California league of cities and law enforcement propose new regulatory bill

Where did you hear that they are taking the doctor stuff out of the bill because it's unconstitutional? I've been reading lots of articles about this bill and haven't read anything about that.

From Nancy Pelosi at the state democratic convention.

But just read the prop 215 text I've quoted above. That is part of the state constitution. It can not be superseded by the legislature.
From Nancy Pelosi at the state democratic convention.

But just read the prop 215 text I've quoted above. That is part of the state constitution. It can not be superseded by the legislature.

jeeezus...and i suppose you missed how 215 didn't stop the same idiots (like you) from passing sb420 (in spite of its unconstitutionality = the kelly case just for starters) which is the legislative train that opened the door for all cali counties to undermine 215 with land use ordinances etc...
at this point folks should remember this lol:

jeeezus...and i suppose you missed how 215 didn't stop the same idiots (like you) from passing sb420 (in spite of its unconstitutionality = the kelly case just for starters) which is the legislative train that opened the door for all cali counties to undermine 215 with land use ordinances etc...
at this point folks should remember this lol:

You're literally just naming different parts of medical marijuana law in a failed attempt to sound like you know what you're talking about. This will only work on the extremely ignorant, which of course is your target audience. SB420 doesn't supersede prop 215, it just adds specifics.

The Kelly decision just specifies that a doctor's orders can supersede sb420.

What are you babbling about? Naming off random pieces on medical marijuana law doesn't make you sound smart.
You're literally just naming different parts of medical marijuana law in a failed attempt to sound like you know what you're talking about. This will only work on the extremely ignorant, which of course is your target audience. SB420 doesn't supersede prop 215, it just adds specifics.

The Kelly decision just specifies that a doctor's orders can supersede sb420.

What are you babbling about? Naming off random pieces on medical marijuana law doesn't make you sound smart.
So far everything he has said makes him sound quite the opposite. :) He does seem to think that he's the smartest in the room, though.
You're literally just naming different parts of medical marijuana law in a failed attempt to sound like you know what you're talking about. This will only work on the extremely ignorant, which of course is your target audience. SB420 doesn't supersede prop 215, it just adds specifics.

The Kelly decision just specifies that a doctor's orders can supersede sb420.

What are you babbling about? Naming off random pieces on medical marijuana law doesn't make you sound smart.

lol no doubt your one lonely minion is the only one who doesn't see that you just stated that:

From Nancy Pelosi at the state democratic convention.

But just read the prop 215 text I've quoted above. That is part of the state constitution. It can not be superseded by the legislature.

yet idiots like you help to pass sb420 attempting to supersede 215 in many ways (like intruding on the doctor patient relationship etc), and it takes years of litigation to make things right after such negligence (ie kelly case etc)...but folks like you dont care about all the people who went to jail (and still are) while all those years of litigation that are still going on continue...
and of course your bullshit also opened the door for every county in cali to screw pps out of their 215 rights...but we are fighting back, to your dismay no doubt, and folks like you are slowly being exposed for the enemies of human rights that you are...DK ;)
lol no doubt your one lonely minion is the only one who doesn't see that you just stated that:

yet idiots like you help to pass sb420 attempting to supersede 215 in many ways (like intruding on the doctor patient relationship etc), and it takes years of litigation to make things right after such negligence (ie kelly case etc)...but folks like you dont care about all the people who went to jail (and still are) while all those years of litigation that are still going on continue...
and of course your bullshit also opened the door for every county in cali to screw pps out of their 215 rights...but we are fighting back, to your dismay no doubt, and folks like you are slowly being exposed for the enemies of human rights that you are...DK ;)

