed up on your property and had no legal reason to be there, and you asked them to leave and they refused, then you could call some other police officers to arrest the other cops for trespassing (kind of ridiculous but possible).

If you have a fence around your property that cannot be easily penetrated/climbed over, then I suppose the police are unlikely to climb over it to knock on your door. With a fence and posted "no trespassing" signs, then it may be possible to argue that the police had no legal right to be on your property knocking on your door in the 1st place -- given your clear attempts to exclude unwanted people from the property by fencing off the property and posting appropriate signage -- should anything bad happen with the police, and that any resulting evidence should be excluded in light of the trespass and illegal search.
Sure, you could drive to a phone booth far away from your house several times nervousley calling the cops telling them there's a weed grow at your house in a disguised voice trying hard not to start laughing your stoner ass off at the crazy voice your using only to feel more confident about using your 4th amendment. Or, when the police knock at your door after hearing a real anonymous tip (whithout a search warent because it would be crazy if law and order were wrong and they could get one from an anonymous tip) you could just yell from behind the door "FUCK OFF I'M MASTURBATING"

That was to convince all you idiots out there that this IS a bad idea, I know some of you are thinking about it.
I was just running through in my mind what I would say and do should there ever be that 'knock' at the door or the knock that takes the door down. I somewhat subscribe to the 'hide in plain sight' theories and my mind went down an odd path and ended there. Figured it would be good for a chuckle or at the very least, some good replies.
I remember in those days that angel dust was everywhere, My friends and I did that same thing with spearmint leaves in paper. We of course were stopped searched and let go after they tested it and found that it was spice.

The whole time sitting in the cell I am thinking "what is they Lie" Or "what if plant the real stuff in my car" I whipped myself up and down for exposing myself to the law all that night.

I was let go, but the cop made it a point to F _ ck with me all the time.
He knew and so will they too. They will think you pulled one over on them and they would love to see you POP ...

Stay Low...
When the cops go to the judge for a search warrant, they will only tell them what they need to get a warrant. ie: That you have the hydroponics and about the tip. They will not, under any circumstances, tell the judge about any previous searches that turned up empty, or showed only legal plants were grown. If you do something that gives them information they can use against you. Like show them you have a set-up that could be used illegally, then they will use that against you.

The less ANYBODY knows about what you're doing the better. If all they have is a tip then they may not even have enough for a warrant. They might have enough to knock on your door and ask you to come in, but some judges will actually protect your right to privacy. If they have a tip and prior knowledge of a grow operation (legal or otherwise) they will most likely get a warrant.
Even though the consensus from everyone is not to try this because you can't predict how it will turn out the concept has validity. If you were a person with a lot of money and just wanted to f#%k with the police and never planned to really grow anything illegal at that spot this would be funny. Especially if you could afford some bad ass attorneys and had a few press contacts lined up to put the story on the front page. Imagine all the flak that the judge who issued the warrant and the cops involved would get. Probably make them a little trigger shy in the future about busting grow ops.
Really creative idea! Suppose it can be done, the problem is that no grower will ever risk doing it because of the attention you draw in general. Someone might see or figure out the real product of the grow room. Inventive thought!
If I were to ever quit my current 'green thumb' hobby... Causing the establishment to waste money on with goose chases would take it's place. >:)
Don't get me wrong.. That's not something I would suggest doing at all... Just thought it was funny and figured you might as well. :)

i really do want some of what you were smoking when you went into the train of thought for this.

its something that could work but you'd need some balls :eyesmoke:
that is the stupidest thing i've ever fuckin heard...

If that takes the cake for you... read below, I may be able to top your list again. LoL Either way, welcome to R.I.U.

its something that could work but you'd need some balls :eyesmoke:

Knowing that the biggest reason we're seeing decriminalization in some areas is due to cost issues and spreading the police too thin to deal with real crime... there are all kind of progress halting things you can do to benefit our kind.

Fill a small water pistol or spray gun with the water that's left over after making blender hash and spray it everywhere you can (without being seen) inside and outside of your local Greyhound and Train stations, then kick back and watch the news. They bring the dogs in there every few weeks when things are slow. False alerts and fruit-less alerts bring down the performance ratings of drug dogs. If that gets too low, them alerting can be challenged and thrown out of court proceedings for those people who have a lawyer smart enough to look for such information. Saw a case once where the dog had a rating of 59%, the defense lawyer said that didn't amount to probable cause and compared his efficiency to that of a coin toss. The Judge agreed and threw out the search and the evidence it provided.

If you horde crappy bag-seeds that you never plan to grow, when spring comes, plant them everywhere you can, on public land (wouldn't want to get any private land owner in trouble). The more bull-shit plants they cops have to look for and go pull, the less likely they are to find the good stuff. That's just a simple diversionary tactic. At the time of this post, the "Membership" count on the home page said 88,070. If everyone that had an account were to plant five to ten seeds randomly on public land hidden just well enough that they would be a royal pain in the ass to get at... There would be between 440,350 and 880,700 wild pot plants out there. How less effective would the police be in their war on drugs if pot plants out numbered pine trees or crabgrass? And like the water pistol idea, just think of the news stories... "12 pot plants found growing in a planter at City Hall"

And again... These aren't a serious suggestions... Just serious thought provokers. :) And if they made you smile, they hit the mark.
i like the idea of using the hash water, that would be some funny shit to watch.

just fill it up and spray it all over the place, everywhere you can.

iv considered the bagseed idea a few times, i have a bag of about 50+ somewhere i plan on going for a walk next summer and scattering them, just for a laugh really nothing serious.