Well-Known Member
damn cheez man, looks like its covered in devil horns! weird shit man.
and your tahoe doesn't look like it has 'problems' to me man. maybe needs a glass of hateraaaaaaade
hows the rotation going? sick of shifting the girls about?
laters man
Yeah its kinda oddly nice in a devilish way...
The tahoe is putting on allot of growth .. but there was a lil period of crispy leaves ....but only on the top a lil....
Tahoes a lanky one..... Next time ill top er up... so i can get a better canopy ... yield more....
.... its tiring bru....
I worked it out now so that its only 20 hrs of light ...
And each plant gets about 10hrs of light and one hour of indirect light....
Helps allot with the ventilllation issues and light leaks....plus heat probs...
But now its kinda easier...as i fixed up most the problem that i encountered early on....
I kinda perfected the rotation an all... but i dont think ill ever do this again.....