Fill a small water pistol or spray gun with the water that's left over after making blender hash and spray it everywhere you can (without being seen) inside and outside of your local Greyhound and Train stations, then kick back and watch the news. They bring the dogs in there every few weeks when things are slow. False alerts and fruit-less alerts bring down the performance ratings of drug dogs. If that gets too low, them alerting can be challenged and thrown out of court proceedings for those people who have a lawyer smart enough to look for such information. Saw a case once where the dog had a rating of 59%, the defense lawyer said that didn't amount to probable cause and compared his efficiency to that of a coin toss. The Judge agreed and threw out the search and the evidence it provided.
If you horde crappy bag-seeds that you never plan to grow, when spring comes, plant them everywhere you can, on public land (wouldn't want to get any private land owner in trouble). The more bull-shit plants they cops have to look for and go pull, the less likely they are to find the good stuff. That's just a simple diversionary tactic. At the time of this post, the "Membership" count on the home page said 88,070. If everyone that had an account were to plant five to ten seeds randomly on public land hidden just well enough that they would be a royal pain in the ass to get at... There would be between 440,350 and 880,700 wild pot plants out there. How less effective would the police be in their war on drugs if pot plants out numbered pine trees or crabgrass? And like the water pistol idea, just think of the news stories... "12 pot plants found growing in a planter at City Hall"
And again... These aren't a serious suggestions... Just serious thought provokers.

And if they made you smile, they hit the mark.