California league of cities and law enforcement propose new regulatory bill

I'll believe it when I see it on the ballot.

DK where were you? we got a great response, but i was really sorry u didnt call in and say the above quote this mornin cuz i think it would have inspired even more folks to call and sign up to gather sigs :D
DK where were you? we got a great response, but i was really sorry u didnt call in and say the above quote this mornin cuz i think it would have inspired even more folks to call and sign up to gather sigs :D

I was working. Even if I wasn't, I wouldn't let myself be used like that.

As I said, I'll believe it when it gets on the ballot.
I was working. Even if I wasn't, I wouldn't let myself be used like that.

As I said, I'll believe it when it gets on the ballot.

lol well you could of fooled me DK, i kinda thought such was your specialty ;)
as for the second part in bold, me2 DK, me2 :)
Right, because you are clueless.

I've met enough people like you to know what you're all about.

thats good news DK :D have those others also put forward human rights measures? :D
i would like to meet them if you can you hook us up?
i've known many like you as well DK, but most worked for some branch of the corpsgov or one of the 'fuck human rights and viva legalization through regulation' 'agencies' like norml and dpa etc...i wonder what your job is DK? lol...
i've known many like you as well DK, but most worked for some branch of the corpsgov or one of the 'fuck human rights and viva legalization through regulation' 'agencies' like norml and dpa etc...i wonder what your job is DK? lol...

Just reinforcing my opinion that you have no real world experiences to draw from.
Just reinforcing my opinion that you have no real world experiences to draw from.

why are you always avoiding answering direct questions DK?...oh thats right, i already know why lol ;)
ps...had you tuned in when i gave you the heads up, then you would have actually known my name and with a mere google search i think you would feel quite foolish about your above quote ;)
ah yes but missed opportunities is another of your specialties, as plainly exampled by your position on this issue of growing plants and human rights...
why are you always avoiding answering direct questions DK?

You've failed to address anything I've ever brought up, ever.

...oh thats right, i already know why lol ;)
ps...had you tuned in when i gave you the heads up, then you would have actually known my name and with a mere google search i think you would feel quite foolish about your above quote ;)

Nope. I don't think I will. As I've said, I've met a ton of people like you.

ah yes but missed opportunities is another of your specialties

If you only knew...
You've failed to address anything I've ever brought up, ever.

Nope. I don't think I will. As I've said, I've met a ton of people like you.

If you only knew...

omg DK lol i have addressed everything you offered that was relevant to the proposed measure, its just that as you well know almost nothing you raise has any relevance to the proposed measure ;)
but go ahead, make my day, that is, if you have anything relevant to ask, just ask and i will answer just as i answer others who inquire, but their inquires are always relevant to the measure...yours almost never are...its almost as if you were purposely trying to keep folks from understanding our proposal and effort...pst, here's a secret DK, other folks can read, and i'm fairly sure most can read better than you ;)
omg DK lol i have addressed everything you offered that was relevant to the proposed measure, its just that as you well know almost nothing you raise has any relevance to the proposed measure ;)

Oh, I didn't realize the entire RIU forum was about your measure.
Oh, I didn't realize the entire RIU forum was about your measure.

wtf? dude you are truly slipping over the edge is that in any way a relevant response to what you were apparently responding to?
even aside from relevance, your comment is just simply stupid in general...
you really need to try harder DK ;)
They can propose whatever they want. As long as our state government is dominated by the democratic party it's not going anywhere. This is clearly a trojan horse to get rid of medical marijuana. It will never work. Medical marijuana is too established to get rid of at this point.

Haha I just started this thread so people could discuss SB 1262 and it turned into a big fight about legalization. I agree with the person above who I quoted, this is nothing more than a de facto ban on medical marijuana in California. Hopefully it doesn't go anywhere or something better will be proposed.
Haha I just started this thread so people could discuss SB 1262 and it turned into a big fight about legalization. I agree with the person above who I quoted, this is nothing more than a de facto ban on medical marijuana in California. Hopefully it doesn't go anywhere or something better will be proposed.

As written it is exactly that. A total ban on medical marijuana. If they took away medical marijuana doctors that would end medical marijuana.

However police officer's lobbyist groups like Lhe California League of Cities don't get to propose legislation directly. They need someone in the state government to sponsor it. Now for this proposed legislation to get out of committee the committee (controlled by democrats) can alter it. What they are going to do is take out the stuff about doctors, removing the ban part.

