California Dream Grow (Skywalker Og)

damn cheez man, looks like its covered in devil horns! weird shit man.

and your tahoe doesn't look like it has 'problems' to me man. maybe needs a glass of hateraaaaaaade :)

hows the rotation going? sick of shifting the girls about?

laters man

Yeah its kinda oddly nice in a devilish way...

The tahoe is putting on allot of growth .. but there was a lil period of crispy leaves ....but only on the top a lil....
Tahoes a lanky one..... Next time ill top er up... so i can get a better canopy ... yield more....

.... its tiring bru....
I worked it out now so that its only 20 hrs of light ...
And each plant gets about 10hrs of light and one hour of indirect light....
Helps allot with the ventilllation issues and light heat probs...
But now its kinda i fixed up most the problem that i encountered early on....
I kinda perfected the rotation an all... but i dont think ill ever do this again.....
I'd also hit 'em with a general micronutrient formula such as Earth Juice Microblast, there's another micro def going on other than cal/mag, I want to say boron but a good broad spectrum will take care of it regardless. It may be a little too late for this run, but at least you know for next time.

Yeah im afraid its too late....
The guy at my club said that he personally grew it out before ....
Said ... it was bread by another member to go light on nutes.....
They i guess only use calmag n coco..... doesnt respond well to nutes...
So They offered me another cut .....and also said it could have been just an iffy cut
They always take care of me so im not worried...
But i think ill move on to something more louish...
Okaaaaaay you bunch of lou-lous....

...introducing ....(Drum roll please)

bottom half....wont fit ....



Nibbs....chillin under blouwiiee.....(to put thing in perspective)

The land of cheez.....

Christopher Culoumbo.... chartng new terittory...
Starring my &i@#$%!!!

I stink of the it the mark of the
Power coming soon...
Just to the left you can see it! Honest, it's there. Just behind the little dog thing.....(sorry, I have an aversion to dogs that can be carried in handbags.) Nice Pussys' though!
Love the pics on the wall cheeze, thanks for sharing them. Peace, DST

what about my plants???
And you hate my

No bru thanx ..i was hoping someone would enjoy those....
I walk around la, hollywood, and all the surrounding cities (I am in Eagle county...)
And its just filled with this stuf...
I will add more...
I was merging graffiti and plant pics toghether..
But it takes along time ... and hard to resize ... but im working on nicer visuales....

offf to smoke now....
The kushes tend to be able to ingest more nutes than ogs .... with less burn....
But my blue larry... eats way more ...just cause sheer size....

The kush doms like.... abusive og , bubba ,master , power, sour kush , tend not to eat as fast....
But it will stay shorter than most other strains.... the shorter the more kush dom...
Kush being the indica side of the weed.....

My power kush eats about every 2 to 3 days..where tahoe i go lighter on nutes but feed more like every 3 to 4 days....
But my blue lou ..every day almost.....

Dont know if u noticed im pushing my nutes alil this run since my buds have been coming out very clean...
I dont mind kicking it up a bit... (you can see the tips alil burn)

But to anser your question ... kushes can eat a shit load of nutes.... compared to most....
Lovely stuff cheeze, not sure which one is my fave. The tahoe looks like the OG I use to have. And not a pwetty wall in sight, or anything else, dogs, .......etc.

Have a good weekend geez. D
Yo d im downloading new ones as i speak ....(walls lol)....dont worry no small dog picks....
(ill put em up soon)
The club management saiid after much confusion over the cut....
That the tahoe i have pre dates the cali connection tahoe...(not that u run cc gear...just mentioning)
but says that both strains are equallly amazng......
Pretty typical og formation..... same as skywalker yet a lill more lanky than louie the lawy lady....
Blu LOU!
The thread was first named after this strain.... California Dreamin..Aka blue larry ....

Day 38

Day 39

super mac

Day 40 and others ...




Tahoe day 40

Special shout out to D!