Right. People like me who support legalization don't care about the people in jail and want to continue prohibition. It's people like you who oppose all practical methods of legalization who are really trying to end prohibition. That makes perfect sense. Well done.
its people like me who are actually working to end prohibition who will achieve such in spite of veiled prohibitionists as yourself doing every thing you can to keep folks that grow plants regulated at threat of jail, fine, or prison...all you really seem to care about is sucking democrat DK ;)
have you actually ever ridden a pelosi or is it just still your ultimate fantasy?
well if you ever get the chance i suggest using a saddle cuz i wouldn't chance bare backing on that old phony pony...just sayin ;)
its people like me who are actually working to end prohibition who will achieve such in spite of veiled prohibitionists as yourself doing every thing you can to keep folks that grow plants regulated at threat of jail, fine, or prison...all you really seem to care about is sucking democrat DK ;)
have you actually ever ridden a pelosi or is it just still your ultimate fantasy?
well if you ever get the chance i suggest using a saddle cuz i wouldn't chance bare backing on that old phony pony...just sayin ;)

Your "working to end prohibition" is a pipe dream.

All you do is sit around insulting people (badly, I might add) and try to soak up praise for an initiative that will never make it to the ballot, let alone pass. Not to mention that it won't stand up in court.

If you really wanted to get some form of legalization passed you would be listening to DK. All you have is some weak fantasy. You're not even good at insulting people! Perhaps when your initiative fails you will finally look at and support legalization measures that actually have a chance to pass. I doubt it though. You will blame other people you don't know and insult your way back to self esteem. <shrug>
its people like me who are actually working to end prohibition who will achieve such in spite of veiled prohibitionists as yourself doing every thing you can to keep folks that grow plants regulated at threat of jail, fine, or prison...all you really seem to care about is sucking democrat DK ;)
have you actually ever ridden a pelosi or is it just still your ultimate fantasy?
well if you ever get the chance i suggest using a saddle cuz i wouldn't chance bare backing on that old phony pony...just sayin ;)

Funny how derogatory you are about the politicians who are actually working towards ending the drug war. We should be supporting them.
Your "working to end prohibition" is a pipe dream.

All you do is sit around insulting people (badly, I might add) and try to soak up praise for an initiative that will never make it to the ballot, let alone pass. Not to mention that it won't stand up in court.

If you really wanted to get some form of legalization passed you would be listening to DK. All you have is some weak fantasy. You're not even good at insulting people! Perhaps when your initiative fails you will finally look at and support legalization measures that actually have a chance to pass. I doubt it though. You will blame other people you don't know and insult your way back to self esteem. <shrug>

either your joking or you must think everyone who reads here is an idiot, because anyone who can read can easily see for themselves that the insults came from your DK first, ( (post #10) and as well it seems to be your DK's m.o. to behave like such a DK, so i figured that's just how you and your DK attempt to communicate with folks, so i did my best...sorry i'm not good enough or smart enough for you and your DK :(

Funny how derogatory you are about the politicians who are actually working towards ending the drug war. We should be supporting them.

credit where credit is due DK, politicians got us here and i assure you politicians are not about to move to suddenly restore our human rights...but they will continue to screw us any way they can if we let them...and that goes double for your lil pony ;)
credit where credit is due DK, politicians got us here and i assure you politicians are not about to move to suddenly restore our human rights...but they will continue to screw us any way they can if we let them...and that goes double for your lil pony ;)

I see you generalize about people like you do plants. Politicians are not all the same. The California democratic party has publicly backed legalization. They are going to put their money behind it. They are 1000000000000x more likely to make that happen than people like you. Yet you still want to oppose the people who are taking up the fight to end prohibition.

Why appose people who are willing to through their money and influence behind the movement to end prohibition? Why oppose any real opportunity to get legalization?
I see you generalize about people like you do plants. Politicians are not all the same. The California democratic party has publicly backed legalization. They are going to put their money behind it. They are 1000000000000x more likely to make that happen than people like you. Yet you still want to oppose the people who are taking up the fight to end prohibition.

Why appose people who are willing to through their money and influence behind the movement to end prohibition? Why oppose any real opportunity to get legalization?

the key words are in bold DK, see its people like you that generalize about what "that" means who are so desperately trying to mislead folks...its pathetic...
people care what "that" means DK, and they also know the devil is always in the fine print...
politicians love the fine print DK, and pps know that as well.
you depend on we the people being sheep and easy to slaughter, but the only way DK's like you will prevail is if folks no longer care about their fundamental human rights...
i think folks still do care, they just never get the option on the ballot to show it, but in lake county this year we are working hard to change that in spite of the DK's like you who sit on our board of stupidvisors ;)
the key words are in bold DK, see its people like you that generalize about what "that" means who are so desperately trying to mislead folks...its pathetic...
people care what "that" means DK, and they also know the devil is always in the fine print...

