Call the cops on yourself

my buddy has a great story bout when he was in the navy. They got word that they were gonna get tossed when they got to port. They melted their floor wax and simmered their pot in it . when it cooled they got busy polishing everything. apparently the mp's got upset as their dogs were alerting on everything. Ha Ha.
don't know if its true but its a good story
Fill a small water pistol or spray gun with the water that's left over after making blender hash and spray it everywhere you can (without being seen) inside and outside of your local Greyhound and Train stations, then kick back and watch the news. They bring the dogs in there every few weeks when things are slow. False alerts and fruit-less alerts bring down the performance ratings of drug dogs. If that gets too low, them alerting can be challenged and thrown out of court proceedings for those people who have a lawyer smart enough to look for such information. Saw a case once where the dog had a rating of 59%, the defense lawyer said that didn't amount to probable cause and compared his efficiency to that of a coin toss. The Judge agreed and threw out the search and the evidence it provided.

If you horde crappy bag-seeds that you never plan to grow, when spring comes, plant them everywhere you can, on public land (wouldn't want to get any private land owner in trouble). The more bull-shit plants they cops have to look for and go pull, the less likely they are to find the good stuff. That's just a simple diversionary tactic. At the time of this post, the "Membership" count on the home page said 88,070. If everyone that had an account were to plant five to ten seeds randomly on public land hidden just well enough that they would be a royal pain in the ass to get at... There would be between 440,350 and 880,700 wild pot plants out there. How less effective would the police be in their war on drugs if pot plants out numbered pine trees or crabgrass? And like the water pistol idea, just think of the news stories... "12 pot plants found growing in a planter at City Hall"

And again... These aren't a serious suggestions... Just serious thought provokers. :) And if they made you smile, they hit the mark.

Of all the ridiculous ideas in this thread, I think these are the best. you definitely made me laugh - and I like the idea of the water pistol because there's basically no risk to you, yet it's hilarious. Also, the planting of random seeds is absolutely brilliant, most especially the seeds in the city hall planter ;) ;D ;D
This is a genius idea, something I would do if I were to move or just really wanted to piss the authorities off.
If you get raided and they dont find any dope there is always a chance they will plant a pound in your attic just to get your ass. Spite is a character trait they look for in pigs applying to join the drug squads.
This isn't funny or clever.

You might hate the police, but their just doing their job, and wasting police time costs lives.
You might hate the police, but their just doing their job, and wasting police time costs lives.

Since when does it cost lives ? 99% of them just hand out tickets and eat donuts and use all the steroids they confiscate, sure there is the odd hero cop once in a blue moon but usually there just a neusence. I know I've never needed one for protection or to serve me in any way, besides serving me a fresh ticket and even if you did need help they would be 20min late anyway.
So hold on what if your naighbours are like " hey motherfucker. give me those fresh tomatoes or ill shoot you." then u gotta tell them those fresh tomatoes are actually pot.
wtf u do then?
Since when does it cost lives ? 99% of them just hand out tickets and eat donuts and use all the steroids they confiscate, sure there is the odd hero cop once in a blue moon but usually there just a neusence. I know I've never needed one for protection or to serve me in any way, besides serving me a fresh ticket and even if you did need help they would be 20min late anyway.

LoL, more like eating shit at a the wrong house.

A while back someone tried to break into my ex's house. She lived 2 mins away WALKING from the police department. It took them over 2 hours to get there. I found out later they actually went to the wrong house.

HOW DO YOU GO TO THE WRONG HOUSE I JUST DONT GET IT :confused::confused::confused::confused:
I didnt read the whole thread but what I would do..

Is keep that legal grow room up at all times, give them tours and what not of the whole place and if your lucky enough to live in older or rural housing just have the other.. grow room someplace else.
Tell everyone you may have TB. Just answer the door in a painters mask.

if they act like they want to gain entrance start coughing and slobbering.
Since when does it cost lives ? 99% of them just hand out tickets and eat donuts and use all the steroids they confiscate, sure there is the odd hero cop once in a blue moon but usually there just a neusence. I know I've never needed one for protection or to serve me in any way, besides serving me a fresh ticket and even if you did need help they would be 20min late anyway.

this is true for cops in rural areas, but for cops in urban areas it seems to be that wasting time and money (remember there is paperwork/administrative) is what the problem is.

It sucks that these guys got raided with tomatoe plants growing
I unintentionally had this happen 13 years ago and feel it's the reason the local police have left me alone ever since.
I was 17 living at my fathers house. He worked on the road for 2 months at a time. He was a fish breeder and the fish room just happened to be facing the main street in our small town. The lights were always on and there was a exaust fan blowing humid air out constantly. They(leo) thought us kids were running the op and that my dad was just picking up a load every 2 months.

Eventually they got a warrant and busted in on my younger bro and 2 friends. Of course they had a little pot on them but the cops went str8 to that fish room with the big "gotcha" smiles on. Ohh the look on their faces when they saw all those fish tanks.:bigjoint: It was like they couldn't believe all the months they suspected a grow and found that. they did get a 1/4 ounce from the guys but they were minors and it's canada. All they had to do was write an essay on drugs.

We live in a small town pop 2000-3000 So everyone knows everyone. the cops looked like asses and the whole town knew about it. I just grow personal but I've though about doing a few big ones, and if I did I might just start out that same way. In a small town it's not hard to get rumors going round. I just don't think I could even get the cops to my house (knock on wood) without evidence in plain site like a bag of shake on the driveway etc.
Better make sure it is a payphone in the sticks... you never know when you are on some business' surveilance material...

But ultimately with the bad people lists you guys seem to have over there, I'd rather just stay under the radar.
I like where your going with this, but personally would be a bit more cautious about drawing attention to myself. By the same token if you see the list of things they look for to get their warrant. They use almost anything that doesnt even make sense as an excuse, like your trash, all kinds of things in a normal trash can be used for a grow room, anyone that sees everything around them as "how would this benefit my grow room" know what im talking about, hell i see a random item and the brain starts ticking about how can i jerry rig this to make it usefull, often i dont come up with any ideas but anyhow.

My point im trying to get to is, call in anonomous tips about random people you know have no reason to be suspected, eventually it will just be annoying, or you can determine what the 4 digit code is for their voice mail and routinely delete it out, a tone dialer can do this for you in a matter of a couple days i imagine lol.
This has undoubtedly got to be the funniest thread ive ever read. Not because i think anyone is having bad ideas, it's just all hillarious to imagine. Ingenious situations though.