The rest is just regulations. Much needed regulations IMO. Right now our system rewards criminal elements and punishes people who try to do things the right way. Some of these regulations make that better.
The rest is just regulations. Much needed regulations IMO. Right now our system rewards criminal elements and punishes people who try to do things the right way. Some of these regulations make that better.

Stupid fucking, horse shit.. Can you read the crap you are saying? 100 medical-cannabis patients per Dr., 100,000 patients for Oxycontin Dr's., stupid people thinking stupid shit, (fucked democracy?), ect.. Patients should have the right to grow as much as they need and MEDICAL doctors need not be sanctioned to recommend cannabis to healthy and unhealthy individuals as they see medically fit.

The rest of what you say, Kone, is an insult to the senses. I`m done with this thread, Unsubscribed.
Stupid fucking, horse shit.. Can you read the crap you are saying? 100 medical-cannabis patients per Dr., 100,000 patients for Oxycontin Dr's., stupid people thinking stupid shit, (fucked democracy?), ect.. Patients should have the right to grow as much as they need and MEDICAL doctors need not be sanctioned to recommend cannabis to healthy and unhealthy individuals as they see medically fit.

The rest of what you say, Kone, is an insult to the senses. I`m done with this thread, Unsubscribed.

Maybe you should have read the whole post. I was not in any way claiming it was a good thing to regulate doctors. They are taking the doctor stuff out of the bill. That part of the bill was found to be unconstitutional. The rest of the regulations, which don't regulate doctors or individual patients, only dispensaries, are very necessary.

I really hate this about our community sometimes. You are willing to read a headline about this proposed law, but aren't willing to read the whole thing. Now you're ignorance is my fault somehow. Awesome.
Stupid fucking, horse shit.. Can you read the crap you are saying? 100 medical-cannabis patients per Dr., 100,000 patients for Oxycontin Dr's., stupid people thinking stupid shit, (fucked democracy?), ect.. Patients should have the right to grow as much as they need and MEDICAL doctors need not be sanctioned to recommend cannabis to healthy and unhealthy individuals as they see medically fit.

The rest of what you say, Kone, is an insult to the senses. I`m done with this thread, Unsubscribed.
pSi007 gets rep* for eyes wide open :)

Maybe you should have read the whole post. I was not in any way claiming it was a good thing to regulate doctors. They are taking the doctor stuff out of the bill. That part of the bill was found to be unconstitutional. The rest of the regulations, which don't regulate doctors or individual patients, only dispensaries, are very necessary.

I really hate this about our community sometimes. You are willing to read a headline about this proposed law, but aren't willing to read the whole thing. Now you're ignorance is my fault somehow. Awesome.

holy crap DK, thank goodness folks can see through your bs...anyone with eye's can see you are asking folks to understand and support an effort by prohibitionists on the 'faith' that they can trust democrats to 'do the right thing' by amending it before it becomes a law (lol) kiss-ass

while at the same time you seem to be trying to make sure folks are diverted from knowing anything about an effort that seeks to restore their basic human rights to grow plants...

'The Freedom to Garden Human Rights Restoration Act of 2014'

and yet somehow you still think you have credibility here at RIU???
i think your credibility is spent and at this point you are just broken DK...
Maybe you should have read the whole post. I was not in any way claiming it was a good thing to regulate doctors. They are taking the doctor stuff out of the bill. That part of the bill was found to be unconstitutional. The rest of the regulations, which don't regulate doctors or individual patients, only dispensaries, are very necessary.

I really hate this about our community sometimes. You are willing to read a headline about this proposed law, but aren't willing to read the whole thing. Now you're ignorance is my fault somehow. Awesome.

Where did you hear that they are taking the doctor stuff out of the bill because it's unconstitutional? I've been reading lots of articles about this bill and haven't read anything about that.
holy crap DK, thank goodness folks can see through your bs...anyone with eye's can see you are asking folks to understand and support an effort by prohibitionists on the 'faith' that they can trust democrats to 'do the right thing' by amending it before it becomes a law (lol) kiss-ass

It's not a matter of trust. It's a matter of literacy and basic understanding of how our government works.

From our state constitution:

To ensure that patients and their primary caregivers who obtain and use marijuana for medical purposes upon the recommendation of a physician are not subject to criminal prosecution or sanction.

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no physician in this state shall be punished, or denied any right or privilege, for having recommended marijuana to a patient for medical purposes.

The assembly can not create a law that would invalidate part of the state constitution. Your ignorance really isn't my fault. You may be able to find other ignorant people who agree with you, but that doesn't make you correct. Facts are still facts regardless of your ignorance.