So now you're objecting to me using one of the most common words in the English language? That's desperate.

politicians love the fine print DK, and pps know that as well.

People like you love the fine print even more. You take some tiny detail of a legalization effort where you don't get your way 100% of the time and use that as an excuse to vote against legalization and continue prohibition.

You don't understand that we live in a democracy. Everyone gets a say in what our laws look like, not just you. There is no such thing as a perfect piece of legislation in a democracy.

you depend on we the people being sheep and easy to slaughter, but the only way DK's like you will prevail is if folks no longer care about their fundamental human rights...
i think folks still do care, they just never get the option on the ballot to show it, but in lake county this year we are working hard to change that in spite of the DK's like you who sit on our board of stupidvisors ;)

Again, this is a democracy, not the people's republic of DNAprotection. You're trying to pass a law that I doubt even 10% of people agree with. Then when it fails, you'll tell everyone to vote against real legalization in the hopes that one day your bullshit will pass, except that day will never come.
So now you're objecting to me using one of the most common words in the English language? That's desperate.

People like you love the fine print even more. You take some tiny detail of a legalization effort where you don't get your way 100% of the time and use that as an excuse to vote against legalization and continue prohibition.

You don't understand that we live in a democracy. Everyone gets a say in what our laws look like, not just you. There is no such thing as a perfect piece of legislation in a democracy.

Again, this is a democracy, not the people's republic of DNAprotection. You're trying to pass a law that I doubt even 10% of people agree with. Then when it fails, you'll tell everyone to vote against real legalization in the hopes that one day your bullshit will pass, except that day will never come.

so let me get this strait (lol) apparently you feel its 'desperate' when folks wonder what the legislation your pushing actually "that" about right?
such a reaction fits hand in glove to your notion that democracy means letting politicians fuck us instead of 'we the people' being the one's to decide for ourselves through the initiative process.
no matter how much orwellian logic you spin with your pathetic attempts to reverse the truth, anyone can see that it is your position that fucks any chance at democracy DK ;)
so let me get this strait (lol) apparently you feel its 'desperate' when folks wonder what the legislation your pushing actually "that" about right?
such a reaction fits hand in glove to your notion that democracy means letting politicians fuck us instead of 'we the people' being the one's to decide for ourselves through the initiative process.
no matter how much orwellian logic you spin with your pathetic attempts to reverse the truth, anyone can see that it is your position that fucks any chance at democracy DK ;)

Good lord! Is your reading comprehension that incredibly poor?

Your mind works in incredibly strange ways. Sadly, I don't think there is much left to do other than mock you.
One Team one Fight !

thats what i was hoping when i came to the cali patients forum TWS, but some here, i guess, wish to make such not possible unless we (in lake co) abandon our efforts to fight for everyone's natural born rights and take up riding pelosi pony's and worshiping democrats as if they were 'gods' deciding our fate just as DK and his minion do etc...
Now I know you ain't to bright. DK is MY minion. Psh!

Minions are for devil worshipers who choke at the first sign of a goats dick. :p ..btw, you misspelled, "too"..


Don't forget, with every goat, there is a hungry wolf closing behind..
From what I'm hearing they are likely to pass this bill in some form. However the parts about the doctor regulations are going to get thrown out because they are out of compliance with the state constitution.

state constitution:

So that eliminates the doctor stuff.

First off, let me just say I have not yet had time to
read this whole thread... But I just want to throw this out while it's on my mind.

Yes, technically it would go against the state constitution to penalize doctors for recommending cannabis (or recommending it to "too many" people). BUT, that doesn't mean they won't go right ahead and proceed. Technically SB420 is null and void because a Senate Bill cannot make changes to a voter-approved proposition (215). In other words, plant limits technically do not exist. Has that stopped them from prosecuting people who grow "too many" plants? Nope it sure hasn't....