>CALI want's to know about stadium>>..


Well-Known Member
turning it from side to side is basically the same thing as a quater turn every day...this all comes down to prefrance cause i have seen stller stadiums with all kinds of turns an twists at different interavals...peace az


Well-Known Member
i give them a quarter turn a day and that works alot better than a 180 turn every 2 days
they dont stick out and its better with more cola's because more of the leafs get light instead of just the top few leaves meaning all your bud from top to bottom is usable
Thanks for the info. The vert light thing seems more and more interisting. Anyone have any quotes on how many grams per watt a vert lighting system could bring? I have heard omega gardens can get up to 3 g/watt! Anyone heard of those Ballerina style grow systems. Its a vert light with the spinning column. This may offer a good gram/watt ratio too. Big hit in BC i hear..


Active Member
northern farmer was getting between 12-15lbs with (2) 6.5' x 10' x 6.5' 4000 watt rooms with 5 shelves and 200+ plants each on flip flop. he used mh bulbs, pro mx, 1 gal grow bags, and peters pro 10-30-20



Well-Known Member
The bulbs themselves need to be burned in a specific position. They come in three types: Vertical (marked BU or BD), Horizontal (marked HOR) and Universal (marked U). The universal bulbs can be burned in any position, but they still are more efficient when burned vertically.


Well-Known Member
im currently running a stadium setup
its fairly easy to do and its alot more efficient
your bulbs should be able to use vert. i use mine vert and i can use them horiz.
its best to set plants up in stadium setup when there about 1 feet-2feet tall otherwise its pointless and a waste of light

first of all you want to set up a tier system, so levels of plants
mine goes 3 levels high

i use parabolic reflectors which seem to work good until the plants on the top tier get higher than the reflector then i take the wings of so its just a small circle reflector on top of the hanging verticle light

i hang the lights right down so the socket part of the light bulb is level with the top of the top tier plants(if that makes sense lol)

you have to rotate plants everyday to get light evenly spread around all the plants . i rotate mine a quarter turn everyday i use coloured tap to mark the turns and to help keep everything organized(helps alot when working with lots of plants)

you also have to rotate the plants from bottom row to top tiers so light is more evenly distributed
my room runs pretty cool even with 4 lights
just have oscilating fans set up to move the are around the bulbs and plants helps keep it alot cooler in there
there you go dude hope that helps should cover it for stadium setup
thank you man....that info was very informative......much respect..:peace:


Well-Known Member
Ok so my big quaetion about this is if I have say 3 1000 watt hps bulbs hanging in the room, how would be the best way to ventalate the whole room since the lights wont be aiir cooled??? I have a six inch fan..

and several other fans from small to large...lots of screen and 4 and 6 inch ducting anf all the brackets anf fittings....how do I cool the room enough to run all the lights...I dont think the central ac unit will keep it cool enough...im off to bed so pease ponder this guys and gals and any advice is welcome...I'll check in on this thread in the morning...thanks../


Well-Known Member
from what i have seen unless your doing a vertical grow with the plant stacked on top of each other you need to hang the bulbs bare...the major concern is moving the hot air out bringing in fresh air an moving that fresh air around...so mabee one more 6 in fan so you have one pushing an one pulling as well as a couple fans with that central air you'd be golden...i seen a guy use this excat method on a stadium grow with 2600( 2 1k 1 600) ona light track that simply killed...peace az


Well-Known Member
i have a 600 and a 400 hanging bare in a 4x4 hut. The only way to get the heat out is to make the environment airtight. i made my hut airtight put my exhaust stronger than my intake so it sucks in a bit and there u go. the heat shoots right out. the intake vent on the bottom pointing at plants and the exhaust very top going outside! shorter paths best and not many bends and your fans will move tons of air.

Im exactly where u are I guess at this point though. I have my 600 and 2 400s and I want to get a bunch more 600s and do my whole room its like 10 x 12. But im thinking same thing again all that heat from bare cheap bulbs but I think the cheapo hut taught me the whole thing. completely airtight my whole room. One 12inch exhaust in the window out. one 12 inch intake from my living area free c02 from me and fishtank and smells also get exhausted from living space like my potsmoke I can add an AC I can add CO2 and both would also help with heat but I seriously think a 12in exhaust in the window would have heat on smash..

and with my ozone generator smells dont exist.